Injustice in all its splendor? From the hand of Eduardo Galeano, he knows if there is injustice in Latin American countries

  • 2019

We want to share with you a personal analysis made as a reading report to the book “Patas Arriba. The World School upside down ”, by Uruguayan journalist and writer Eduardo Galeano, exactly to the section of the book that receives the name “ Basic Injustice Course ” .

For this occasion, I want to thank the Public Accountant in Formation, my great friend and brother Juan David Atehortúa Hincapié, who from the word and his professional practice has contributed interesting ideas to this discussion.

Our only objective will be to leave you with a positive idea that transcends your life, our interest is never to pronounce negative statements against our sister countries, nor create publicity to buy the book; So, as a reflection, in our Latin American countries is there injustice ?

Injustice in all its splendor?

In our countries of Latin America there is Injustice?

In the section Busic Course of Injustice of his book Legs Up. The School of the World upside down, Eduardo Galeano exposes the fracture that our society is currently going through; this, thanks to the control that the largest countries exert over the smallest and underdeveloped countries, in this particular case over Latin America.

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The Media

Part of this control is exercised by the media, they direct advertising to the exercise of excessive consumption when the economy does not allow it. If we refer, for example, to the most powerful newspapers and newspapers, it is notorious when they only expose the problems of the countries' daily life, leaving far below what really matters, the issues of politics and economics.

It is clearly perceived how the media only invite us to the obligation to look at ourselves in their mirror in order to create certain guidelines, consequently bringing the reflection of the values ​​of a culture of consumption.

Through this strategy, human beings are obliged to "embark on the cruise of consumption that crosses the rough waters of the market . " Television became a teacher in converting useless needs into real needs that we require daily, the middle classes are invited to observe loans as the most suitable way to sustain and cover all these invented demands.

Without being nearsighted in the eye, advertising is one of the biggest scenarios that incites violence, they teach to live with a number of unnecessary objects, of course! If the person wishes to have a quality of life. Violence that is perfected with video games.

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Markets in "perpetual expansion"

“Embark on the cruise of consumption that crosses the rough waters of the market”

Without a doubt, and this is one aspect of the ones we highlight most in the text, "Crime is the most successful show on the small screen . " The world economy asks us to join consumer markets that would remain in "perpetual expansion."

This system would need to sell more and more, but it looks for ways to pay less and less for its inputs. We emphasize how the north of the world gives orders of consumption more and more, directed, especially, to the east and south, this, in order to multiply the consumers, however, and this bold aspect, "multiplies the criminals" .


“Crime is the most successful show on the small screen”

It is no secret that the world economy has who measures it, the World Bank and some other United Nations agencies confirm it.

In our opinion, these statistics that we want to share with you are really scandalous figures; in 1960, twenty percent of humanity is richer, had thirty times more than twenty percent poorer; in 1990, the difference ranged from sixty times, and by 2000, the difference would be ninety times, the injustice would be in full bloom .

For example, the author says that a pregnant woman has a hundred times more risk of dying in Africa than in Europe. In the United States, products for animals and pets are four times higher in their production than Ethiopia. Ford and General Motors exceed the value of the production of all black Africa in alarming amounts.

According to the statistics of the United Nations for Development, and this is that we highlight it, ten people, the ten richest on the planet, have a wealth that equals total production of fifty countries; even more serious, the income of one year of half of humanity is supplemented by just adding the income of four hundred and forty-seven billionaires .

James Gustave Speth, the head of the United Nations, in 1997 indicated that in the last half century, the number of poor has tripled, and one thousand six hundred million people are living worse than they did Fifteen years, it's amazingly unfair!

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And the World continues its march

... the number of poor has tripled ...

As the world continues its march within each country, the base injustice that governs relations between countries is increasingly reproduced, and increasingly, and most notably, the gap between those who have nothing and those who have everything . It is Latin America, and we underline this judgment, it is the most unfair region in the world . There are very few who have the right to command, and there are many who have the obligation to obey.

We are facing an era of development and modernity, however, the Latin American economy is one of the most slave economies in the world, "pays African wages, charges European prices, and violence and injustice are the goods that produce more effectiveness."

According to the United Nations, Mexico City is the capital of the country that has generated the most billionaires of unexpected fortune in the world of the 1990s, “a single Mexican has a wealth equivalent to that of seventeen million poor Mexicans”, we think that this is a highly scandalous reality.

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The Era of the Free Market

... we get used to being poor, we are led to believe that poverty or wealth comes from God.

Meaning of the combinations of numbers that appear frequently according to angels and angelic numbers This is the era of the free market, the money that governs without owning intermediaries, and the world of privatizations.

It is the State that has been in charge of legislating on "cheap labor" and the repression of the endless list of people who do not find work.

It is already practical in some countries of the world that "social justice has been reduced to criminal justice . " In this scenario it is the State who watches over public safety, the other services will be in charge of the market; and of poverty, God will take care, if the police and coercive force do not reach.

Statistics indicate that poverty kills the world annually, more people than the Second World War, however, from the word of power, this is good because the population that is growing too much is regulated. For example, Holland has four hundred inhabitants per square kilometer and it is known by all that no Dutch starve to death; However, in Brazil and Colombia, some who come to power remain with everything.

Statistics indicate that if one person receives a thousand dollars and another receives nothing, from the calculation of per capita income, those two people are shown receiving five hundred dollars each. It's simple, we get used to being poor, we are led to believe that poverty or wealth comes from God.

The freedom of trade is sold as new, however, it has a long and painful history, because that history has a lot to do with the origins of injustice, many Latin American countries are forced to consume the goods of the power countries.

This free market has turned our poorly named countries cannot be Most people can watch, but not touch.

Thus, the presidents of the Americas create laws that protect the market, highlighting whenever the free market may contribute to the development and prosperity of the region. The free flow of capital is increasing the drug traffickers and bankers who give space and space to their narco-dollars.

The fall of due public controls in finance and in the economy has facilitated the work of these people who distribute drugs and legalize profits by laundering dirty money. This results in low wages being paid and nuclear waste being left to us through highly polluting industries. What do you think, how is the Latin American economy currently?

We invite you to do a complete reading of the book Patas Arriba. The School of the World upside down, from Uruguayan journalist and writer Eduardo Galeano, and if you want to give your contributions, which would be very interesting, read exactly the section of the book that receives the name Course Basic Injustice .

Did you like our brief reflection on injustice ? Do you want to propose your ideas? I invite you to let us know your thoughts about this discussion, you can do it in our section Comments or in our forum. We wish you abundant successes and blessings, a Hug of Light!

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Author : William Hern n Estrada P rez, Editor in the Great Family of

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