KRYON - The Attributes of Change - through Lee Carroll

This live channel was held in Moscow May 23, 2009

To help the reader, this channeling has been rechanged [by Lee and Kryon], and improved to facilitate understanding. Often what happens live has an implicit energy, which entails a type of communication that is not found on the printed page. In addition, this channeling was presented in a place where it was simultaneously translated from the Russian language. The short sentences have been modified for easy reading. We hope you enjoy this improved message, offered in Moscow in May 2009.

From Lee Carroll: This is a message for Moscow that is very similar to the message presented just a few weeks later in Sedona, Arizona. Both messages will appear in this section of the website's pipes. This message is about change. Sedona's message is related to her transformation into quantum beings. There is new and different information in each one, and also similar information and metaphors. If you find repetitions, know that it is the deepest thing that Kryon thinks awaits us. This seems a shorter message, since what is missing is the Russian translation. The message of. Sedona, USA, will be more complete.

Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of the Magnetic Service.

Can you feel it? A sweet energy is perceived in this place. It is a sweet energy ... something that feels with the heart, not with the mind. Sometimes they have asked themselves: "Kryon, do you know where you are?" Oh, yes. I am in a place where I am saying goodbye to many minds and many faces right now. Some feel they might not see me again [talking about this being the last channeling of the Moscow seminar]. However, they don't really understand. They would connect the channel to my partner, never understanding that I walk with everyone. I am not an entity that should be revered. I am a home energy. I have been with everyone from the beginning, from the first breath, and I will continue with you until your last breath. That is the connection with God that everyone has while remaining on Earth. Today we will teach you something, but the true teaching is in the question: How much can your hearts open? How much can they really receive? They can leave being different from what they were when they arrived.

A great change is developing. Yesterday we talked about it and focused on what is related to consciousness. We talked about the question of whether the change was for everyone or if it was for a few. We talk about the Human election. We gave them the metaphor of moving from spiritual winter to spiritual summer, and we showed them that change is happening everywhere. We also told you that it is the Human Beings that must open the door and exit. It is a metaphor that means that the Human Being can accept it or not. That means that change is happening, but humanity has the option of seeing it or not and it is more evident in what I will explain next.

We have hinted at it for 20 years. The DNA is changing. I will concentrate on this again, and that is the reason why I am here. The DNA is changing in a way that will seem mysterious to some, as it will allow processes in the Human body that they didn't even know they had. However, these processes will not be activated unless awareness is involved.

Human Biology

I need to talk to you about biology. I don't want to be too complex, but I have to explain it to those who don't fully understand it. One of the most complex changes of this new energy is occurring within its chemistry. It is a real transformation and a real change. Your DNA is complex. It has three billion parts, however, less than five percent of the DNA creates the tens of thousands of genes established by the instruction set of the Human body. Ninety percent of its DNA is totally quantum. But as we mentioned yesterday, these are the quantum instructions that speak to the chemistry of 3D and that make up the lower percentage. Therefore, the 3D chemistry of your DNA will not show signs of change, however, what you can do with it will change. Imagine that what constitutes less than 10 percent represents the engine that makes the genes, and everything else is made up of the instructions that make it work. The instructions are the ones that are changing.

This is achieved through magnetism, one of the most powerful and dynamic forces for the change of life on your planet. This was implied even in Kryon's first transcript in book 1. It is what brought the doctor to the fold [Dr. Todd Ovokaitys]. Because he read about the magnetic resonances of the parties in the Kryon transcript and realized that I was describing what he had discovered. You have heard that I am the magnificent teacher. Did they think maybe that had something to do with the planet's grid? Not really. It has to do with DNA, which is also magnificent, and with the vital force of the earth.

When they reorder some of the magnetic resonances of the quantum parts of the DNA, they activate the potential. "Great words, Kryon, but what does that mean? I'm going to keep some of the technical explanations for the scientific sessions, and this isn't a session." scientific. I am going to give you some information that will seem incredible to you: Your Human body is perfect, and depending on the energy of the planet, the instruction set of your DNA changes. You are heading towards one of the highest vibratory rates ever seen on the planet, and it is part of the change that I spoke to you yesterday. This new vibration begins to change the chemistry of the cell structure itself, due to quantum instructions. Have you ever wondered about your body cells? Did you ever consider that maybe they don't work well? At this time, on a scale of 1 to 10 regarding the capabilities of the Human Being on the planet, you represent a three. The body is able to reach 10 and they are almost ready to move to a six.

Listen this. The body has a great capacity, but it does not do a good job. Your immune system allows many diseases to enter! Many viruses manage to trick him and it doesn't really work very well. Does that seem to be a divine plan? From time to time they sit down and think: Who designed this? Viruses that often appear on the planet, apparently overnight, become entrenched very quickly and the Human body does not even recognize them. What kind of immune system is that? ”They would be right to ask that question. And what is the answer? A not so good one. It's working at 30 percent, that's why.

What would you think of an immune system that blocks almost everything that enters, that could not be fooled by the viruses that destroy life and that prevents them from reproducing. Did you know that this is a potential capacity of your DNA? The reason that it is 30 percent is due to the energy of the planet that is developed by 30 percent. By including intention and free will, Human Beings can increase the efficiency of their immune system. They can walk freely between viruses and flu and not get infected. They will not resemble other people. They will seem to have some kind of magical protection. You can call it what you prefer, but it is due to your participation in the change, and that is called Human evolution.

With their free will, they invoke the energy that belongs to them. Did you know that your body is designed in such a way that cancer never, never takes over it? However, he is one of the greatest killers of Human Beings! Self-diagnosis is a process that exists within the cellular structure. Medical science calls it apoptosis, but it doesn't seem to work very well. The reason is because it is working at 30 percent. Have you ever wondered why cancer can take over the body without doing anything about it? How about doubling the efficiency of the immune system? What would you think of seeing a whole part of the cancer-free population? "Kryon, are you telling us that this is where we are going?" They will see it in many Human Beings ... and it will be obvious that they are different. But a test of their DNA will show that they are exactly the same as everyone else. That is because they will only be measuring the chemistry of 3D and not 90 percent quantum. You will be able to improve your DNA, and the instructions for chemistry. The possibilities exist for it to happen before 2025. They will see Human Beings that are capable, by themselves, of increasing their immune system. “That is incredible.” Well, if they thought that was incredible, the following will impact them even more.

Its DNA is designed to keep them alive for a long time. It is designed to repair everything that is damaged and rejuvenate it. Doesn't it seem strange to you, Human Beings, that even if you are at the top of the evolutionary scale, a starfish can restore a limb and you can't? Did they ever think about that? There is something that is coming and that you do not expect: the ability of the Human Being to restore limbs that he has lost is what awaits you next. Now, this may seem to start with the help of chemicals [drugs], but it will be something that the Human Being will achieve by modifying his DNA. The modification itself will allow some new and improved drugs to work in some of them ... but not in others. It will happen in the next generation. They are only possibilities. I offer you the biological possibilities of change that is already here. They are real changes that you can observe, and when you start hearing about this, remember tonight. Science will try to claim victory and not recognize that it is about Human consciousness at all, so remember that we mentioned it here, in this esoteric meeting. Oh, there is more, much more.

How about replicating chromosomes without shortening telomeres? Let me explain that to you. What would you think of not aging so fast? Aging is a function of the design of a DNA system that operates at 30 percent. Have you ever heard about some ancients who lived for a long, long time? Do you think it is a transcription error? Many say: "They could not have lived so long." "Someone must have been wrong in the transcript." What if they did live all that time? That's how it went! That happened before the vibrations of this planet reduced its DNA to 30 percent.

The New Energy is Here

Let's talk about the new energy system of the planet. There are actually several, but I want to talk to you about the presence of your facilitators in this city. That whom they call Peggy, the teacher, has discovered a process that is pure energy, and is the set of tools that will turn this energy into intention to activate the DNA in the way I told them. It is the catalyst that will drive DNA beyond the 30 percent level. See how everything starts to fit? That increase in efficiency will not happen on its own. It is complex, and requires the intention to generate a vibratory change. Oh, there is more!

"Kryon, if a man or woman has a damaged heart valve, why doesn't the body restore it?" What a good question. Did you ever reflect on that? After all, you restore your organs all the time. You regenerate the largest organ in the body many times during your life [Human skin]. So why can't they do it with a heart valve? What does not work in a body that does not know that? The answer is that it is operating at 30 percent.

"You're talking about miracles, Kryon." It's not like that. I am talking about the way the Human body should be. I will keep moving forward, because this is too amazing, isn't it? So, just let me say that when you see these things start to happen, remember that you heard it here first, will you? In a spiritual meeting ... not a scientific meeting.

Waking up the Inner Child again

There is the possibility of awakening a very important energy, and everything is part of the change. You have to hear this: There has been much talk about that energy that has remained inactive. There are those who have worked on it, but with an operating level of 30 percent, the Human body is not able to develop it. With one to 60 percent it is possible and it will. Have you ever heard of the Inner Child? Actually, you can't define that energy, but I'll give you an idea. You were all children once, and many had normal children's lives. Go back with me for a moment to the time when you were six, or maybe, five years old. Let me ask you something: How did it feel? What did they care about? What pain did your life have? Nothing of that! The only thing that worried them was how long they could play or at what time they should go to bed. They were provided with everything, wasn't it? You didn't have to worry about getting money to go to the store to buy food. They did not learn that but later. true?

And so, there was a time when all that existed was love in his life. What a liberating feeling! Can you imagine that right now? How about having that feeling again as adults? Ah, wouldn't it be liberating? Those are the possibilities of a consciousness that works at 60 percent. That is one of the keys to reaching a consciousness that will defeat pain and worry. The resurgence of the energy of the Inner Child is a balancing mechanism, so that the Human Being can achieve it more easily. They can have joy in their lives ... a joy that is evident, like that of a child, and that is part of the change.

And what happens to the Earth?

We told you that we would also talk about Gaia [the energy of the planet]. Then Gaia went and talked about it! [Pepper Lewis spoke earlier that day] So, let us validate only what Gaia said, because you need to hear this from different sources: Don't worry about what is happening to your planet. What is happening is a natural phenomenon that has accelerated over time due to change. It's not about something caused by you. Go and clean the air and do not continue to deplete the planet's resources ... but know that you did not cause what is happening today.

Did you hear that before? [Pepper channeled the same.] This is a natural cycle that we could call the planet's water cycle. It has to do with magnetism and temperature and occurs at intervals of several hundred years, more or less in several hundred years. Your own Russian scientists have observed and recognized what they are experiencing right now. They say that you are watching the reappearance of a mini-ice cycle, and that is exactly what we have been talking about. It is an era very similar to what they had in the 1400s on the planet and that is repeated again.

In itself, it does not endanger life. Oh, in fact they will have more storms. So if they are in a storm zone, they will be more aware of it, will they not? Maybe the water level will rise. If they live on the beach, maybe they will move. It's about being smart. It will not be a matter of life or death if they are intelligent. However, I repeat, it is about free will, isn't it? And as we mentioned yesterday, there will be those who will deny it and go to the place of the storms, denying that there are storms. Some will perish in the process. They will stay on the beaches, watch the waters rise and perish. Those are the ones who do not want to see the change and will not recognize what is happening.

In Gaia, the geological time frame has accelerated. It had to be that way so Gaia could vibrate louder. Things are happening faster than what geologists believed would happen, bringing them what they have called global warming, which is the climax of a climatic situation that always occurs before. of a cooling cycle. It is normal. You will see. So, once again, when scientists discover what is really happening, remember that they heard it here, in a spiritual meeting about change and not in a meeting Scientific scientist. We have been giving you this information for some time now. Start describing the attributes of the change, and cover much more!

The Hidden Energy: The search for God inside

The last: All these attributes, including the change of DNA, leads them to a level of consciousness in which they are more willing to seek God within themselves. Is that really related to DNA, Kryon? It is! The quantum of the parts of your DNA that speak to chemistry will begin to realize that there is something else. Many will start looking for their Higher Self, and it will be when they discover one of the missing pieces. It is something they have always known, but to which they never gave credibility. I will tell you what it is about. It is an energy that you do not develop. It is an energy that all Humans have and that, from the depths of their ignorance, believe that it belongs to them. It can't be like that. It's too big. It's about love.

There are mothers here. I want to take you back, mom, to the birth of your first child. Do you remember that moment? Do you remember when they gave you the child to hold you for the first time? Do you remember when you looked at that child? Do you remember that? Now, could you tell me what you felt? Just tell me what you felt! The angels surrounding the bed were singing, and you could feel it. That is the love of God visiting both of you, with a force that you could not have generated for yourself. Was some Human with you crying? Did you know that your ancestors were with you in the room? Did you know your great grandparents were there with you? Did you know they were singing? And you thought you generated that energy for yourself? Did you believe that, somehow, all of that came from your chemistry? Isn't that true? Well, it wasn't like that. It is one of those magical moments where you merge with your Higher Self. What is pouring through that door you have opened is the love of God!

It is also what happens when a man and a woman come together in love, when they look at each other and that spark of romance arises. For a moment, they look at each other and the only thing they do is sigh. Psychologists say that love is a form of temporary madness. It takes over the entire cellular structure. You think you generated that for yourself, right? Well, it's not like that. The experience of the Kundalini is the love of God. When two come together in love, they generate more energy than what both could possibly create together as Human Beings.

There is one missing element, and I talk to you about it because it is the love of God in your life. It is at your disposal so that you feel it with yourself and with your Higher Self. What would you think of going around with that? What do you think of shining with that? Do you think anyone will notice? Oh, it certainly will. They will say: Why are you smiling so much? What will they answer? I have fallen in love with myself! [Kryon laugh] Be careful, that is not exactly the right answer, but it is the truth! It's all in the DNA. All this empowering the Human Being.

So that's what happens with the change. It is not about something God is doing to you. It is a possibility that arises, allowing them to take responsibility for the pieces and parts and the energy of their conscience over which they have never before had control. I will conclude.

Humans, don't ask how. That is a very linear question. Do not ask how. Instead, just "be" and set the intention to create that in your life. Begin the process of achieving it only through your intention. The intention to start the process really activates it! We have said it before. We have those who are intellectuals and want to know the process. And his argument is this: “Kryon, you can't expect us to do something that will change our life without understanding the process. We have to know its mechanics. We are not going to trust our lives to something whose operation is a mystery. ”It seems like a good argument, doesn't it? Well, I have another one for you. From me to you!

What will happen today after the conclusion of the meeting? I will present the scenario that I believe will happen to the one who has asked that question. The intellectual goes and enters his car. Then take the manual and study the operation of the transmission, of each valve, of each gear. Then continue with the engine manual, each valve, each gear, each lubricant, before you can even drive home. True? I mean, after all, you would never trust your life in something whose operation you don't know! Or if?

They see him? You all do it! This may be a silly metaphor, but it is what I want you to remember. Turn the key and start the engine of the intention. Let the journey begin, since there is a lot of energy that has been created with your conscious mind ... a quantum energy that you cannot define or understand. Instead, trust in love, because it is the glue, it is the lubricant of the new energy of this planet. You don't want to hear that, do you, intellectual? Because I just told you that emotion is the key. Get used to that. Open your heart This is Kryon's message.

I am the lover of humanity. The one who knows each and every one of you. To each other.

And so it is.


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© Lee Carroll

Translation Margarita López

Enita Zirnis Z Edition

Authorized Lee Carroll site in Spanish

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