Principles and qualities of Reiki masters

  • 2018

Reiki teachers are people who have committed themselves to a life of service and to incorporate the Five Principles of Reiki into their own lives. That is why we will know a little more about the future of these people and under what principles they move.

What do Reiki teachers do

Reiki is an alternative medicine developed in 1922 by the Japanese Buddhist Mikao Usui (1865-1926), which has been adapted for application in all parts of the world.

This is a universal life force that through a technique called the imposition of hands or therapeutic touch is transferred to the patient in order to promote their emotional or physical healing.

The Five Principles that Reiki Teachers Follow

The Zen monk Mikao Usui, towards the year 1920, claimed to have rediscovered this millenary healing technique, after reaching the satori or state of full illumination, during a spiritual retreat on Mount Kurama of the city of Kyoto.

Mikao Usui understood that the goal of Reiki is not to heal physical illnesses . His last purpose is to cultivate the heart to keep the body healthy, through the mysterious power of the Universe, and thus be able to enjoy the good acts of life.

The Usui teacher gave his students and followers the following five principles and established them as the norm of life:

  • Do not get mad
  • Dont worry
  • Be thankful
  • Work diligently
  • To be nice

In addition to these principles, a Reiki master uses the 125 wakas or poems written by Emperor Meiji, selected by the Sensei Usui, as a complement during the meditation.

Main qualities of a Reiki Master

  • A Reiki master never demands, nor does he exercise authority for his rank or his knowledge.
  • It does not impose instructions, it provides all the information it has and is requested. It allows each person to advance on their own.
  • He doesn't care about anything or anyone. It deals with people and their well-being.
  • He has no bad thoughts for anyone. Do not criticize or envy. You never see the defects.
  • It does not speculate or condition anyone. It provides knowledge by the mere fact of serving and because it visualizes that it is helping a future teacher.
  • Do not see defects in any person.
  • Does not remain. Leave your teachings and go your way.
  • It is not conditioned by glory, wealth or contempt. Not for the range others give it. He is a servant.
  • He always acts alone and projects himself, beyond his friends, helpers or subordinates. He has an action plan and expansion with those who want to help him.
  • He is protected by the angels, the Beings of Light, the ascended Masters and the Supreme Personality of Godhead.
  • Visualize all the people traveling the different paths that lead to perfection.
  • He is his own teacher. He is able to control his mind, his stomach and his genitals.
  • He does not allow to be served. He is the one who serves others.
  • He does not reject what is offered to him from the heart and with great pleasure. He accepts it with satisfaction, as he will be employed for the benefit of others.
  • His spiritual riches elevate him. He uses them to help the expansion of all people.
  • He does not boast or believe himself superior to anyone. He is fully aware that he is only a servant.

A Reiki master is not considered perfect . Rather it has an opening that helps you perfect yourself to offer a service to others. A Reiki master also knows his limitations and knows that a person does not dominate the Universal life force, but can work to master life's experiences.

Seen in Biomanantial, by Pedro, editor of the Great White Brotherhood

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