Duals of duality - Settling in truth - Metatron

  • 2015

It is true that when Love to Power is replaced by the Power of Love, humanity will take a great leap. But love without strength is incomplete. You must establish yourself in your truth.

Hiding your head in the sand is not the right answer. It is not correct to apologize when another step on one foot, just as it is not correct to step on the foot of the other. In the New Paradigm the shadow is being eliminated, and part of your puzzle is to solve the rubik's cube of dealing properly with dark and aggressive forces. The old energy always replicates, even with its last blows.

There will always be charlatans and wolves disguised as lambs, as well as there will always be those who oppose the light, even without knowing it. It requires courage, because light attracts insects.

Throughout your history many brave souls who enunciated a truth different from the beliefs from the powerful suffered consequences ; compensation that varied between being burned at the stake, tortured, imprisoned or discredited . The latter is a common place even, especially, in today's youth of the New Paradigm.

Both the scientist who sees the expansive truth and differs from traditional thinking, and the Spiritual Seekers who depart from fear-based orthodoxy, will face rejection, criticism, even humiliations destined to discredit them.

But succumbing to fear or allowing pain to become hate, they are not a way. Hate and fear will follow you throughout the years and lives, until you finally realize that the real enemy is hate and fear themselves. In essence, fear is the great destroyer, and hate, as we have already said, has very, very far-reaching effects.

But you must learn the ways to establish yourself in the truth without becoming that same energy that opposes you. Standing in your truth requires courage, but the advantages of a proper wisdom, a wisdom by example, the luminous heart standing in the truth are great. Discern which battles are worth fighting, and remember the example of the Great Soul, Mahatma Ghandi n did not avoid confrontation, but did not succumb to hatred or was afraid. He stood in the Truth; He confronted those who hated his Truth, and his Truth was Love.

Love without strength, as we said, is incomplete. Creating a better world requires strength. Gandhi confronted hatred, evil, aggressive, but returned no hate, defended the truth and in his confrontational actions made room in his heart for reconciliation.

Life can be difficult, and that is a great Truth, but you are in the University of Duality, in the Faculty called Earth, to learn responsible creation. Only by confronting your obstacles and facing your fears can you transcend them. Some of your greatest achievements on the earth plane are obtained when you are in apparent dilemmas.

Each of you, in your Higher Self, programs all obstacles to face. And they will be repeated until you master them ... only when you master the subjects of the program can you graduate. And in this University there is a great doctor called Cause and Effect ... and this doctor makes home visits!

Master your thoughts, face your challenges with loving strength. Do not shy away from the tests you have created for yourself. Discern… and meditate, and create the life and world you want focused on theta (NT brain waves). Then follow the thought-form of your intention with “correct” actions in 3D. There is no other way, there is no other rule. You are here to learn to create responsibly. Individually and in mass. Teachers, with collective thinking, with action and thought combined, you create, make changes, and defend the truth. And in duality there will always be opposition. This is how they become stronger.

On Earth you are living in an illusion with purpose ; but if it didn't seem real you wouldn't learn ... and in that aspect, this illusion is very, very real. Pain, suffering, love and joy are real ... but only love will last. As long as you are on the earth plane, it is convenient for you to choose good instead of evil, right instead of wrong, light instead of darkness. All honest mistakes are forgiven by the Law of Grace, but remember the cause and effect. Remember that the action must follow the intention. Remember Gandhi!

… The channelers, teachers, light workers, guardians of the Earth and metaphysicians who have been the pioneers of change since the last century will be completing an important stage of their contracts in the coming decades. And although it was not easy, it was an important work… The new “light workers” will be the scientists… and we tell you that humanity can learn as much about the nature of God (as Edgar Cayce affirmed) from Science as from what you you call religion ...

Fragments of an upcoming message of the Archangel Metatron

All rights reserved for James Tyberonn - Earth Keeper.

Translation: M. Cristina Cáffaro

Source: www.traduccionesparaelcamino.blogspot.com.ar

via James Tyberonn

Duals of duality - Settling in truth - Metatron

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