Message of the Archangel Michael: The flight of the wings of an eagle

  • 2019

Beautiful beings of light, the Creator sends his unconditional love. Close your eyes, feel the love, the devotion around your physical state and listen

Tanto Between so much chaos on Earth, you are the oldest, noble and wise souls that the planet has brought in these times . You volunteered to witness the changes that occur in the universe. You have made a great effort. Many cling to the Apocalypse and its predictions. Countless beings have seen visions within their spiritual hearts that did not have to manifest themselves. There have been so many wars that it is difficult to understand true peace. Each of you evolves at a constant speed and there are those who refuse to wake up.

You have perceived that the planet is changing due to natural ruptures. This is part of the Foundations of the History of the Creator's Land. Everything is in perfect and divine order. Guerrero, you are a hero. You receive cheers from your families of light for your courage in this stressful mission. Those who leave the planet have already fulfilled their mission.

You are never alone You receive the help of angels whose role ends at their specific time. Its mission is to project love and tranquility in your spiritual heart. Ask him to help you find peace in the heart chakra. It is time to change your vision for peace within the divine order. Go inside of you Look through your spiritual body. Observe the tranquility that covers the earth and paint it with pink and magenta dyed with metallic gold; it transmutes everything that is not peace. ”

Now, let this messenger guide you on a meditation journey ...

Sit comfortably in a chair or lie on a bed. Do not cross your arms and legs, because the flow of energy is blocked. If you are cold, cover yourself with a blanket. Relax, close your eyes and take a deep breath, then exhale. In each inspiration, you inspire love and cast away fear or doubt. Take another breath and exhale eliminating stress and driving away frustrations.

Feel your body loosen from the toes to your head . Feel calm and calm. Direct the ego towards your left shoulder; He observes, does not participate. Identify it with a symbol, this helps you visualize better.

Ask the Creator to send you a ray of white light, saying, "I ask for the protection of white light, wrap me to experience the vibrations during the journey for my understanding and being." Visualize the lightning that descends on the room. He enters into physical form, warning what is within your I AM presence.

The Rays penetrate and elevate your body, allowing you to overcome your etheric energy fields and the physical vessel that will come out through the Crown Chakra. They return to the Creator and reenter you cyclically. They are rays of therapeutic protection.

Feel security and protection. Listen to your spiritual heart beating and appreciating the love of the Creator that flows through you. Let your guardian angels see within your spiritual imagination and invite your spiritual guides to join you. They take your hands and take you out of your physical body to your spiritual heart chakra, while an angel waits with your physical vessel until the return.

You have lived the divine presence and now you are about to return. Move your fingers and toes, slowly open your eyes. Remember, angelic helpers are at your service. You are blessed beyond words and loved beyond any earthly language you can express.

TRANSLATOR : Lurdes Sarmiento, editor and translator in the great family of the White Brotherhood

SOURCE : Channeled by Véronique

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