Planet in Transition By Celia Fenn

  • 2014

July 14, 2014

Our planet is in transition. We are in the middle of a process that is changing all life on Earth! Of course we know, we have talked about it and we have expected it, but now we are living the Reality. It is not easy, but there are solutions and ways to handle changes to facilitate an easy and elegant personal transition. The purpose of this series of articles will be to suggest ways to move with the transition to make life meaningful and rich, even in the crucible of change.

In recent weeks I have really noticed these changes. First ... the weather and its crazy patterns. There is no doubt that unusual weather patterns are being affirmed throughout the Earth. Then, we have all become aware of the economic difficulties on Earth, while "austerity" and bank fraud take more and more money from the people who work; and they give it to the rich who are becoming increasingly obscenely rich day by day. The Earth seems to be locked in an economic system that only absorbs resources and wealth, leaving the majority with nothing.

In our emotional and spiritual life we ​​may also have become insensitive; and cognitive dissonance is being established. We have been told that everything is wonderful, but frankly it is not; There are currently two wars in which civilian populations are being bombarded by the military, in plain sight; and nothing is being said in the news media. We are focused on our little sphere, on ourselves and on our personal happiness; and we have forgotten how to be part of a community. Now the community is Global; and we can feel exhausted and alienated in trying to fit into some sense of community that includes our own well-being and that of others. But in the 5th Dimension we are all interconnected; so any definition of community includes us all.

In addition, we daily face problems related to food, health and living space, as the population grows and resources are used at an increasingly rapid pace. We seem to be stuck in a "career" of consumption, working and earning to consume more and more, just to stay alive. It's easy to get pessimistic or just close to what you can't handle.

But in this transformation we are not alone, we have Angelic and Spiritual helpers who have guided us to this point; and that they are now willing to help us while we take the first steps in the Conscious Creation of something new. But it will be our Creation; and it will be based on the choices we make.

Actually, if we look at our Planet right now, we have become trapped in a Monetary Economy that sees Nature and the Planet as resources to be used in the creation of "wealth." This "wealth" is measured in monetary terms by how many personal resources an individual can have and how much he can consume. In this vision of our Earth, we are simply existing on a dead planet, consuming until there is nothing left; and then we hope to go somewhere else and continue this endless consumption.

Earth was not designed to function this way. In the Original Design the Earth was a Sacred and Self-Sustainable entity. The Planet was designed to sustain life in an endless cycle of life, death and renewal. In the original design, Humans were simply a part of the planetary ecosystem; and we were designed to find our sense of joy and well-being by sustaining Nature and being sustained by it.

I suppose that in our culture we call this the "Garden of Eden" or the "Paradise", in which everything works in balance and harmony. But then we leave the garden in favor of greed, power, consumption and "wealth." And now, when the Earth responds to this pressure, we have chaos. The Planet has passed to the 5th Dimension in which the interconnection of all things is the key aspect of life. We know that we cannot live without taking into account the lives of all the beings of our Planet, because if the Planet died, we would also die.

In the 5th Dimension we have to raise our consciousness and our perception; and begin to understand what it means to live in a Planetary Community and be connected. This is to understand that all life is a part of us; and that what happens to the Planet happens to us. There is no escape ... Only the ability to interact with Nature and create and weave something new in this Transition Space.

A Sacred Life

In a World in which Human life and Nature have become despicable, it seems strange to suggest that what is needed is a return to the acceptance of the Sacrality of Life and that it is part of the Sacred River of All Life.

The Ancients knew and understood that Life was a gift and that it was magical. They understood that the Planet was a living being and that all beings on Earth had a common destiny conformed by Nature itself. They connected with the Elementals and with the Spirits; and they tried to live in balance with Nature. They created communities and celebrated the Rites of Initiation and the Sacred Ceremonies of Life.

Their lives were rich, even if they did not have "wealth" in material terms.

To return to that Wealth in our lives, we must get rid of the need to seek material "wealth" and consumption; and return to the way of life that honors the Sacrality of All Life.

This is not easy to achieve. I recently enrolled in a course with a well-known American professor who was offering a course on a Sustainable Future for the Earth. This course was presented within the framework of the Consumer Economy model; and suggested that the only way to ensure a “sustainable” future was to achieve “more”: more economic growth, more people, more companies, more banks and more financial power. It seemed far-fetched to me that the so-called answer to the problem was more of the problem, but these people are "inside" their own box. When asked about pollution and habitat destruction, the eminent professor assured us that it was possible to “unlink” these effects of future growth, having “cleaner” industries and manufactures. Of course, people like this do not really seem to care about the destruction of the Earth, because they believe that by then they will simply take their spaceships and go to another Planet to continue consuming.

I don't know about you, but I like this Earth; and I would like to see our little Blue Planet become the Star of Light that it is meant to be, along with all of us who live in it.

For this reason, I recently traveled to Lake Baikal in Siberia, to work with a group of the Family of Light to reconnect with the original purpose of the Earth and with the power of the Cham Tradition. Unique. Lake Baikal is the largest freshwater body in the World. It is a pristine and pure environment where the Elementals are still empowered and active according to the original design. It is also one of the Seed points of the Chamican Tradition.

Shamanism is a vision of the World that sees the Spirit and the Sacred in all things. We can learn from the past as we enter the future. We need to learn from our past to perceive the Sacred, to listen to Nature and to work with It to create a rich and balanced life as a Planetary Community. In the next few months I will write more about how we can make these connections in our daily lives; and how can we help the planet in its transition back to the original design; and then evolve towards a Planetary Community.

A Rich Life

When we begin to understand that all life is sacred, we begin to see it differently. We begin to see the colors and patterns of life. That is not the case because all our attention is being absorbed by the incessant need to win and consume, we have no time to notice the great symphony of life and our place in it.

We can begin by connecting with the Sacred Circle of Life. We are Galactic Shamans touring the Fields of Dreams; and we are here to create our dreams. We are also here to share the Common Dream of Life and Creation; and to appreciate the Great Creation of the Planet and all its beings. When we approach life and the Planet from a perspective of wonder, gratitude and appreciation, we begin to see things that we would not see otherwise.

And we begin to appreciate our place on Earth and our part in this Great Transition.

We may also begin to feel that we need to do what we preach and begin to see how we can change our lives to align them with the incoming energies of the new. These new energies will take us back to the original design; and then forward, to a Planet in Harmony and Balance. But we must take those steps towards harmony and balance; and look at the ways our lives are connected to the current system of consumerism. In this time of change, it is inevitable that we will live with one foot in each World, so to speak, but we must be working to ensure that we are moving more and more towards a World of harmony and balance; and to make sure we make these choices.

It depends on us. That's what we're here for. We must make the vital choices that will align us with a rich and harmonious Future Earth that sustains All Life.

Thought for the Day:

Today I will make choices that support life on Earth …… Today I will be aware of the Wealth of Life …… Today I will be aware that all life is Sacred!

Translated: Jairo Rodríguez R.

Planet in Transition

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