From Tai chi to meditation by Juan José Peña

  • 2016

The Tai Chi for meditation is like the flower that blooms rising in the vertical of the universe, the man who focuses, and from there deepens what he is, more than energy in motion, energy that however the soul uses as a vehicle, until it has a movement of the body like the pure dew of the morning, light and refreshing because the simple joy it gives the action is manifested in the subtle movements of the student, which moves with the imperceptible harmony of the void. Tai chi is the flower of Tantra and Taoism, which rises bravely to reach the sky, surrendering completely to nothingness that moves it with the wind.

Martial arts were created in the first place to have a healthy body and have full control over it, so that you could also have a healthy mind and good control over it. Starting from here, the warrior can begin an internal path that enlightens him.

The first serious step taken by the inner warrior is to learn to focus. Being in the here and now relaxed and alert, receptive being fully aware of themselves and their environment, paying attention to the whole to be able to perceive nothing. This simple action of becoming natural again requires a lot of energy, so the true warrior knows how to maintain and cultivate his energy to expand his consciousness.

Deep relaxation is essential so that a man can focus, be more aware and cultivate the Shen that is going to expand through the universe, it is also the basis of health and energy savings to achieve a long life. And at this point it is, where Tai chi joins deeply with meditation, the simple action of making smooth movements relaxes the mind and causes the current of thought to decrease making you more aware of yourself. Tai Chi works basically as a Samatha (a tranquilizer of the mind) and as Vipassana (clear vision) by learning to be alert while observing the body and its energy, a practice that makes you very sensitive and receptive. The art of relaxation was well explored by the internal sciences of the East, because it is a delivery that harmonizes your energy and makes Chi move freely throughout your body. When you are deeply relaxed the energy of the Earth can enter freely through the nine points of the foot and through Hui Yin, your vibration is tuned to the mother and you can be a channel for the abundant healing energy of the Earth. The energy and balance that the mother gives you are the basis for starting to accumulate and transmute Ching. Like, it connects you with heaven by Pai Hui and makes you have a good absorption of Chi by Chi Chung. That is, relaxation opens the doors for you to enter the third phase of alchemy where you begin to cultivate Yang.

In the years that I have been teaching Internal Science I have realized that martial arts are a very efficient tool, for the transmutation of energy and the expansion of consciousness, if our practice covers 4 aspects that are: The martial, where the warrior strengthens his will, his body and knows how to defend himself for dignity and love for him and his fellow man. The therapeutic, which gives us the virtue of healing ourselves through energy exercises. The meditative, which gives us the opportunity to expand our consciousness in a vacuum. And the artistic one, which allows us to express that beautiful creativity that stems from our expansion of consciousness.

The artistic and martial aspects go hand in hand, because it manifests our internal state externally, so I recommend a Tai Chi that works alongside these two aspects, such as the Wudag Pai, that two of the claws of his Dragon are artistic with the Calligraphy and music and one is martial.

The same goes for the meditative and therapeutic aspects, meditation is returning to our natural state of being, which is achieved by flowing with the All being aware of themselves, and for that one needs to know how to heal, know how to remove the obstacles that separate us. of Father Heaven and Mother Earth, in order to balance their forces, they have to go beyond duality and remain in the equanimity of our empty center. Live in this world, but not be of this world. Live consciously without being distracted by the reflection of the moon. In this regard I recommend learning to focus with Tantra of the Right Hand or with Taoist Meditations, learn to heal energetically with Qi Gong and traditional Chinese medicine or Yogic and Ayurvedic Techniques. Learn to cultivate and transmute your energy with Tantra from the Right or Left Hand, or with Qi Gong, Nei Kung and Nei Dan. To be able to enter the void with Tantra Hindu, Tibetan Tantra Dzogchen, Taoist Meditations or Zen .

Martial art must return to being the key that opens the door to the awakening of a higher consciousness, in which man is empowered to develop all his abilities, and where the cultivation of self - love gives us a permanent sense of tranquility and joy, that they lead us to take our place in the Unive r so.

In the Kwon of Polanco (Vitalia. Anatole France 342. Polanco. CDMX) of the Laoshi Mireya Perez Reyes, where she teaches the internal Kung fu classes Wudang Pai and Tai Chi Wudang Pai and where her server teaches Tantric Meditation. In Shankha Community (Hidalgo Ote 302. Col Centro in Toluca, Edo. Mexico) where I teach Tantric Meditation and Tai chi classes, martial arts can be studied in great depth and, above all, the true sense of martial arts is sought, which is to transform you and take you to enlightenment.

AUTHOR: Juan José Peña

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