Evidence of the change of consciousness of humanity- By Patricia Cota-Robles

  • 2015
Table of contents hide 1 FIRST A WORD OF CLARITY 1.1 1. End of extreme poverty by 2030. 1.2 1.3 2. Overcome inequality everywhere. 1.4 1.5 3. Vigorously address Climate Change. 1.6 1.7 1.8 1. End of poverty in all its forms everywhere. 1.9 1.10 1.11 2. End hunger, achieve food security, improve nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture. 1.12 1.13 1.14 3. Ensure a healthy life and promote well-being for all, at all ages. 1.15 1.16 1.17 4. Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all. 1.18 1.19 1.20 5. Achieve gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls. 1.21 1.22 1.23 1.24 6. Ensure the availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all. 1.25 1.26 1.27 7. Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable, modern energy for all 1.28 1.29 1.30 1.31 8. Promote sustained, inclusive growth and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all 1.32 1.33 1.34 9. Build flexible infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation. 1.35 1.36 1.37 10. Reduce inequalities within and between countries, 1.38 1.39 1.40 11. Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable. 1.41 1.42 1.43 12. Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns 1.44 1.45 1.46 13. Take urgent measures to combat climate change and its impacts 1.47 1.48 1.49 14. Conserve and sustainably use the oceans years, seas and marine resources for sustainable / sustainable development. 1.50 1.51 15. Protect, restore and promote the sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, stop and reverse land degradation and stop the loss of biodiversity. 1.52 1.53 1.54 16. Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, facilitate access to justice for all and build effective, accountable, and inclusive institutions at all levels. 1.55 1.56 1.57 17. Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development. 2 The Other Activities of the Pope in New York. 3 That afternoon the Pope left Philadelphia on his return trip to Rome. 4 The Powerful Full Moon Lunar Eclipse, the third Blood Moon and the Wave X

Now that everyone has had a few weeks to assimilate and evaluate through their own personal experience the most powerful influx of Light that the World has ever known, I would like to share with you some information from Heaven that can accentuate your understanding of what has actually happened.

The Beings of Light in the Realms of Enlightened Truth said that the Portal of Light that opened during the incredible series of Eclipses in September 2015 and the Collective Cup of Consciousness that was formed by Humanity through the synchronicity of the innumerable events from the outside world that coincided with the Eclipses, an unprecedented Global Change of consciousness was co-created in the Realms of the Cause by the I AM Presences of Mass Humanity.

This shift to a higher consciousness will manifest through each man, woman and child in ways that are specifically aligned with their individual Divine Plan. But for the first time in history, the Immaculate Concept of the Templates for the New Earth that were associated with this shift in consciousness were INSTANTLY ANCHORED IN THE WORLD OF EFFECTS, which is the physical plane of the Earth.

These Divine Templates reverberate with the deep Truth that HUMANITY IS A LIFETIME. They also pulse with the reality that DIVINE LOVE and REVERENCE FOR LIFE are the foundation for every facet of Life that dwells in the New Earth of 5th. Dimension, towards which we are all ascending. The Company of Heaven wants to assure us that now that we have transcended the claws of our human egos, the ability to tangibly manifest these Templates in our individual life experiences will be easier than ever before.

As is always the case, every time there is a tremendous influx of Divine Light everything that conflicts with that Light is pushed to the surface to be transmuted and healed. This negativity that emerges to the surface is always informed in the media, so from the external appearances it seems that everything is getting worse. However nothing could be further from the truth. The problem is that we can easily see the things that conflict with Divine Love and Reverence for ALL Life being pushed to the surface to be transmuted and healed, but what we cannot see so easily is the incredible Light that is pushing those things to the surface.

The Company of Heaven has asked me to share with you the internal and external Activities of Light that were held during the Eclipse Series in September 2015, so that you can clearly perceive the broader picture and tangible evidence of the change in consciousness of Humanity The various activities of Light that I mention in this article occurred synchronously during the two-week period that were embraced by the solar eclipse of September 13 and the Lunar Eclipse of September 28. The unified consciousness of Humanity and these felt events brought this unprecedented facet of the Divine Plan that is being unveiled, to a glorious term.


As you read these words, remember that I AM sharing this information through the patterns of Divine Love and Reverence for ALL Life associated with the Templates for the New Earth that are now anchored in the world of form. This means that we must transcend the misinformation and misinformation about the separation and duality that our human egos previously manipulated us into belief.

There is no such thing as "us and them, " because if we are dealing with prejudice, fear, hate, anger or distrust with respect to any person, place, condition or thing, then we are reflecting the obsolete beliefs of our human egos based on the fear that they are no longer viable. This includes beliefs and attitudes that may have been formed about different races, nationalities, religions, governments, lifestyles, or people with whom we disagree in other ways. When we continue to focus on the negativity that human egos of Humanity falsely created on the old Earth, we actually enhance the pain and suffering that these deformations have caused. Those are the same patterns that we are transcending and that we must now freely love and transmute into Light through the invincible force of the Violet Flame of God's Infinite Perfection.

As we begin I will ask you a huge favor . As you read this article, instead of resisting information or denying people who are involved in the events of the outside world because of their preconceived ideas, imagine that each and every one of These people are Divine and they are functioning through the full Divine Potential of their I AM Presence. As difficult as it may be to understand, that is exactly what happened through the multidimensional awareness of each person during these events. This is true whether or not the person was aware of it. Just by realizing that the I AM Presence was in charge of the billions of people who participated in the events of the outside world that brought this facet of the Divine Plan to fruition, will they even begin to have a idea of ​​the magnitude of what has happened on this sweet Earth.


Whenever there are millions or billions of people focusing on the events of the outside world that involve the raising of consciousness by opening people's hearts and turning their attention to a Higher Power, a Collective Cup of Humanity Awareness is formed. This Chalice of Light actually opens a portal through which the Divine Light of the Realms of the Cause will flow to answer the prayers of Humanity and improve life on Earth in wonderful ways. During the unique series of Eclipses that we experienced in September, many incredible events took place in perfect sync that accomplished just that. These events involved Celestial Alignments, Religions and World Governments, Corporations, Non-Governmental Organizations and Grassroots Movements from around the world. Literally billions of people participated in these activities of Luz.

Through these various events and in the focused attention of Humanity, a Chalice of Light was formed that supported the entire Planet Earth with great care. This collective Cup of Humanity Awareness opened a huge Portal of Light that now bathes every particle and wave of Life on Earth in high frequencies of Solar Crystal Light of the 5th. Dimension much more than we have been able to receive sometime before. This is the Crystalline Light that comprises every manifest form on the New Earth. This is the Divine Light that was used by the Company of Heaven and the I AM Presence of every person on Earth in God Victoriously to achieve the amazing facet of the Divine Plan that we experienced in September 2015.

On September 13 we experienced a partial solar eclipse of New Moon . This was the beginning of the first Series of Eclipses that Humanity would experience free of obstacles from the paralyzing claw of our human egos. Millions of people, including indigenous peoples around the world and Lightworkers from all walks of life, were very aware of the opportunities offered by Eclipses, Equinoxes, Solstices, New Moons and Full Moons and make the most of from them. These are powerful Celestial events that greatly intensify a person's ability to add their Light to the World.

At sunset on September 13, the Jewish New Year, Rosh Hashana, began in the total embrace of the solar eclipse. This is a celebration of New Beginnings that attracts the focused attention of millions of Jews around the world. Ten days after Rosh Hashanah the Highest Holy Day of Yom Kippur is celebrated. The days between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur are called the Days of Repentance. This is a period of time devoted to introspection. At sunset on September 22, the Jews began Yom Kippur, which is Jewish Forgiveness Day. This Holy Day ended at sunset on September 23 in the midst of the influx of Light from the September Equinox.

At the sunset of September 21, the annual Muslim pilgrimage to Mecca began. This spiritual gathering is called the Hajj and attracts millions of Muslims from around the World. It is a long weekly pilgrimage and this year lasted until September 26. The Divine Intention of this Pilgrimage is a demonstration of the outside world to honor God. The millions of Muslims who do not make the trip to Mecca focus on God and support the sacred ceremonies of those who have made the Pilgrimage. This event was also funded by the influence of the Solar Eclipse Light and the September Equinox.

Important Note: This year there was a tragic situation that occurred during Hajj (Pilgrimage to Mecca). That sad event took the lives of 700 pilgrims and wounded many more .. There are several sacred ceremonies that take place during the seven-day Pilgrimage and most of them are peaceful and full of Light and Love. But unfortunately, during a special ceremony in Hajj the town stirred with frenzy and ended up running over each other until it died. This tragedy has happened several times during the ceremony in which people collect stones and throw them into a pillar that is supposed to represent the devil. During that ceremony the pilgrims vomit hatred and anger as they throw stones at the pillar symbolically killing the devil . “Where our attention goes, there we are.” Every time we choose to hate or want to kill any part of Life we ​​become part of the problem rather than part of the solution. If we make that fateful decision, we will always experience the negative ramifications of our return energy.

During the incredibly powerful days among the eclipses there were several Hindu Holy Days as well. It has been said that Hindus have a Holy Day for each day of the year. In truth, that is probably an underestimate. Throughout that time millions of Hindus from India and around the World focused on a Higher Power and opened their hearts in compassion and Love.

Another synchronous event that occurred during that time is the trip of President Xl Jinping of China to visit President Obama. Even when it was a political trip, the intention was to focus on the collapse of China's economy and the devastating effects that pollution is having on the quality of life for the people of China. These important factors deeply concern everyone in China and President Jinping's trip attracted the attention of hundreds of millions of his countrymen. The predominant religion in China is Buddhism, so millions of Buddhists were also intimately involved in co-creating the Collective Cup of Humanity Consciousness during that time.

And of course, during that auspicious time Pope Francis made his historic Pilgrimage to the B. Hundreds of millions of Christians and probably billions of other people around the World focused on one point conscientiously while Pope Francis served as a Messenger selfless and an instrument of God. He also served as a substitute on behalf of ALL Humanity and volunteered to be the Open Door for the Immaculate Concept of the Templates for the New Earth.

These were the Templates that were associated with the unprecedented shift in consciousness that took place within Humanity during this Cosmic Moment. It was this unified effort between Heaven and Earth that allowed the Templates of Unity, Divine Love and Reverence for ALL Life to be instantly anchored on the physical plane through the I AM Presence of each person on Earth .


Pope Francis arrived in the United States of America on September 22 which was the eve of the September Equinox and the beginning of Yom Kippur. He did not schedule any events that day in honor of the Holy Jewish day.

To understand the meaning of the Pope's trip to North America, it is important to know what this country symbolically represents in the Divine Plan that is being unveiled. The original Divine Intention of this country was to model the microcosm of the macrocosm for the Earth . We had to be an example of the New World and a Higher Order of Existence on this Planet. All our sacred documents indicate just that. The Declaration of Independence, the Constitution and the Declaration of Rights, every decree for each person, the right to Freedom, Equality, Unity, Happiness, Prosperity, Justice and Unity through diversity.

AMERICA is actually an anagram for the I AM Race . That term represents a Race of God-conscious people functioning within the full power of their I AM Presence.

The I AM RACE is composed of each race, religion, nationality, culture, creed, gender and unique lifestyle. In other words, the entire Humanity Family living together enjoying and honoring our diversity as we strive to achieve our highest potential as Sons and Daughters of God with Love and cooperation.

Needless to say, in most cases, the manipulation of our fragmented and fear-based human egos forced us to co-create the opposite of those high ideals. But this is a New Day and we have given birth to a New Earth. Now it is time for the pattern based on the Love of the New Earth to be activated within the hearts and minds of Humanity that is awakening. The first step of this process is anchoring the Templates for the New Earth in the physical plane, so that the I AM Presence of each person has easy access and can reflect these patterns of perfection in the hearts and the minds of Humanity as we rise in consciousness.

The historical pilgrimage of P apa Francisco to the US It was divinely orchestrated to coincide perfectly with all the events that were taking place simultaneously in the Heavenly Realms and the outside World. The purpose of his Pilgrimage to the US it was to provide a global focus of attention to, exponentially, expand the Collective Cup of Humanity Awareness. While billions of people followed the Pilgrimage of Pope Francis, step by step, the Light of God flowed to the people, places, conditions and things that touched and created the sacred space that paved the way for instant anchoring of the Immaculate Concept of the Templates for the New Earth.

On September 23, Pope Francis met with President Obama in the White House and was honored at a welcome ceremony. The White House is the home of the President of the United States of America, who is considered the leader of the free world and who is the highest political office on the Planet. While millions of people focused on that meeting, the embodied Lightworkers and the entire Company of Heaven invoked the most intensified frequencies of the 5th Crystalline Solar Violet Flame . Dimension that the Cosmic Law would allow . This precious gift of Sacred Fire from the very heart of our Father-Mother God flowed through the Collective Cup of Humanity Consciousness with the power and strength of a thousand Suns. This gift from Heaven shone through the Ethereal Records of every thought, feeling, word, action, belief and memory that any president of the United States of America has expressed any Once it was not based on Divine Love, Unity and Reverence for ALL Life.

Once the purge was completed, the Templates for the Immaculate Concept of the Divine Government were anchored in the physical plane through the Heart Flames of the I AM Presences of Humanity . The Templates for Divine Government associated with the New Earth reflect a government OF THE I AM Presence, FOR THE I AM Presence, FOR the I AM Presence of each person involved. Given that the US is representing the microcosm of the macrocosm, these patterns will now seep into the hearts and minds of World Leaders everywhere as long as their consciousness is elevated and their I AM Presence takes full control of their lives. Day, we will witness evidence of World leaders finding new ways to respond to the challenges of the outside world with Divine Love, Unity and Reverence for All Life.

After the meeting at the White House, there was a Papal Parade followed by the Midday Prayers with bishops of the United States in St. Matthew's Cathedral.

During that meeting with the Bishops, another powerful activity of the Violet Flame was carried out during which the Etheric records of the abominable abuse of power and religious fanaticism associated with ALL World religions at one time or another throughout history were purged and transmuted into Light. That cleansing paved the way for the anchoring of the Immaculate Concept of the Templates of the New Earth associated with Spirituality, Religion and Devotional Worship based on Divine Love, Unity and Reverence for All Life.

The last thing Pope Francis did that day was to celebrate Mass in the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception . This is the largest cathedral in North America and is among the ten largest cathedrals in the world. The Immaculate Concept is the Divine Original Blue Design for the highest potential of any facet of life.

Mother Mary is the Guardian of the Flame of the Immaculate Concept and recently this Sacred Fire was increased to higher frequencies of Crystalline Solar Light of the 5th. Dimension that Humanity is able to receive at this time. The purpose of this gift from the Beloved Mother Mary is to help us all accelerate our Ascension process. During Mass at the Basilica of the Immaculate Conception, the Light of God flowed through the Chalice of Light of Humanity and intensified the ability of the I AM Presences of Pope Francis and Humanity to serve as the Open Door for the Concept Immaculate of the Templates for the New Earth that were being anchored in the name of ALL Life evolving on this sweet Earth.

On September 24, Pope Francis addressed a joint meeting of Congress that involves both the Senate and the House of Representatives. A pope had never addressed this body of politicians before. During the Pope's speech, another Violet Flame Activity occurred that transmuted the Etheric Records to all politicians in the US. associated with any form of government at national, state or local level dating back to the beginning of this country. Through the I AM Presence of each person, this purge was expanded to include all governments around the World of all time frames and dimensions. This powerful cleansing paved the way for the anchoring of expanded patterns for the Divine Government throughout the world.

After his speech before Congress, Pope Francis went to a homeless shelter and had lunch with the poor and the homeless. He also visited the Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Washington DC, who selflessly take care of those who suffer and of the oppressed people everywhere.

During the Pope's visit, another Violet Flame Activity was carried out to purge and clean the Etheric Records associated with greed, abuse of power, apathy, separation and duality that would have allowed this unscrupulous type of pain and suffering so that it exists in the first place. That purge once again opened the way for the anchoring of the Templates of the New Earth that are based on Divine Love, Unity and Reverence for All Life.

Once these patterns of perfection are tangibly manifested through the hearts and minds of all Humanity, inhuman behavior and lack of compassion and Love that allowed this level of pain and suffering throughout the world, no longer will exist

That same afternoon later, Pope Francis traveled to New York. That afternoon Pope Francis prepared for his Divine Mission in New York City, praying the evening prayer in an evening service at the renowned St. Patrick's Cathedral.

On September 25, Pope Francis addressed the General Assembly of the United Nations. The UN is made up of 193 member states around the World. This year the United Nations celebrates its 70th. anniversary and there were more countries attending than ever before during the last 70 years. The UN Under Secretary said that 2015 is the most historic year since the founding of the UN. He said that this is due to the fact that during this general session of the UN they will adopt a set of 17 global objectives aimed at ending extreme poverty by 2030. The three main main objectives of the goals are:

1. End of extreme poverty by 2030.

2. Overcome inequality everywhere.

3. Vigorously address Climate Change.

The 17 World Goals set by the UN in 2015 to end extreme poverty by 2030 are:

1. End of poverty in all its forms everywhere.

2. End hunger, achieve food security, improve nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture.

3. Ensure a healthy life and promote well-being for all, at all ages.

4. Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all.

5. Achieve gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls.

6. Ensure the availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all.

7. Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable, modern energy for all

8. Promote sustained, inclusive growth and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all

9. Build flexible infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation.

10. Reduce inequalities within and between countries,

11. Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable.

12. Guarantee sustainable consumption and production patterns

13. Take urgent measures to combat climate change and its impacts

14. Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable / sustainable development.

15. Protect, restore and promote the sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, stop and reverse land degradation and stop biodiversity loss. .

16. Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, facilitate access to justice for all and build effective, accountable, and inclusive institutions at all levels.

17. Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development.

While Pope Francis spoke to the UN representatives from 193 countries around the world, an Activity of the Violet Flame occurred that transmuted the Ethereal Records of the patterns of behavior of Humanity from of all the time frames and dimensions around the world that caused the need for these global goals in the first place. After this purge, the patterns of Divine Love, Unity and Reverence for All Life for the New Earth, which are necessary for the victorious achievement of these goals, were anchored through the Heart Flames n of Pope Francis, the members of the United Nations and the I AM Presence of every man, woman and child on Earth.

I know that the goal of ending extreme poverty throughout the world by 2030 sounds like an impossible task, but it is not. When the goals of this nature are expressed and really committed to people and countries around the world, they have a very powerful effect. In the past 25 years, more people have emerged from extreme poverty than in the past 200 years. During that time frame of 25 years, extreme poverty has fallen from 52 percent of the world's population to less than 20 percent and infant mortality from disease has halved.

Sacred Ceremony at the “One World Trade Center”

After his speech at the United Nations, Pope Francis participated in a sacred ceremony in the new “One World Trade Center” . This is the place known as "zero zone", where the two towers of the World Trade Center were attacked on September 11, 2001. This was a beautiful and moving ceremony, where 15 leaders of different religions met on stage with the Pope . Each spiritual leader recited a short meditation or a prayer. The Divine Intention of this meeting without belonging to the future was to Awaken to the reality of Divine Love, Unity and Reverence for ALL Life within all the religions of the World.

During the prayers another Activity of the Violet Flame was carried out to purify the Etheric Records associated with prejudice, fear, hatred, anger or distrust with respect to any person, place, condition or thing. This included awareness that perpetuates terrorism or any harmful behavior in which Humanity participates in the name of God. Once this cleansing was complete the patterns of perfection for the New Earth that reflect Eternal Peace, Infinite Abundance of God, compassion, mercy and Unity and Reverence for All Life were permanently anchored through the Flame Heart of the I AM Presence of each person.

After the invocations, a beautiful Choir made up of young men and women sang the song “Q que que hay paz en la Tierra ” on behalf of the Earth and all its peoples. The words were changed from: "With God as our Father, Brothers we are all" to " With God as Creator, We are all Family " which was perfect.

Pope Francis met with the Families of those who died in Sept. 11 and gave each one a gift of the Rosary of Mother Mary. Esto proveyó a la Madre María la Puerta Abierta a través de la cual ella podría expandir la Flama del Concepto Inmaculado para sanar el dolor y el sufrimiento de estas familias y para todas las Familias de todo el Mundo que han sufrido a través de la guerra y la conciencia distorsionada que condujo a las atrocidades asociadas con el terrorismo, prejuicio, miedo, odio, ira y desconfianza.

Las Otras Actividades del Papa en Nueva York.

Después de la ceremonia en el World Trade Center el Papa visitó la Escuela de Nuestra Señora Reina de los Ángeles, que es una institución que ha estado proporcionando educación de nivel primario a la comunidad de East Harlem por más de 120 años. Durante esta visita la Llama Violeta transmutó los Registros Etéricos que han perpetuado la desigualdad en las oportunidades Educativas para las personas pobres y personas de color no sólo en los EE.UU. sino en todo el Mundo. Esta actividad de la Llama Violeta también purgó las percepciones distorsionadas que han bloqueado que las niñas sean educadas en muchas partes del Mundo. Una vez más, los patrones de Amor Divino, Unidad y Reverencia por TODA Vida para la Nueva Tierra fueron anclados en el plano físico. Cuando estos patrones alcancen una masa crítica dentro de los corazones y las mentes de la Humanidad sobre la desigualdad de la Educación, esto no será sostenible de ninguna manera.

Después de la visita del Papa a Harlem hubo una caravana papal de automóviles a través del Central Park, donde 80.000 personas salieron a las calles para enviarle su Amor y para desearle lo mejor. El evento público final del Papa Francisco en la ciudad de Nueva York fue una Misa celebrada ante un lleno total en el Madison Square Garden.

La Misión del Papa Francisco en Filadelfia

El sábado 26 de septiembre, el Papa partió hacia Filadelfia, allí celebró una Misa en la Basílica de San Pedro y San Pablo antes de visitar el Parque de la Independencia y uniéndose al Encuentro Mundial de las Familias . De pie frente al Salón de la Independencia y utilizando un atril que fue utilizado por Abraham Lincoln, el Papa Francisco habló acerca de Familias Amorosas y la parte crítica que desempeñan en la vida de los niños que están llegando y la sanación del planeta. El Encuentro Mundial de las Familias es una celebración intercultural de la vida familiar en todo el mundo que ha tenido lugar en diferentes países a lo largo de los años. Más de 18.000 representantes de todo el mundo estuvieron presentes en la reunión en Filadelfia. Mientras el Papa Francisco hablaba, la Llama Violeta fluía a través del Cáliz de Luz colectivo de la Humanidad y transmutaba los Registros Etéricos asociados con cualquier comportamiento dentro de la vida familiar que no reflejara el Amor Divino, la Unidad y la Reverencia por Toda Vida. Cuando la purga estuvo completa los patrones para la Vida de Famila Amorosa Divina fue anclada a través de la Flama Corazón de la Presencia YO SOY de cada persona.

El domingo 27 de septiembre, el Papa se reunió con los obispos en la capilla de San Martin y varias de las personas que habían sido víctimas de abusos sexuales por parte del clero en la Iglesia Católica. Durante esa reunión la Llama Violeta transmutò los Registros Etéricos asociados con el abuso sexual de cada persona que alguna vez hubiera experimentado tal atrocidad, en cualquier marco de tiempo o dimensión. Esa limpieza allanó el camino para que el Concepto Inmaculado de las nuevas Plantillas que involucran Relaciones Amorosas, Sexualidad Divina y Reverencia por Toda Vida se anclen en el plano físico.

Después de esa actividad de Luz el Papa visitó el Correccional Curran-Fromhold. Durante esa faceta de su peregrinación, la Llama Violeta se expandió a través de todos los registros Etéricos relacionados con la delincuencia de cualquier tipo, violencia, corrupción, codicia y abuso de poder que resultó en dañar a cualquier persona, lugar o cosa en la Tierra. Estas son cosas terribles que la gente hace para causar dolor y sufrimiento. Son los patrones de comportamiento que las masas de la Humanidad consideran pecaminosos. En realidad, cualquier cosa que se manifiesta en este planeta que es menor que el Cielo en la Tierra puede ser considerado malvado.

El mal en todas sus formas no es más que la ausencia de Amor. El Concepto Inmaculado de las Plantillas para la Nueva Tierra están todos basados en el Amor Divino, por lo tanto, ninguno de los patrones dolorosos de la vieja Tierra son sostenibles en la Nueva Tierra.

Más tarde ese día, el Papa Francisco celebró la misa de clausura del Encuentro Mundial de las Familias ante una audiencia de más de 1.000.000 personas. Eso llevó el Plan Divino por su Peregrinación a los Estados Unidos de América a buen término en Dios Victorioso. Durante la Misa, las Plantillas del Amor Divino, Unidad y Reverencia por TODA Vida que estaban anclados en el plano físico durante la peregrinaci n del Papa, fueron asegurados permanentemente dentro de la Divinidad de la Flama Coraz n de cada persona por su Presencia YO SOY.

Esa tarde el Papa parti de Filadelfia en su viaje de regreso a Roma.

Ciudadanos Globales

Justo antes del incre ble influjo de Luz del eclipse Lunar de Luna Llena y la Onda X, otro evento Global Mundial tuvo lugar que exponencialmente facult los patrones de perfecci n para la Nueva Tierra que hab an sido anclados en el plano f sico a trav s de la Copa colectiva de Conciencia de la Humanidad . Ese evento fue llamado el Festival Mundial Ciudadano.

El 26 de septiembre del 2015, 60.000 personas se reunieron para un evento de seis horas en el Parque Central en la ciudad de Nueva York. Simult neamente hubo eventos de esa naturaleza que se llevaron a cabo en otros 110 pa ses. La intenci n de estas reuniones fue crear conciencia e inspirar la acci n global con el fin de cumplir los 17 objetivos fijados por las Naciones Unidas para poner fin a la pobreza extrema para el a o 2030. Las personas que asistieron a estos eventos no pod an simplemente comprar un billete, ten an que ir en l nea y firmar un compromiso para tomar acci n deliberada en sus propias comunidades y ayudar con uno om s de los 17 objetivos.

El evento en el Parque Central fue televisado en todo el mundo y millones de personas participaron unificando sus corazones y mentes con las diversas presentaciones. Hubo conciertos de m sica y oradores de una mir ada de espectros de vida, todos estaban comprometidos con la sanaci n de la Tierra y la soluci n de los problemas que enfrenta la Humanidad.

Hubo una llamada en gran n mero para que la gente en todo el Mundo se convoque y se comprometa y haga una promesa de tomar medidas para hacer una diferencia positiva en sus comunidades, su pa sy su Planeta . Se mantuvo un total acumulado de llamadas durante todo el d ay para el final del evento de seis horas, 92, 061, 708 personas hab an llamado para hacer una promesa de acci n. Impresionante!

Adem s de las personas que individualmemte participaron en este evento, hubo representantes de muchas de las principales corporaciones y gobiernos que tambi n se comprometieron a adoptar medidas positivas para crear conciencia e inspirar la acci n de sus empleados y personas con las que est n conectados alrededor de todo el mundo.

El presidente Obama habló a la multitud a través de una gran pantalla en el escenario. Michelle Obama, el vicepresidente Joe Biden y el Dr. Jill Biden estaban allí en persona y hablaron. Bill y Melinda Gates, Bono, Leo DiCaprio, Steven Colbert, Hugh Jackman, Mark Zuckerman, Kerry Washington, Richard Branson, y muchos otros, todos animaron a los pueblos del Mundo a participar activamente en la misión de acabar con la pobreza extrema para el año 2030.

Al final del día, los directores ejecutivos de varias corporaciones globales también se unieron al esfuerzo para lograr esta faceta crítica de la manifestación de la Nueva Tierra. Había directores ejecutivos de la industria internacional del teléfono móvil, Googal, YouTube, Facebook, Ted Talks, la industria del cine, Virgin Group, AOL, Comcast, MSNBC y muchos más. Wikapedia se comprometió a traducir los Objetivos Globales de las Naciones Unidas a todos los idiomas del Planeta.

Estos líderes empresariales pidieron a los gobiernos y corporaciones en todo el Mundo formar una Alianza Global para cumplir esta misión. A la gente en todas partes se le pidió: sostener a nuestros líderes responsables, asumir compromisos y tomar medidas para mejorar la calidad de vida para toda la Humanidad y para SER un Ciudadano Global, nunca un espectador.

El Poderoso Eclipse Lunar de Luna Llena, la tercera Luna de Sangre y la Onda X

El 27 – 28 de sept. del 2015 hemos experimentado no sólo un Eclipse Lunar muy poderoso de Luna Llena, que involucrò la tercera de las tres Lunas de Sangre muy raras, también recibimos una influjo de Rayos Gamma desde el Núcleo Galáctico del Universo llamado Onda X que bañó la Tierra con las frecuencias de la Luz Cristalina Solar de 5ª Dimensión mucho más allá de lo que la Humanidad o la Tierra hayan experimentado antes.

La sincronía de estos dos eventos que ocurrieron durante la culminación de los acontecimientos sin precedentes de las dos semanas anteriores, pareciò un milagro, pero fue orquestado a la perfección en lo que la Compañía del Cielo se refiere como Tiempo Divino . De acuerdo con las Legiones de Luz en los Reinos de la Verdad Iluminada, estos espectaculares eventos Celestiales lograron elevar la conciencia de las masas de la Humanidad y recalibrar nuestro ADN en formas que van realmente más allá de la comprensión de nuestras mentes finitas.

Los Seres de Luz nos dijeron que la combinación del Eclipse Lunar y el influjo de los Rayos Gamma de la Onda X catapultarían a la Tierra ya toda Vida en evolución sobre ella hacia las frecuencias más elevadas de la Nueva Tierra como jamás hayamos experimentado alguna vez.

El influjo de los Rayos Gamma recibidos de la ONDA X realmente elevó la frecuencia del ADN de la Humanidad de una manera que ha hecho y seguirá resultando en el más profundo Despertar, regresando a la Conciencia de Cristo como jamás haya ocurrido en cualquier Sistema de Mundos. Cuán Bendecidos somos, Gracias a Dios.

TRANSLATION: Alicia Virelli

AUTHOR: Patricia Cota-Robles

SEEN AT: www.eraofpeace.org

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