How dramaturgy has contributed to mentalism

  • 2018

INNOVATION COURSE Unit 2: Technology. Learning Object 4: Dramaturgy

Divine intervention (miracles) or demonic (witchcraft, sorcery, spells) is usually the Christian interpretation of phenomena seen as thaumaturgical, which in its beginnings, in early Christianity, derived from Hellenistic religious syncretism. In Islam, Tay al-Ard (literally "hung over the earth") is called the saint who miraculously teleports, or rather "who moves on Earth before moving on his feet." In the hermetic and mystical tradition of the cabal, the existence of magicians with thaumaturgical power to make subtle changes in the high realms is considered, with consequences in the physical plane; for example, if you make changes in the world of training or if you make changes in the world of action.

Thaumaturgy is that ability to perform wonders, phenomena considered supernatural or beyond human capabilities, by an agent who is considered extraordinary, such as a magician or a saint, or even a king (royal touch). Thaumaturgical qualities are also attributed to objects, such as relics.

Dramaturgy as the action and effect of creating, composing, staging and representing a drama, has allowed us to see life as a tragicomedy, making it a whole theatrical show. The dramaturgy model respects the rule of the three units (action, place and time), ordering the dramatic process in three phases: exposure, knot and outcome.

The cinematography is presented as the great developer, which thanks to its projectors and reflectors has promoted great generators of ideas and demonstrators of creativity. Magic no longer enters into the phenomena of nature, nor within our ability to understand and take advantage of them, but in communication networks such as radio, television, Internet telephony.


  • Establish relationships between space, time and movement.
  • Establish differences between writers, actors and spectators.
  • Understand life stories from a narrative model.


May the group as a whole transfer the fire that is within the Jewel in the Lotus to the Triad, and then discover the Word that will carry out that task. That, through his dynamic Will, destroy what has been created at the midpoint. When the brothers, in the fourth great cycle of realization, have reached the point of tension, then the work will be done.

INTRODUCTORY ACTIVITY: Literature and dramaturgy.

Mortimer and his 12-year-old daughter Meggie share a passion for literature. They also have a unique talent to make book characters come alive by just reading aloud. But there is a danger: for every character in a book they bring to life, a real person must disappear between the pages. In one of his visits to a second-hand bookshop, Mo hears voices that he had not heard for a long time and when he locates the book where they came from, a chill runs through his body throughout the spine. vertebral It is Heart of Ink, a book covered with illustrations of medieval castles and strange creatures. A book he has been looking for since Meggie was three years old, when Resa, his mother, disappeared in that mystical world. However, Mo's plan to use the book to find and rescue Resa is overshadowed when Capricorn, the evil villain of Heart of Ink, kidnaps Meggie and demands Mo to bring other characters from life to life. the fiction. Determined to rescue his daughter and send the fictional characters back to where they belong, Mo organizes a group of unparalleled allies, both real and imaginary, and embarks on a bold and dangerous journey to Put things in order. Heart of Ink is an English movie of the year 2008 based on the homonymous book written by Cornelia Funke.

Thanos is a systemic Being from Titan, the moon of Saturn that is inhabited by the Eternal. During his youth, Thanos was not interested in death until the same entity began to manipulate him from a young age. After his crimes against his own on Titan, he fled the planet looking for a love that corresponded to fill the void that girl (Death) left in his heart. Thanos will devote himself to collecting six gems that he will place in a glove of his left hand to control the cosmos, two of those gems are on Earth: that of time and that of the mind. Later Thanos discovers a new source of power, known as the Heart of the Universe. It is directed towards the base of the Celestial Order, an order of aliens that has control of the Heart. Thanos takes that control and becomes omniscient. The Infinity War is a comic that was taken to the movies in the years 2018 and 2019.

  • After watching the films about the Eros and the Thanatos, answer the following questions: What is the relationship between the heart and the imagination? How to differentiate space, time and movement? How to differentiate omnipotence, omniscience and omnipresence? What is the relationship of gems with rays?

Literature varies depending on whether it's time-value or space-value. On the side of time literature leads to drama, drama tends to poetry and poetry to music. On the side of space, graphic expression is linked to painting, this with sculpture and finally with architecture. The drama, narrating the events in time, is related to the painting, which describes events in space.

ACTIVITY ONE: The scenarios

Space is the way in which the purposes of being and its conscious activities are developed, for this, the Being projects its principles on seven levels of activity. Atoms are the centers of force and the centers are the points of force.

The human temple, for example, was built on a scheme of seven planes and in each plane a principle is developed. The human being has seven centers to develop a principle in the cosmic plane.

A principle is the expression of consciousness in a body. The spirit (1) is a spark of the divine Flame, the divine origin of human consciousness. When the consciousness of the spirit manifests itself in the spiritual world it is always a trinity (2, 3 and 4). Principle 2 does not descend from the spiritual level and is therefore called the human spirit. The other two principles manifest themselves in the immediately inferior world, the intuitional, determining the intuitive dual nature. Principle 5 is no longer manifested “below the intuitional level and is therefore called intuition. Principle 6 descends to the immediately inferior world, the mental one, at whose higher level it manifests as intelligence.

Principles 2, 5 and 7 constitute the human soul, the reincarnating center of consciousness that persists throughout the succession of human lives. In the lower worlds, the Soul is reflected in principles 9, 10 and 11 that collectively constitute the transient personality of a life. The link between soul and personality is marked with # 8 under the name of antakarana. The soul is the individuality of the human being in the causal body. Individuality creates Personality for its incarnation with three bodies: mental, astral and physical.

A scenario is an internally consistent vision of what the future could become: with the construction of multiple scenarios, an organization can systematically explore the possible consequences of uncertainty. "The scenarios are the coherent and plausible set, not necessarily probable, of serial or simultaneous events, to which certain actors are associated on a time scale."

In the development of the scenarios, a coherent set of hypotheses is constructed to identify the possible and different situations that may arise, so as to prepare to face them. These processes stimulate the analysis of strategies in order to deal with uncertainty. Future alternatives are studied to identify extreme situations, over which the organization often has little or no control. Both opportunities and threats or obstacles to the development of the organization are identified.

  • Establish relationships between planes and principles.

ACTIVITY TWO: Timelines.

Time is that process of activity or that progressive development, in which immanent Consciousness seeks its opposite and is governed by the Law of Attraction, which leads to atomic, human, solar marriage. Time is a succession of states of consciousness, so it can be studied from the point of view of:

1. Solar awareness.

2. Planetary consciousness.

3. Ecological awareness (causes and effects).

4. Social awareness (harmony and conflict).

5. Human consciousness (mental, astral, physical).

6. Animal, plant and mineral consciousness.

7. Atomic consciousness.

Changes in the timelines transform everything immediately and irreversibly (this is what is known as the mandela effect). We live in a holographic universe in which something or someone alters the weave of the temporal fabric of planet earth, managing to insert different timelines from parallel worlds, turning our current timeline into an amalgam of multiple planes of reality in which bits and pieces converge. from other alternate worlds that go unnoticed by many people.

Everything that happens in world cycles can be attributed to the synchronization or absence of synchronization of the notes. Thus harmony occurs; first, the fundamental note of matter: then, the note of the Spirit gradually dominating the lower note and monopolizing attention, until gradually the note of the Spirit predominates over the others. However, it must be remembered that the note of life holds the form together. The notes are synchronized and harmonized until reaching an appropriate stage and the subsequent period of abstraction.

It can be affirmed that the Law of Attraction manifests the powers of the Spirit and that the Law of Repulsion governs the form. The Spirit attracts the Spirit throughout the greater cycle. In smaller cycles the Spirit temporarily attracts matter. The tendency of the Spirit is to unite and merge with the Spirit. The form rejects the form, and thus separation occurs. During the great cycle of evolution, when the third factor begins to act, the mind, and the point of balance constitutes the goal, the interaction between the Spirit and the form is perceived. Thus, by repetition, consciousness develops and the ability to respond begins to be acquired.

That is why in human design the three channels used to weave the spiritual fabric are called tantric channels: rhythm, beat and melody. Mental vibration sets the key to rhythm and tries to use and coordinate the physical body to Will. Emotional vibration concerns quality, attractive rhythm. The physical is the meeting point of consciousness with matter, it is the result produced by the union of the rhythm key with the quality of the tone.

  • It raises relationships and differences between the components of music: rhythm, melody, etc.

ACTIVITY THREE: The possible worlds.

Movement is one of the qualities of matter, as is inertia and rhythm. It is the rotating movement or rotation that produces the irradiation activity. Time and space are ideas to express the cyclic activity of an entity. In the physical plane the movement is rotary, in the emotional plane the movement is cyclic and spiral and in the mental plane it is spiral helical.

The idea of ​​progress was proposed by Francis Bacon, who in his book Novum Organum raises the perspective of human progress. Man with his effort can penetrate the truths of nature and act on them for his own benefit, by doing so, he could ensure the continuity of progress, almost inevitably. Progress depended on the exercise of the mind. The sciences and humanities have come to be appreciated as ingenious products of the minds of men, as creations generated by different uses of the mind. The world of the Lost Paradise of Milton and the world of the Newton Principles exist not only in the minds of men; each of them has an existence in the "objective world" of culture, which the philosopher Karl Popper calls World Three. They are collections of possible worlds.

And since language is the most powerful instrument to organize the experience and constitute realities, in the mid-1970s a more stringent examination of the uses of language began, among them, which serves to create the illusions of the reality that constitute fiction. Psychologists have worked from the top down, they start from a theory about the story, about the mind, about the writers, about the readers. The playwrights have worked from the bottom up, their focus is on a very specific work: a story, a novel, a poem.

To appreciate the human condition it is necessary to understand the ways in which human beings build their worlds (castles and temples). Surprise is an extraordinarily useful phenomenon for scholars of the mind, because they allow us to investigate what people take for granted. In economics, the budget is the basis of planning, since it allows us to determine the resources required prior to the execution of the action.

  • Make a venn diagram about science, philosophy and religion.


Three threads allow us to form the weft and warp of the spiritual fabric: the thread of life, the thread of consciousness and the thread of creativity. The pearl of human existence is strung in the thread of life or silver cord.

In order to make the necessary projection of the accumulated energies, organized by the creative imagination and brought to a point of excessive tension by the power of intention, the disciple therefore goes to the resources of his soul, stored in what is technically called "the Jewel in the Flower", where the spirit is rooted. The aspects of the soul that we call knowledge, love and sacrifice, expressions of the causal body, are only effects of this spiritual irradiation.

The Rays are spread by the whole nature, so that as there are men belonging to each of them, so there are also animals, vegetables and minerals with the special characteristics of their corresponding Ray. The image shows the most convenient arrangement of precious stones and also demonstrates how energy flows between the jewels, the chandeliers and the crosses of the Rays on the walls in a temple. Such are the peculiar stones of each of the seven Rays, but not the exclusive ones, since every precious stone belongs to one or the other Ray. Those listed in the first column are the main ones of their respective Lightning in the mineral kingdom, and therefore are their most suitable.

1. Diamond Rock crystal.

2. Sapphire. Lapis lazuli, turquoise and sodalite.

3. Emerald Aquamarine, jade and malachite.

4. Jasper. Chalcedony, agate and serpentine.

5. Topaz. Talcum powder.

6. Ruby Tourmaline, garnet, carbuncle.

7. Amethyst. Porphyry.

Therefore, before the thread of consciousness is authentically woven and "projected on the ascending path, providing a safe passage for the pilgrim's tired feet, " the disciple must begin to react in response to the closed bud of the Flower or jewel., which is in the center of the open Flower. He does this when the sacrificial petals of the Flower of the I dare to take control of his life, when his knowledge is transmuted into knowing, when his love for the whole increases and adds to it the "power of renunciation" that lead him Shut up These three qualities of the soul - when they work with a certain power - produce an increased activity in the very center of the soul's life, the heart of the lotus. It must be remembered that the correspondences of the Flower of the self with the three planetary centers are these:

Humanity: The three permanent atoms within the aura of the Flower.

Hierarchy: The three groups of petals.

Shamballa: The jewel in the Flower.


We have summarily, although suggestively, considered the four qualities that the group that prepares for an upcoming Spiritual Innovation must develop, consider and jointly perform, and are:

1. The achievement of a non-sentimental group interrelation. TO KNOW

2. The constructive use of destructive forces. DARE

3. The achievement of consolidation of unity in diversity. TO LOVE

4. The development of the power of transcendental silence. SHUT UP

All of them to act as a miniature hierarchy and as a group. The loom of consciousness is spiritual, its plot is virtual but its fabric is physical.

The finite level of reality is characterized by the life of creatures and the limitations of spacetime. The absonite level of reality is characterized by things and beings without beginning or end, and by the transcendence of time and space. The absolute level is devoid of beginning, end, time and space. For example, in Paradise, time and space do not exist; the spacetime state of Paradise is absolute.

Reality is subject to universal expansion, personality to infinite diversification, and the two are able to coordinate almost unlimitedly with the Deity and stabilize eternally. These qualities of universal reality are manifested in human experience at the following levels:

1. The body. The physical or material organism of man. The living electrochemical mechanism of nature and animal origin.

2. The mind. The mechanism of the human organism that thinks, perceives and feels. The totality of the conscious and unconscious experience. The intelligence associated with emotional life, which rises to the level of the spirit through worship and wisdom.

3. The spirit. The divine spirit that resides in the mind of man, the Thought Adjuster.

4. The soul. The soul of man is an experiential acquisition.

The personality of mortal man is neither the body, nor the mind nor the spirit, nor is it the soul. Personality is the only invariable reality in the otherwise ever-changing experience of a creature, and unifies all other associated factors of individuality.


Charles Webster Leadbeater. The science of the sacraments.

Jerome Bruner Mental reality and possible worlds.

We have seen how space is organized in planes and in each plane we find a veil that conceals reality: physical plane (maya), astral plane (mirage), mental plane (illusion). We have come to penetrate the fourth veil through the encrypted code of our heart. to discover the existing duality between the concrete mind and the abstract mind.

So the reality gem goes through channel 57/20 and the space gem through channel 22/12. I will not expose more for today, only to suggest to the intelligent apprentice that the light of the soul (reflected in the mind) and the energy of the form (expressed in the electromagnetic body), are for him, in the realm of temporary duality, his two basic realities

The gem of the SOUL is sentient and feeds on souls. It allows the user to steal, manipulate or alter souls, living or dead. It is located in the CORONARY center and corresponds to the Crystal of Personality, the divine soul integrated by the Holy Trinity.

The gem of the MIND has the power to increase psychic abilities to unsuspected limits, being able to launch great attacks or psychic rays or read minds with hardly any psychic defenses or increase one's own. It is located in the AJNA center and corresponds to the design glass.

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