The secrets of Acupressure

  • 2018

Feeling good and healthy is not just a pleasure, it is an obligation we all have with ourselves. In that field, alternative therapies play a very important role. That is why we show you today what are the secrets of acupressure and how can this technique improve your state of health.

What is acupressure

Acupressure or acupressure is a traditional Chinese medicine massage technique that helps to unlock or stimulate the body's energy points. According to this approach, the qi (chi) energy travels through our body through the so-called meridians, and when it does not flow properly, diseases occur.

In acupressure massage, which is also called `` needleless acupuncture '', in fact, it is based on traditional acupuncture .

The difference is that in the acupressure needles are not used, but that different points of the body are pressed with the fingers, stimulating the nerves that correspond to the different organs and glands.

This promotes the release of toxins, blood circulation and energy flow, helping the body heal itself naturally.

How does acupressure work?

Acupressure is a non-invasive alternative therapy that corresponds to energy naturopathy techniques and uses manual techniques to promote the proper flow of energy and the body's natural healing.

The massages are performed on the person standing, sitting or lying down, the latter being the most used form in the belief that it is the most appropriate to access all areas of the body affected by an energy blockage.

The professional who performs the massage detects these blockages and applies a fair pressure in the area in order to help the muscle recover, promoting the release of toxins and restoring its tonicity and functionality.

The massages are applied in different points of the body, in the palm of the hand, in the sole of the foot and in the auricular pavilion, stimulating the nerves that are connected to different areas of the organism, such as the organs and glands.

There are mainly two types of points, the focal points (where the pain is located) and the trigger points (related to the disorders). By massaging these points are pressed, providing pain relief, in some cases, instantaneous.

For more serious health problems, a treatment consisting of regular massages that gradually improve the patient's conditions is required .

An acupressure session is short and can last about 15 minutes . Next, the person is asked to drink plenty of water to help eliminate toxins.

Benefits and secrets of Acupressure

Acupressure is used to relieve muscle and joint pain, as well as headaches, sinusitis, menstrual cramps and even toothaches. In addition, it reduces digestive discomfort (malaise, acidity, reflux), nausea in pregnancy and supports the treatment of chronic fatigue.

Acupressure helps regulate blood pressure and blood circulation, providing multiple health benefits with these effects. It is used to improve metabolism, reduce anxiety, stress and treat metabolic disorders or obesity.

In addition, it regulates the functioning of the organs by providing a comprehensive improvement of health, increasing energy, regulating sleep and improving the patient's quality of life.

You already know many of the secrets of acupressure . Now, do not hesitate to put yourself in the hands of an expert therapist to help you improve from whatever your condition is.

Seen in Fariolen, by Pedro, editor of the Great White Brotherhood

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