The Beloved Mother Whale

  • 2011

The Beloved Mother Whale (Part 1):

The Beloved Mother Whale is a being of LIGHT and is the guardian of the Earth. He is currently working with Commander Ashtar Sheran and she is the one who directs the Cetacean Consciousness and the Cetacean Light Network for planet Earth.

It is a radiant white whale, which radiates a huge light around it. It is the synthesis of all the aspects that make up the Perfect Harmony. When the earth was pure perfect harmony (until the fall of Atlantis) she physically inhabited the Earth.

The Mother Whale makes the respect for life and unity as living beings within the same star of light reborn in our hearts: Gaia.

The Beloved Mother Whale and the Cet cea Light Network:

This Cetacean Light Network helps to restore the Divine Plan on Earth and has different aspects or missions on which it works:

The planet and the environment


Love, brotherhood and goodwill

The scientific aspect and its evolution on earth

The happiness and joy of all the inhabitants of Gaia

The activation of the crystals

The vibrations and energy of the Beloved Mother Whale reach Earth through all cetaceans and the men and women who make up the Cetacean Light Network, you can also invoke the Beloved Mother Whale to fill you with her feminine energy that encompasses love, joy, maternal protection, among other virtues. We can also invoke it when we want to have thoughts of peace, love and harmony because as more people have such thoughts, a critical mass of unspeakable help for humanity and for the planet.

Dolphins are also part of this network and are beings of light. Dolphin energy is very similar to the angelic energy of light, love, joy, harmony in its feminine and orderly aspect, protection, will and unity in his masculine appearance This energy will be responsible for establishing the rainbow of light around Gaia which will be strengthened and anchored with the energy of the crystals and the group consciousness of humanity.

The Beloved Mother Whale and the Environment

One of its missions at the moment, is to spread in humanity humanity planetary awareness, love, respect and unity for the preservation of the environment and the ascension of the Earth with all its kingdoms (mineral, vegetable, animal and human).

According to Archangel Ariel (Responsible for the environment and Animals), The Beloved Mother Whale is a feminine energy that represents light and love. She was physically on earth long before the Solar Angels incarnated in us, and it was the Being of Light who cared for and watched over Gaia's spiritual evolution. The Beloved Mother Whale ascended or transcended the Cosmos just before Atlantis was submerged by the waters and has since remained there. The inhabitants of Atlantis knew about the existence of the Mother Whale.

She is responsible for ensuring the environment on Earth, since the environment is currently a reflection of man, so the most beautiful places on the planet have not been inhabited and have no buildings. She says that we must teach humanity that the environment is there to be one with us and not for us, this is already being achieved, that is why more and more buildings, industries, etc. will be carried out respecting the ecological balance.

Every time a natural catastrophe happens by human intervention, the Beloved Mother Whale activates the Cetacean Light Network and is together with the angels of the environment intervene to return to harmonize and restore the ecological balance. We can and should invoke the angels of the Beloved Archangel Ariel every time a natural disaster occurs or something that does not harmonize with nature or the environment.

The Beloved Mother Whale, is very connected with the Crystals. The energy of the Crystals is helping the process of evolution of the Earth, one of the missions of the Crystals is to activate the light portals.

The crystal in Patagonia indicates the following about the environment: “The way to preserve the environment is by respecting the ECOLOGICAL BALANCE, man has to learn not to break it because forever, even before the existence of man, there has been ecological balance on earth. ” When "naturally" and without the intervention of man a race or species dies out or an event of nature happens, no disaster happens but an EVOLUTION. If man wants to help now, what he can do is re-establish the ecological balance where he has unbalanced himself.

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