White Celestial Beings - The Pain of Ascension channeled by Natalie Glasson

  • 2013

Beloved Magnificent Beings of Light, we present ourselves with great Love and honor for your Being and for the Path that your Soul has chosen to follow on Earth. You are showing the blessed Truth of the Creator, to yourself, to all aspects of the Creator and to the Universe. Your path is not only supporting the evolution of your Soul and self-understanding, but you are supporting the evolution of everything. Your spiritual Ascension is like the deployment of the Creator from within to reach its greatest potential as a radiant Being of Light. You may ask why this display is necessary, but as the Creator unfolds, expands and seeps into all aspects of your Being, you are raising awareness of everything, within and around you. As you ascend, you energize and amplify the entire vibration of the Creator. It is important to understand that your path on Earth is not only personal, but that it benefits and helps the Collective Consciousness. At this time you are working as a team with Humanity to raise the vibration of the Earth through the admission of Light through your Being. With each step you take you support the Collective Consciousness to experience the Creator. Every situation and every experience in your reality can be seen as an exploration in the name of the Creator; and as a tool to raise the Collective Consciousness of Humanity. Every time you master an aspect of your Being or not succumb to your ego, this means that the same lesson does not have to be surpassed by many others on Earth, since each of you is accepting aspects of a collective initiation, playing its role to bring everyone closer to greater awareness of the Creator. We ask you to value the experience and situations that you are going through, for you are helping a deeper Unity of all with the Creator.

Walking the Path of your Ascension you begin to discover the keys to your Spiritual Awakening, to understand your innate ability to love, manifest, be at peace; and project from the inside. With this consciousness you are then faced with a world of your own creation and with the manifestation of the Collective Consciousness of Humanity. So many unnecessary and restrictive habits can be absorbed from the Collective Consciousness that the outside world may seem vastly different from the one you discover and test within. When you wake up, it could be compared to suddenly realizing that you are a superhero; and that you always have been! You understand most of your abilities and can see your great potential as a Being on Earth. The only problem is that you are aware of your superhero powers, but you have to give yourself time to grow towards your powers, to become familiar with them and to learn how to exercise them in your reality. With a beautiful perspective of yourself, it can be painful not to be able to instantly project your powers to your physical reality, to make the necessary alterations to the reality you experience.

This in itself can cause pain and suffering, until you learn to accept and be happy with the speed of your awakening to Ascension. With many other people around you realizing that you are superheroes, it can be difficult not to compare yourself, but it is necessary that you focus on loving yourself unconditionally, for this will nourish the Divine powers within you with an accelerated rhythm.

Many people experience suffering because they cannot yet project the Divine that they recognize within, but while you make the transition from awakening to realization and the complete projection from the inside to the outside, you can also find that past creations remain in your Aura and in your mind, projecting repeatedly towards your reality until you notice them. Ascension consists in realizing yourself; it is necessary that you notice everything that is Divine within your Being, but that you also notice with a loving heart everything that is not Divine. As you expand your ability to recognize energies and aspects of yourself that must be projected; and those who do not need projection, you are entering your power; as if you were cleaning your superhero costume and preparing to put it on. The process of realizing yourself can feel as if it causes suffering and pain when you realize your habits and approaches, but as you raise your vibrations, low vibration habits and creations can be experienced as worse than before, as they battle with the high vibrations of your Being, which causes friction.

The best way to dissolve the suffering and pain of the Ascension is to be deeply loving with yourself and with your reality in every possible moment, be gentle with yourself and with your reality as long as you allow yourself to be as neutral as possible in your reactions. to your accomplishments and projections. It is also essential that you be aware that you have control of your reality, you are the main instrument of creation of your reality; So it is through you that everything flows and manifests. You are always delivering the vibrations of the Creator through your Being, constantly receiving the most beautiful and abundant Light to create and project with it into your reality, whenever and however you want. You can project this beautiful Light while retaining its magnificence, or you can project it as a negative thought or as a negative circumstance; Light can be molded into anything you want and choose. Having confidence in the presence of the abundant Light within you and flowing through you, allows you to return your attention to your Truth and to a more neutral nature existence.

To be neutral is to believe and trust powerfully in the Creator and in the Light within you, even when you experience suffering and pain; To be neutral is to remain in tune and alignment with the Creator. In essence, remember your magnificence and realize that no pain or hardness can take you out of your power, which is the Divine Light within you. Your power is also the way you choose to use and exercise the Divine Light within you.

The more pure and loving your intentions, you will recognize more power within you. With a strong and growing belief in the Divine within you, you will notice that extreme reactions to your circumstances diminish; and most importantly, to your creations; Acceptance will become your most important tool. This will grant you diminished experiences of hardness, suffering and pain, because it is often your reaction that causes the most disturbance. The reaction is really a moment in which you do not believe in the Creator; and you focus on separation and disempowerment. If you can maintain the belief and trust in your power, then you reduce your reactions and you can go through the circumstances, through the usual projections and self-realizations, supported and loved by the Creator.

It is important that you realize that within your Being a magnificent loving power is growing; Your purpose at this time is to nurture this power, observing its growth and making room for it to expand. Take time to observe yourself and be with your own energies, so it will be easier for you to be aware of what is happening within your Being as well as the creations and projections that you are materializing, so that you can stop or energize them before They take root in your reality.

We ask that you sit in meditation, focusing on your breathing, to remember that you are a beautiful and peaceful Being full of Light. You may want to say this out loud a few times: "I AM a beautiful and peaceful being full of Light." Then ask yourself: What has occupied my mind the most up to this moment of the day? See what your mind is holding on to and let yourself exhale.

Then ask yourself: What have been my most reactive emotions until this time of day? See what your emotions are clinging to and let yourself exhale.

Keep asking yourself: What pain, suffering or hardness have I created consciously or unconsciously until now? Watch But if you can't understand, just find out that by focusing on exhaling the energies and creations, you are deleting them.

Then allow yourself to focus on the inner power of your Being, start breathing from your heart radiating the Light of your Divine Self, your power, building and observing your confidence in your own Divine power.

Just allow yourself to be in your own energy, watching the growth of the Light from within, for as long as you want.

This is a simple meditation, but it encourages you to explore many of your energies, acquiring the habit of dissolving unnecessary energies, thoughts, creations or emotions, before they manifest and project yourselves towards your Being, thus reducing your pain of Ascension.

We are always with you, loving you unconditionally.

White Celestial Beings.

Translated: Jairo Rodr guez R.


White Celestial Beings The Pain of Ascension channeled by Natalie Glasson

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