How consciousness expands with transfiguration

  • 2019

IMMORTALITY COURSE. Unit 2: initiations. Learning 3: transfiguration.

The light was made, life was made, love was made, as past time man remembers it, as present time God remembers it. The Word retains the light in life; the Word abstracts the light and there is only That which is the Word itself. That Word is Light. That Light is Life, and Life is God .

Actually there are two bodies of light: the energy body and the body of the soul. It is interesting to note that the Old Testament refers to the etheric body (Ecls. 12-6, 9) and its construction, and that the New Testament deals with the construction of the spiritual body: it is that “house, not made with the hands, eternal in the heavens ”(II Co.6-1).

The manifestation of the etheric body, in time and space, contains in itself what has been called "the two bright moments." We have, first, the moment before the physical incarnation, when the descending light (bringing life) focuses with all its intensity around the physical body and establishes a relationship with the light, innate in the matter itself, that exists in each substance atom. This focused light is concentrated in seven areas of its impassable, thus creating seven major centers that will control its expression and existence in the external plane, esoterically speaking. It is a moment of great splendor, becoming almost a point of throbbing light turned into a flame, and as if within that flame the seven points of intensified light acquired form. This high point in the experience of the coming to the incarnation takes place, three months before the physical birth.

The descending light is anchored in the plane of the temporary appearance. It extends seven threads, and seven rays of light pulse along these threads. From there twenty-seven minor threads are radiated, causing the forty-nine fires to glow and burn. In the plane of the manifested life the word arises: Behold, a man was born.

The body of the soul, on the other hand, is constructed by the human being through experience in the physical body, structuring a unique personality. It is woven with six threads of light. The seven rays merge in the seventh, as well as the four in the fifth. The supreme light is manifesting because the seventh ray is active and the sun is in the aquarium.


  1. Establish relationships between the third initiation and the fifth ray.
  2. Establish differences between religion and science, light and sound.
  3. Define learning in terms of intelligence development.


We continue to make our personal inventory.

INTRODUCTORY ACTIVITY: active intelligence

A teenage girl is raised underground by a robot mother designed to repopulate the Earth after a mass extinction event. The inexplicable arrival of a woman soaked in blood. threatens this link, questioning everything the girl was told about the outside world. She begins to explore the nature of the robot and discovers the truth of her Mother's great mission .

Mother taught her daughter complex moral and ethical lessons, warning her about a next psychotechnical test. Mother explains that it is not a robot but Artificial Intelligence that controls all robots. She began the extinction event after convincing herself that humanity will destroy itself. I Am Mother is an Australian-American thriller and science fiction movie of 2019, directed by Grant Sputore.

Carol Danvers is a pilot in the armed forces of the United States who, after suffering an appalling accident that gives her cosmic abilities, becomes one of the most powerful heroes in the galaxy, after I have to stop an intergalactic conflict between two alien races, the Kree and the Skrull.

Mar-vell is an extraterrestrial of the Kree race who had come to earth as a spy before coming to identify with her human neighbors. As a soldier, the character is equipped with a device called a “universal beam” and a handgun but then converted into a wrist-mounted device that is capable of projecting energy; emitting rays of pure blackness and controlling magnetism.

Supreme intelligence is presented as artificial, composed of the brains of the most prominent minds, that is, thinkers, generals, philosophers, race scientists, eliminated after their death and assimilated by the computer, adding their knowledge and experience to theirs.

Captain Marvel is a superhero movie that was released on March 8, 2019, International Women's Day, in which we managed to appreciate the importance of military forces as well as the power of lightning.

  • After watching the movies I am a mother and Captain Marve l, answer the following questions: What does it mean to be a mother? What is the difference between spiritual and artificial intelligences? What is the relationship between virgin matter and the holy spirit?

The captain gives us the idea of ​​piloting as a technique, both theoretical and practical, necessary for existence, since there are three technologies that refer to that model of control of cybernetics: firstly, medicine as self-management of the organism, secondly, politics as government of nations and third ethics as government of itself.

ACTIVITY ONE: Architecture, light and form.

Form, space and order are the elements of architecture, of the construction of the temple. The construction of the tabernacle or of the temporary forms constitutes the work of the divine Carpenter, while the construction of the Temple of Solomon, the most permanent structure constitutes the work of the supervising Architect. If we analyze the biblical description of the Tabernacle, we find:

  1. The outer atrium, the place of purification and sacrifice.
  2. The Holy Place, the place of consecration and service.
  3. The Santa Sanctorum.

The first corresponds to the life of the personality. The second to the soul or higher self. The last of the Monad or divine I. In the cell we find something similar, differentiating besides seeing how the cells are shaping the whole organism.

The divine architects posed the following question: If all that exists is spirit, and this one moves but lacking a reference point, how can one know that it is in motion? The spirit projects itself as far as possible in the six directions - up and down, forward and backward, left and right - such movement is based on three axes marked with x, y, z. The length of the projection is unimportant, because even if it were only one inch it would be enough. Therefore, the spirit projects itself in six directions.

The next step is to join the lines so that they first form a square, then a pyramid and, finally, extending down the lines of the pyramid, an octahedron is formed. Now the spirit has the reality of an octahedron. Even if it was a mental figure, movement is already possible since the perimeters have been established. Then the spirit begins to spin its three axes, and traces the figure of a sphere. In sacred geometry, a straight line is considered male, while any curve is female. Thus, when turning the octahedron on its axis, the spirit passes from the masculine to the feminine, for example, the sphere.

The soul, embodied in the human body, gives to that temple the particular contribution it makes to the whole, which symbolically could be said to be: The stone laid in the foundations represents consecrated physical life. The Temple column represents desire or aspirational life. The design laid out on the board coincides with the Great mental Canon, and constitutes a fragment of that design that the individual had to provide and search. The radiation or light that will increase the Shekinah, light that "always shines in the East."



The organs are formed by tissues.

The tissues are formed by cells.

The CELL is made up of:

Chromosomes, Mitochondria and Nucleus.

Organizations are made up of societies.

The society is made up of families.

The FAMILY is made up of:

Father ADN, mother EVA, children Abel and Caín.

  • Delve into the suggested comparison between the cell and the family.

ACTIVITY TWO: the transfiguration.

During the learning process that precedes the third graduation, the mind works in a new way. His transmutator work on the physical plane has been accomplished; his transformative work in the emotional nature has been successful, and now his transfigurative work in the personality as a whole, is carried out, making possible the achievements of the Transfiguration. It is of value to the student to consider these three activities of the mind.

The transmutating agent, in the first case, is the inferior or concrete mind; the transforming agent is the soul, while the transfiguring agent is the spiritual Triad, acting through the superior or abstract mind. You will observe the wonderful synthesis of spiritual work. When this work is finished, the third graduation becomes possible.

The electrical energy of the mind thus creates the portal for the third graduation, and the electric chimeras of their own thinking shine with their own light (they are of a very order and type high), constituting the obstruction facing the apprentice, because they watch the pure light that shines behind them. They constitute the total sum of the illusion. This "portal" is formed by the combination of three types of energy: friction fire, solar fire and electric fire from the spiritual Triad, making its first impact over the other two fires, since all three are in full activity in this initiatory crisis.

All are located and concentrated in that symbol of progress, the “learning portal”. The reason why the apprentice is always represented as the one who works with the forces and energies of the planet and the system must be increasingly clear, since for him, there is nothing more s.

Therefore it could be said that, as a result of the Transfiguration - the culminating point of strictly human development -, the three types of energy expressed through the spiritual Triad, can begin to flow through the reflection of itself in the third dimension.

  1. The directing energy of the higher mind - as a result of the Transfiguration and the rainbow bridge - is thrown into the brain; therefore, the man on the physical plane is guided, directed and controlled by the group purpose and by the strategic plan.
  2. The illuminating energy of pure reason, which emanates from the intuitional plane, descends to the clarified and organized body, of sensible response, all that remains of the so-called astral body. This produces the total liberation of the mirage and the creation of "a clear deposit of such a reasonable response to the love of the divine relationship, " that the apprentice becomes a sensitive developer. of that love
  3. The dynamic energy of the intentional plane (the highest of the spiritual Triad) flows to the mind, and slowly begins to reveal the will to good, which is essentially the will of God .
  • Make a comparative table between the three minds and the spiritual list.

ACTIVITY THREE: the fifth ray.

The energy of what is called "concrete science" is the conditioning quality of the fifth ray. It mainly constitutes the substance of the mental plane. This plane corresponds to the third subplane of the physical plane, being, therefore, of a gaseous nature - if we use the analogy as a symbol of its nature. It is volatile, easily dispersive, and agent of enlightenment, and its effect can be poisonous, since there are no doubt conditions in which "the mind is the killer of the Real." This energy is characterized by three qualities:

  1. The quality resulting from the relationship with the spiritual Triad is called "abstract mind, " and the impact that affects it comes from the intentional level of the spiritual Triad, that of the will.
  2. The quality that in this solar system responds easily to the greatest ray of the planet, that of love-wisdom. So responsive is that - in conjunction with emanations of the three worlds - it has produced the only existing form on the mental plane. This form, in a planetary sense, is that of the kingdom of God and, in an individual sense, that of the soul.
  3. The quality basically related to the emanations or vibrations that arise from the three worlds, which in creative form result in the myriad of mental forms that are in the lower levels of the mental plane. Therefore, it could be said that these three qualities or aspects of the fifth ray of spiritual energy produce: Pure thought. The thinker, the mental forms.

This energy (as regards the human race) is the constructor of mental forms, and all the impressions of the physical, etheric and astral planes, force it to enter into activity at the level of concrete knowledge, with a resulting kaleidoscopic presentation of mental forms Fundamentally today is the most powerful energy on the planet, because it reached its maturity in the first solar system, that of active intelligence. This energy admits humanity and particularly the apprentice, to penetrate the mysteries of the Mind of God Himself. It is the "substantial" key to the Universal Mind.

He is deeply susceptible to the energy of love wisdom; to its fusion with the love aspect we give the name "wisdom", because all wisdom is knowledge obtained by experience and complemented by love. In its three aspects, it is related in a particular sense to the three Activity Buddhas. These great Lives reached their current state of development in the previous solar system. If it is considered as the mental energy of a human being - and this is one of its minor limitations, even if it is the greatest for him - it is the superior analogy of the physical brain. It could be said that the brain exists because the mind exists, which needs a brain as its focal point on the physical plane.

The quality of this energy of concrete knowledge or science is dual: It responds extraordinarily to impressions that come from one source or another. Quickly acquire forms in response to printing. This energy transforms divine ideas into human ideals, and relates the knowledge and sciences of humanity with these ideals, making them malleable factors in human evolution, their cultures and civilizations.









The membrane.

The cytoplasm

Mitochondrial Eve

The nucleus.

Chromosomal DNA

The statutes.

The altar of burnt offerings.

The atrium

The Altar of perfumes

Hall of the turret.

The Saint

The Blessed

Foundations hall.

House of power

Merlin Hall

Chapel of the Rose Cross

Government Hall

Hall of the King and Queen


The machine room

  • Locate the ideas that come to your mind in the matrix.


Strategic intelligence favors becoming proactive rather than reactive in the formulation of our future, in the definition of a new life project. Intelligence implies putting into action the intellectual competences of creativity, problem solving and decision making.

The DOFA matrix is ​​an instrument that facilitates us to relate the causes to the effects, the means to the ends, to define the strategies that will allow us to achieve our objectives. The matrix allows us to correlate weaknesses with opportunities, threats with strengths to define improvement strategies. Our first objective will be the development of self-discipline.

Three virtues are what lead us to achieve discipline and are: discrimination, dispassion and decentralization. Our discipline will be self-imposed and will proceed from our limitations and opportunities. The fifth discipline is the technique for the third ray disciples, the inclusive reason is the technique for the second ray and the isolated unit is the technique for the first ray. On the mental plane, the mental unit must be merged with the mental atom for the construction of the rainbow body.

Isolated unity becomes possible when the three qualities of personality no longer exercise any dominion over the Self. The activities are of the personality but the actions are of the soul. An active intelligence is one that makes use of its willpower and its wisdom. As personalities we will be aware that our net asset is the amount we owe to our shareholders. The last act of personality before being liquidated is to reintegrate its net asset to the soul. Our human transactions are always recorded in two columns, debit and credit, which finally give us the balance. This guarantees that at the end of life in a physical body you can generate a statement of income: the statement of profit and loss.

The middle principle, the soul, must disappear and the great dissolution culminates at the time of the third initiation, when the light of the spirit annuls the light of the soul and the light of the body. But the recognition of this death and its effects is only symbolically represented and recognized at the time of the fourth initiation: the crucifixion.

We have understood the third initiation thanks to the Transfiguration carried out by the Master Jesus, who, for the good of humanity, went through the five human graduations. In this dramatic representation of the third graduation, the three disciples (or the three personality vehicles) were prostrated, and the Master Himself (the glorified personality) was transfigured before them. At this climax they heard what is called "the voice of the Father" speaking to Jesus transfigured.

  • Diligence your own DOFA matrix as the one below, defining improvement strategies.




1. Name recognized with good reputation.


1. Vulnerability for being a person dedicated to a single trade.


1. Development of the discipline for learning.


Self Update


Self control


1. Shortage and higher prices in the careers of my choice.






Peter Senge The five disciplines of smart organization .

Stephen Covey The seven habits of highly effective people.

Walter Riso. Cognitive Therapy

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