The Seven Chakras: Energy centers and channels of the soul.

  • 2017
Table of contents hide 1 So what are the Chakras? 2 Main Chakras 3 The Root Chakra 4 The Sacral Chakra 5 The Solar Plexus Chakra 6 The Heart Chakra 7 The Throat Chakra 8 The Third Eye Chakra 9 The Crown Chakra 10 Conclusion

" So that the true energy of love can pass through your soul,

you have to find it as if you were just born ”

- El Zahir -

To study what the Chakras are, we must first make an introduction to human multidimensional anatomy . Molecular Biology considers the organism as a series of complicated chemical systems that sustains a structure of nerves and muscles, of flesh and bone. Our physical body is an intricate clockwork mechanism, whose detail reaches the level of the cellular structure, and even more if we consider the subatomic plan . Then the distinction of the physical nature of matter disappears and we discover that the solidity of physical matter is nothing more than the illusion of the senses . The new perspective describes matter as a substance composed of particles, which are both points of frozen light . The wave / particle duality of matter allows us to propose, as regards the physical structure of the human organ, new qualities not previously contemplated and that lead us to the construction of a new physical body model.

In reality, our physical system forms a continuity with other higher energy systems . These subtle energy systems play a fundamental and integrated role in the total functionality of the human being . All these systems are superimposed, coinciding in the same physical space.

That is, physical and ethereal matter can coexist in the same space, exactly as radio and television broadcasts propagate in the same space without interfering. The energy matrix of the etheric body, or holographic template of the energy field, overlaps the structure of our physical organism. Therefore, all bodies of higher energy frequencies are interconnected with the physical body and in dynamic equilibrium with respect to it.

So what are the Chakras?

Several ancient texts of the Hindu yogic bibliography, inform about certain special energy centers that exist in our body. These energy centers are called Chakras and are very important in our physical, mental and spiritual well-being.

Understanding our mind-body-spirit system is essential to become the most vibrant, healthy, and radiant version of ourselves.

The Sanskrit word Chakra, literally translates as " wheel " or " disk ." In yoga, meditation and Ayurveda, this term refers to the wheels of energy throughout our body.

To visualize a Chakra in our body, let's imagine a wheel of life-giving energy (the vital force that animates all living beings) in rotation. In the physical body there are no less than seven main Chakras and twenty one secondary .

Since everything in the mind-body-spirit energy system moves, it is essential that our seven main C hakras be open, aligned, and flowing . If there is a blockage, the flow of energy is limited, such as water that has to run through a narrow conduit.

The Chakras intervene in the flow of higher energies towards the cellular structure of the physical body, through channeling of specific subtle energy . At a given level, they would function as energy transformers, reducing it in a certain way and frequency, to a lower energy level. In turn, this energy would translate into hormonal and physiological changes throughout the body.

Main Chakras

Anatomically, each major C hakra is associated with a major nerve plexus and with an endocrine gland to:







Eyebrow (Third Eye Chakra)









Solar plexus



Spleen (Sacral Chakra)






Let's examine them from the bottom up:

The Root Chakra

It influences the physical identity, stability and sense of security.

The first Chakra, also called Muladhara, is located at the base of the spine, the perineum and the first three vertebrae. Muladhara takes care of your sense of trust and security. The balance of the root chakra generates solid bases to open the entire chakra system. It is composed of everything that lays the foundation to give you stability in life. Basic needs such as food, water, shelter and security, as well as emotional security needs to let go of fear.

When you have a blockage you can experience: anxiety, lack of physical energy, unfounded fears, and a sense of lack of roots. Problems in the colon, bladder, lower back, legs or feet. Eating disorders. Prostate problems in men.

Color: Red

To balance the Root Chakra it is recommended to consume tomatoes, beets, red fruits, apples and pomegranates.

Element: Earth .

To balance the Root Chakra it is recommended to walk barefoot on the grass, dig your toes in the sand, or just spend time in nature.

Mantra: Lam.

To balance the Root Chakra it is recommended to meditate by repeating the Lam mantra in silence.

The Sacral Chakra

It influences emotional identity, creativity and desire.

The second Chakra is known as the sexual and creativity Chakra. It is called Svadhisthana . It is located under the pubic bone, under the navel, and covers the genital region and the hypogastric plexus. It focuses on creativity. When we create, be it cooking, growing plants, painting or writing, we are opening our second Chakra. If balanced it evokes feelings of well-being, abundance, pleasure and joy.

When you have a blockage you can experience: creative blockage, problems with intimacy, inability to flow with change, sexual dysfunction, depression or addictions.

Color: Orange

To balance the Sacral Chakra it is recommended to consume oranges, carrots, melon, mangoes, nuts and seeds.

Element: Water.

To balance the Sacral Chakra, it is recommended to spend time near water. Next to the ocean, lakes or rivers.

Mantra: Vam .

To balance the Sacral Chakra, it is recommended to meditate by repeating the Vam mantra in silence.

The Solar Plexus Chakra

It influences ego identity, personal strength and ambition.

The third Chakra is called Manipura, which means ' Bright Gem '. It is located in the navel and in the solar plexus until reaching the sternum, and is a source of personal strength and regulates self-esteem, the warrior's energy, and the power of transformation. It also controls metabolism and digestion. Having clear goals, desires and intentions allows you to move forward and achieve them. You can harness the power of Manipura to stand firm in a healthy way and achieve whatever goal you set out to achieve.

When you have a blockage you can experience: low self-esteem, lack of willpower and fear of rejection, difficulty making decisions. Trouble managing anger and controlling yourself. Problems of poor digestion.

Color: Yellow

To balance the Solar Plexus Chakra it is recommended to consume bananas, yellow peppers, lentils, turmeric and ginger.

Element: Fire

To balance the Solar Plexus Chakra it is recommended to let the sun go down, or enjoy the heat of the fire in the fireplace or a bonfire with friends.

Mantra: Ram .

To balance the Solar Plexus Chakra it is recommended to meditate by repeating the mantra R am in silence.

The Heart Chakra

It influences social identity, love and relationships.

The fourth Chakra is also known as Anahata, which means ' liberated ' or ' unharmed '. It means that beyond the pain and complaints of past experiences, lies a pure and spiritual place where there are no injuries. It is located in the center of the chest and includes the heart, cardiac plexus, thymus gland, lungs and breasts, also regulating the lymphatic system. When your heart Chakra is open, you flow with love and compassion, quickly forgive and accept others and yourself.

When you have a blockage you can experience: difficulty with relationships, lack of compassion, fear of betrayal, jealousy, hopelessness and hatred of yourself and others. Heart afflictions, respiratory problems or pain in the upper back.

Color: Green

To balance the Heart Chakra it is recommended to consume green vegetables, peas, zucchini, avocado and broccoli.

Element: Air

To balance the Heart Chakra it is recommended to breathe deeply. Go out one day when there is wind, and fly a kite. Driving with the windows down.

Mantra: Yam .

To balance the Heart Chakra it is recommended to meditate by repeating the Yam mantra in silence.

The Throat Chakra

It influences the ability to express, communication and integrity.

The fifth Chakra or Vishuddha regulates the anatomical regions of the thyroid, parathyroid, jaw, neck, tongue and larynx. Having the fifth Chakra open and aligned means speaking, listening and spreading through a higher form of communication. Faith and understanding combine the essence of the Vishuddha chakra. Working in the lower Chakras helps you prepare for this level of communication. So, by expressing your needs, desires and opinions, you have a greater ability to determine how to be true to yourself and honest with others.

When you have a blockage you can experience: difficulty communicating your thoughts and transmitting your truth, indecisions and mood swings. Thyroid problems, swollen throat, torticolis, and teeth or gum problems.

Color: blue

To balance the Throat Chakra it is recommended to consume blueberries, seaweeds, blue currants and pitayas.

Element: Ether.

To balance the Throat Chakra it is recommended to sit outdoors under a blue sky and relax. Listen to soothing music.

Mantra: Ham.

To balance the Throat Chakra, it is recommended to meditate by repeating the Ham mantra in silence.

The Third Eye Chakra

Influences self-image, intuition and insight.

The sixth Chakra, Ajna, is located in the Third Eye area, which is located in the space between the eyebrows. It covers the pituitary gland, eyes, head and cerebellum. It is a spiritual Chakra, that is, ' beyond wisdom ', and is your center of intuition. Ajna takes you to the inner knowledge that will guide you if you allow it. A sixth open Chakra can allow expanded imagination, visualization, clairvoyance, telepathy and lucid dreams. With a sixth Chakra blocked, only the mind, the intellect, and the ego, are used in the decision-making process. However, when the Third Eye is open, the soul also participates.

When you have a blockage you can experience: difficulty making decisions, bad intuition, lack of concentration, confusion and lack of inspiration. Headache, trouble sleeping or nightmares.

Color: Indigo.

To balance the Third Eye Chakra it is recommended to consume blackberries, purple kale, purple cabbage, and grapes, raisins and figs.

Element: Light

To balance the Third Eye Chakra it is recommended to sit quietly under the sun's rays. Relax or read a book in a room full of natural light.

Mantra: Sham .

To balance the Third Eye Chakra it is recommended to meditate by repeating the Sham mantra in silence.

The Chakra of the Crown

It influences self-knowledge, spirituality and connection with the divine.

The seventh Chakra, Sahaswara, is known as the ' L oto de los M il P étalos ' Chakra . Of the seven main Chakras, this is the highest in the body. It is in the crown. It is the source of enlightenment and spiritual connection with our higher self, with each being on the planet, and ultimately with the divine energy that creates everything in the universe. Although many of us face the demands of everyday life, as well as the busy mind that comes with these demands, achieving enlightenment may not be as far away as we think. Practicing the disciplines of meditation, prayer or daily stillness leads us to greater moments of spiritual connection. Once you have started the daily practice of these activities that connect you to the universal consciousness, you will see the expansion of spiritual consciousness in your outside world. You will begin to experience unconditional love continuously. You will be more compassionate, kind and understanding, and you will be more humble.

When you have a blockage you can experience: difficulty meditating, lack of spiritual connections, lack of meaning, direction, feelings of loneliness and excessive materialism. Tiredness, sensitivity to light and sounds, bad sleeping habits and headaches.

Color: Violet

To balance the Chakra of the Crown it is recommended to nourish yourself with spiritual practices. His food is meditation, prayer and self-reflection.

Element: The Reflection .

To balance the Chakra of the Crown it is recommended to connect with your spirituality. Meditate, pray, listen to spiritual music and read articles and books that open the doors of our mind and connect us with higher spheres.

Mantra: Om .

To balance the Chakra of the Crown it is recommended to meditate by repeating the Om mantra in silence.


Being aware that your Chakras may be blocked is the key to aligning them. Our mind-body-spirit system is in constant flux equilibrium-imbalance . Being aware of the imbalances allows us to take the necessary measures to move towards a higher state. As your chakras open, you will shine with the radiance of your I AM.

So far our study on the Seven Chakras. I hope that the article will be useful and will help you to understand a little better the wonderful possibilities that the Universe puts within our reach.

MORE INFORMATION in the Manuals: “Chakras, subtle energies” by Ildefonso Cobo Jiménez, “The Great Book of the Chakras” by Shalila Shar & Dom and Bodo J. Baginsky, and on the Web

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