How to prevent mental illness

  • 2017

SALVATION COURSE Unit 3: The psychological. Learning Object 3: The Mindset

Mental Science and Christian Science were two idealistic movements that emerged in the nineteenth century as immediate and demonstrable possibilities, with the intention of freeing from the natural and material limitations that controlled all forms, ignoring the time factor and overlooking the processes evolutionary and also the point of development of the person involved; his position was based on the desire, anxious and innate of the common human being, of comfort and physical harmony, concealing the innate selfishness of his presentation of the truth with the concept that everything is for the eternal glory of God. Undoubtedly, diseases and physical impediments of any kind will disappear, but this will only happen when the individual's soul controls, and the personality becomes an automaton of the soul, just as the physical body is currently the automaton of emotional nature., of the mind and, occasionally (and only very occasionally for most people), of the soul.

Only when the soul, conscious and in collaboration with the personality, builds the temple of the body and then keeps it fully illuminated, will diseases disappear; This construction, however, is a scientific process, and in the early stages of discipleship (that is, the moment when the soul begins to cling to its instrument, personality) inevitably leads to conflict, to increasing tension, and frequently the diseases and disharmony. This disharmony and disease necessarily leads to difficulties and their consequent undesirable effects, which will be overcome, but - during this adjustment - while registering and expressing, there will be much physical and psychological distress and great difficulties, major and minor, that humanity seems to have inherited .

This sixth law is very simple, but it gives the key to the causes of the disease and the reason for an established immortality; It has been understood thanks to the contributions of semiotics and cybernetics, sciences that replaced the unfounded and false idealistic systems.


  • Determine the causes in cases of type V diseases.
  • Establish relationships between soul, mind and personality.
  • Define promotion and prevention actions against mental illness.


When the soul-building energies are active in the body, then there is health, wide interaction, pure and correct activity. When the builders are the lunar lords and those who work controlled by the Moon, at the orders of the lower personal self, then there is sickness, poor health and death.

INTRODUCTORY ACTIVITY: the radioactive mind

John Nash is a math student at Princeton University. His inspiration comes when he and his fellow graduate students discuss how to approach a group of women in a bar. Nash argues that a cooperative approach could lead to better chances of success, this leads to a new concept of game dynamics. Nash becomes increasingly obsessed with the search for hidden patterns, developing schizophrenia. A brilliant mind is a movie of American biographical drama of the year 2001. Based on the homonymous novel by Sylvia Nasar, who was a candidate for the Pulitzer Prize in 1998, tells the life of John Forbes Nash, winner of the Nobel Prize in Economics in 1994.

Jessica Jones is a teenager from the Midtown Institute, who had a traffic accident and was exposed to a radioactive container carrying a convoy from the army. His parents and his brother died when the car crashed and Jessica was in a coma. Six months later, Jessica woke up from the coma and was admitted to the Hogar Moore orphanage. Fortunately, shortly after the marriage Jones took her up for adoption, as Mrs. Jones lost her parents when she was her age and felt identified with Jessica. Following a tragic end to her brief career as the super-heroine Jewel, Jessica Jones tries to rebuild her life as a private detective, dealing with cases involving people with outstanding skills in New York City. Jessica Jones is a 2016 television series.

  • After watching the movie and the series in relation to the mind and radioactivity, answer the following questions: How is a brilliant or radioactive mind achieved? What is the difference between mind and personality? What is the origin of mental illness?

The double version we all have (Bi-verse) is the side effect of a juxtaposed tension between the atomic universe and dark matter. What was in the beginning were two "crystals" of dark matter that, as a result of the collision between them, dispersed in all directions at the very moment of the Big Bang. Yin and Yang expressed through two crystals. All living beings are endowed with two 'crystals of consciousness': an aspect of the original Yin, called 'Design Crystal', which transforms the data of neutrinos into the physical reality of the body and life, and an aspect of Yang Original, called 'Personality Crystal', which transforms the data of neutrinos into the potential of a self-reflective consciousness and there is a force that maintains integration: the strength of the heart, the magnetic monopole.

Thanks to semiotics we understand "what something means to someone" and is therefore bearer of meaning. Thanks to the science of management, we understand the flow and ebb to interpret it as a statement of income: a cash flow. The wise and holy established the signs so that phenomena could be perceived visually. They added the diagnoses in order to show success or failure (health or illness).


The Sun represents the foundation and the principle of light. The luminous is designated as Yang. We understand by solar Lord the balanced energy of the Soul.

A projector represents the pure consciousness of the spirit as 'presence' embodied in the body. Hence, its sign is bitterness when it does not feel recognized by those who hold power and use it without consideration for the impact that their actions have on the lives of others.

In the coronary center is where all the questions that any human being has ever formulated are raised. It is paradoxical that all the conceptual sophistication that human beings have developed during the last 90, 000 years has arisen from our ability to ask ourselves again and again the same three questions that originate in this center associated with the pineal gland; Where do I come from? Where am I going? What am I here for? People who have a defined coronary center have an amazing metaphysical ability that allows them to live a lifetime elucidating obsessively about a hypothesis that could solve these very important issues for human consciousness. This same obsessive concern is what compels them to maintain consistency in their conceptual structures, and to ask the same question over and over again. On the contrary, the conscience of people with the undefined coronary center, which are 70% of the human population, jumps from one question to another, always worried about guessing if others would think the same instead. This draws them not only to identify with homogeneous models of thought and to give priority to what matters least, but each time they act in consequence of what they think they move further and further away from their true individual dilemma. There we find signs of sincerity, success or failure.

In the basic center is where all the natural pressures that come from the body are born in the form of need, desire and passion. When the center of the root is defined, then the wearer is naturally equipped to sustain the pressure when circumstances are not favorable. His ability to wait patiently for more opportune moments, relying on his ability to react and respond in an improvised way, give him a natural poise and help him grow in the face of adversity. On the other hand, the bearers of designs with the Undefined Root accelerate mentally, confusing the momentary and transitory adversity of the circumstances with a cut of their personal freedom. That 'rush to be free' makes them take the problems of others as an excuse to live fleeing from themselves and fighting against the limitations of the material world. There we find signs of progress, separation, association, loss, serenity, patience, pleasure, joy and moderation.

The ajna center is a conceptual center that is projected in time through language, which causes the physical nature of the original fear to become mental anxiety here. Those who have Ajna undefined in their design are those who most deeply suffer the anxiety of never reaching absolute conceptual certainty about anything, except the simple fact of remaining mortal. This inner anxiety makes them live with the constant fear that others may show that 'deep down' they are wrong, or worse, that they know nothing, which compels them to try to compensate for that intellectual vulnerability with the attitude of those who pretend to always be sure of everything he thinks and says. There we find signs of discernment, concord, sympathy, renewal, determination, fatality.

All the phenomena that we experience daily in our lives, are a reflection of our (in) ability to manage the intrinsic pressure to the simple fact of being alive, and waking up every morning on the material and mundane plane of human existence. We live subject simultaneously to the pressures of the mind and those of the body. The former confront us with uncertainty about the future, while the latter constantly 'remind us' of our sophisticated mammal status.

Each of the 8 centers has a very specific mechanical function in their way of contributing to the recognition we have of the productive and creative management of these pressures, as well as the way they manifest themselves in the laryngeal center. As we will see, 2 of the 4 motor centers have binary mechanical functions.

Since 1781 the scientific data have been increasing that guarantee that fear, far from being an emotion, is a 'blocker' of the feeling that kidnaps the individual consciousness of people until dragging them into childish and cathartic behaviors, when not overtly aggressive and even criminals The so-called 'emotional intelligence' is no longer a new or even 'revolutionary' concept, but something that colors the spirit of teaching in many schools in the more modern world. In the emotion is the potential to recognize the social reality in which each individual has to learn to integrate simultaneously enhancing their own identity and character.

A personality is a fully integrated human being and the crises that arise in life provide those tension points that opportunely allow us to move towards greater spiritual experience and effectiveness. A crisis occurs due to a certain mental habit developed in the vehicle; It is only overcome with time, by a certain custom and rhythm exercised. The emergence of a particular subjective rhythm allows the human being to overcome the crisis and capitalize on the opportunity.

  • Establish relationships between intention, tension and intensity.

ACTIVITY TWO: The moon, Yin

The moon represents the foundation and the principle of darkness, the dark is called Yin. By lunar lords we understand the negative energy of dark matter.

A reflector, like the Moon, never manifests directly, the light of its I is a reflection of the moment emitted by those who enter and leave their aura.

The spleen is the center of consciousness of the body. The body does not reason, and the 'messages' through which it transmits its existential consciousness in the present, come in the form of 'sensations' through the more spontaneous perception of our senses, derived for example from intuition ( acoustics), instinct (olfactory) and taste (visual). These functions always operate in a consistent and fixed manner in the people who have the center of the spleen defined in their individual design, which makes them always feel and able to detect the dangers 'in time' and take the necessary measures to neutralize them. In contrast, in people with an undefined spleen, intuition, instinct and taste are alarm systems that usually fall asleep at times of greatest danger, which causes a sensation in these individuals A permanent existential insecurity, which drags them to cling to any human bond that offers them the feeling of protection and security that they do not know how to procure themselves. There we find signs of corruption, tension, perseverance, union, abundance, destiny, influence.

The solar plexus operates through a wave of energy that constantly fluctuates between pleasure (hope, happiness, communion, passion) and pain (sadness, anguish, anger, bitterness, emptiness, rejection, separation). Although it is something that confuses us, emotions are the means through which life distributes 'justice' among all the members of our species. The only essential difference is management, in the sense that emotional intelligence, far from blocking the feeling for fear of losing control, breathes from patience, and is not blinded by the energy attack Attic of the primary wave of emotions. There we find signs of discord, beauty, clarity, confusion, tolerance, change, effectiveness.

The sacred center is the engine that life uses to reproduce itself in all species, and therefore 70% of human beings who have this center defined in their design are a genuine representative of the differences of gender that always maintained the vigor of the genetic imperative of reproduction in the human species. In addition to serving as agents for the reproduction of the species, the bearers of definition in this center have the energy to generate and accumulate the resources necessary to nourish the lives of those who depend on they. 30% of human beings who have the undefined sacrum work without knowing when it is enough, in an attempt to solve the questions of survival once and for all and forever. There we find signs of originality, patience, suggestion, equanimity, nutrition, anguish, power, righteousness, recollection. Originality is presented as initial difficulty.

  • Establish relationships between the spleen, solar centers and largenes.


Creativity emerges thanks to the balance of tension between polar forces. Heaven is related to quality, earth to quantity. Pride lifts, emulates heaven, humility follows the model of the earth. The proactive works in the masculine, the reactive works in the feminine. Serenity in the heart corresponds to the nature of the proactive, anxiety in thought corresponds to the nature of the receptive. Through serenity, supervision of success or failure (success and misfortune) is acquired, through concern the possibility of improvement is acquired.

A generator embodies a personal power that, emanating from the very source of life, the sacred center, allows you to feel perfectly comfortable in any encounter between equals who come together to build something. Hence, the fundamentals of your mental and physical health depend on the love you have for the work you do. A demonstrator uses the laryngeal center as a source of power. The protesters plan what they want to do before doing so. Hence, to stay within the scope of the politically correct, simply do what you have to do without informing anyone of anything. The foundations of his mental and physical health are his heart: love as willpower.

The generator and the demonstrator represent the YIN and YANG of personal power and its use. A creator balances those two polarities. A creative person begins to awaken his heart center and from there directs the willpower towards the sky and his sensitivity towards the earth, to achieve it he has to untangle the plot that is in his heart from a strong commotion.

The laryngeal center is the center of manifestation and communication, which are not the same thing as doing and speaking. Doing not knowing how to sit still tends to be a symptom of a simple energetic compulsion, and speaking so many times is nothing more than a way to get rid of the anxiety caused by poorly managed mental pressures. The correct management of mental and physical pressures is what makes the difference between the one and the other in the life of each person. The expression capacity of this center includes all forms of nonverbal language that are transmitted through the aura. Depending on which other center is connected in a design, the larynx defines the fixed quality that exists in the voice of each human being, as well as the (in) consistency of everything it expresses. We can all identify the difference between a rational and an emotional voice, between a spontaneous and an existential voice, between a materialistic and possessive voice, and a more ovarian and testicular voice. There we find signs of solidarity, abstention, emotionality, contemplation, depression, desire, retreat, expansion, meeting, duty.

The heart center is responsible for the direction our vehicle takes at each crossroads we are in life, because its purpose is to keep us aligned with the totality of which we are part, since the Heart Center represents the microcosm that we embody each of us in relation to the macrocosm of which we are all part. Where we are determines much more who we believe to be than anything we remember or anything we project. It is the way in which each one of us occupies his time and space, and the way in which what we are is faithfully represented independently of the conscience - subjective or objective - that we have of it. Everything human is defined through the heart center; the identity of the human, the way in which we identify and represent the human, the direction and evolutionary orientation of everything we associate with the 'human'. This is where the human is empowered or weakened based on the holistic orientation of each individual's consciousness. This is where we experience love with capital letters, because this is where we find the principle of unity, which is the mechanical essence of love. Love with capital letters is not an idea, nor is it a feeling. Love is the primary force that moves everything. Mechanically, we can say that the force of love manifests itself through a magnetic principle. There we find signs of will, sensitivity, discipline, behavior, equity, modesty, authenticity, growth.

The heart provides us with the willpower to react selfishly to the physical and material needs of our body (hunger, cold, touch, sex, etc.), which creates a psychological conflict with the need to feel loved and integrated into the body. social group to which we belong, where we are instilled from small altruistic values ​​that make us recognize the importance of fitting with others in a more 'civilized' model. As a consequence of this social conditioning, given the real impossibility of eliminating selfishness from the human heart, we all learn to deny it to ourselves, and to hide it in the eyes of others, before we have reached the age of seven. There we find the signs of shock, outcome, teaching and justice.

The heart brings us recognition and understanding of the essential unity of all beings and gives us the ability to identify, then the qualities of light: compassionate understanding, fiery irradiation and purity, clearly show us what the true nature of love, that is, an energy or impersonal force as appropriate, unifying and impersonal, intuitive and collaborative. The magnetic quality of the soul magnetizes the heart thus evoking the response to the solar plexus. This is the gateway to the Christ Consciousness, which the heart reflects and imparts to individual life. The work of the apprentice is carried out within the insurmountable circle of the Universal Mind; This phrase only expresses what encompasses the thought, plans and purpose of a planetary or solar Being. The quality of the approach that the apprentice brings to work is extracted, as pure energy, from the heart center of the planetary Being; It is pure love, with its inevitable corollary, wisdom and understanding, which provide you with the inner vision of the plan. The power that can be applied to the task extracts it from the understanding it has of the purpose of the planetary Being, this expansive and omnincluding task being initiated in graded sequences and is carried out by the influence exerted by the growing perception of the apprentice and its increased sensitivity to print.

  • Establish relationships between ajna, cardiac and laryngeal centers.


RULE 2 : Every savior must acquire magnetic purity through the purity of life. You must achieve that dispersive irradiation that manifests in every man who has linked the centers of the head. When such a magnetic field has been established, then irradiation arises.

In ancient Lemuria and Atlantis the mind was practically passive and in reality it almost didn't work; Only now, in the current Aryan race, is it beginning to dominate the mental nature of man, therefore it is appropriate to give the new and modern interpretation of mind-based rules.

The magnetic field is established when the powerful vibration of the center that is in front of the pituitary body and that which is around and above the pineal gland, enters the orbit of each. The only point of controversy is how and how magnetic purity should be acquired and how the two centers in the head can jointly form a magnetic field.

Today, in our Aryan race, magnetic purity does not depend on physical disciplines, but, for a majority, on emotional disciplines; but in the case of the true healer of the new era, it depends on "the illuminated magnetic zone of the head." This provides a field of activity for the soul, which acts through the centers of the head, focusing on the magnetic field that they cover. When all the powers of the body and the directed attention of the savior are centered in the head, and when the emotional body is passive and the mind is an active transfuser of the energy of the soul, to the three centers of the head, then we have an established irradiation or emanation of energy, constituting a powerful force during salvation. The irradiation is intense, but not so much from the familiar aspect of the light, but by what encompasses its emanating rays of active energy that reach the patient and energize the necessary center.

When the karma or canon of life of the patient allows it, these rays of energy (emanating from the magnetic field of the head of the healer) become what is called an radiation dispersive, being able to expel the forces that create or aggravate the disease. When this dispersive irradiation is unable (due to the fate of the patient) to obtain physical healing, despite being directed to dispel subtle difficulties, such as any form of fear, emotional imbalance and certain psychological difficulties Logical, then the problem the patient faces is greatly enlarged.

The saviors would do very well to remember that when the three centers of the head are linked, and therefore the magnetic field has been established and there is irradiation, the savior can then use the ajna center as a guiding agent for this dispersive irradiation. It is interesting to note that the two major centers of the head (corresponding to the intention-intuition, or the soul) are the major and upper coronary centers and correspond esoterically to the distributing agents of the right and left eyes, as are the two glands of the head: the pineal and the pituitary. Consequently we have three triangles in the head, of which two are energy distributors and the third force distributor.

It has been very difficult to describe the nature of the imperfection of the energy of the Lord of the fifth ray. In the activity of this energy that is manifested mainly in the fifth or mental plane, the origin of many psychological disorders and mental disorders will eventually be found. Separation is the outstanding feature - separation within the individual or between the individual and his group, transforming it into antisocial. Other results are certain forms of insanity, brain injuries and those gaps in the relationship between the physical body and the subtle bodies, which manifest as imbecility and psychological disorders. Another type of disease, which appears as a result of this fifth ray force, is migraine, caused by the lack of relationship between the energies that are around the pineal gland and the pituitary gland.

The main diseases called mental, rarely have to do with the mind itself, and are:

1. Diseases of the brain. 2. Disorders of the solar plexus. 3. Emotional dominance. 4. Premature clairvoyance and clairaudience. 5. Obsession. 6. Lack of mind. 7. Mood insensitivity.

This broad generalization does not refer to such diseases that involve the mind and the brain. As the entire human race is ruled by the solar Lord, the Sun god, the Soul, then the cycles of the Moon will gradually lose their evil effects and various neurotic ailments and mental illnesses will disappear, so prevalent today.

In our design, the three elements, the sky, the earth and the human, have a specific location within the body. The magnetic monopole resides in the sternum (thymus gland), and it keeps us integrated in the illusion created of existing separately, thereby inflating our individual direction in life. The design crystal is housed inside the skull (pituitary gland), and is the intelligence that regulates the vitality and maintenance of the body. The Personality Crystal resides outside the scalp (pineal gland), and it is the intelligence that allows us to recognize 'who we think we are'. The Design Crystal is the Vehicle (or body), the magnetic monopole is the Driver that provides us with a service and the Personality Crystal, 'who we think we are', is the 'User'. Thanks to the effectiveness in the management of emotions we promote the awakening of the individual consciousness of each human being to the presence of that 'User'.

In computer terms, a relationship is established between the server (soul) and the user (personality). The mind is to the brain, what the program is to the computer. The mind is the one that has programmed the personality design pattern.


Delirium-Dementia. Schizophrenia

Moods. Anxiety. Depression

Paranoid Schizoid. Schizotypal Narcicist

Obsessive compulsive

Currently there is a big difference between mental disorders and personality disorders. The former are associated with the concept of mental state, while the latter with personality traits. The disciples of the world are integrating the personality and establishing contact with the soul.

In 2015, the WHO defined mental health as “a state of well-being in which the individual is aware of their own abilities, can face the normal tensions of life, can work in a productive and fruitful way and is able to make a contribution to your community. "

The main disorders of the adult population are derived from major depression, dysthymia, anxiety, abuse and alcohol dependence. Depression represents 4.3% of the global burden of morbidity and is one of the leading global causes of disability.

  • Propose activities for the promotion and prevention of mental health.


Alice Bailey Treaty on the seven rays.

Rusell Ackoff: Ackoff capsules. Administration in small doses.

Walter Riso. Cognitive Therapy

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