Signs in the sky of June 2011: AIA the grandmother Earth - by Abjini Arráiz

  • 2011

Signs in the sky of June 2011: AIA the grandmother Earth by Abjini Arráiz / Day by day by Eduardo D Ascoli

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Hello being of light that connects at this moment, it is a pleasure to express my love and communicate through this medium. Today I want to share a little of my personal experience regarding my relationship with Gaia. Like all relationships this has had different stages, but the most beautiful thing has been that it has been expanding, almost to the point that I feel it more and more comprehensive, every time I realize that almost everything has to do with it, with its energy with its frequency

Like the ascended Masters and our superior or double etheric self or whatever they want to call her, she communicates with us all her sons and daughters, her grandchildren and granddaughters through dreams, meaningful coincidences, signs, messages and more. At the beginning of my relationship with her I only felt it through meditation, the telepathic messages, but while I have been deepening I have realized that she sends signals to everyone from all the dimensions we share as inhabitants of this planet.

Another deepening of the relationship is that I have begun to feel its oldest, oldest part, to discover that Gaia is a grandmother, who is an experienced old woman who has gone through many changes in the eons she has revolving around the sun. This new way of knowing her feels that it opened after contact with the Whales. In other words, it was the love of the Whales that opened me to this new aspect, to this link.

She has asked me to invite you to connect with the bond that binds you to grandparents and grandparents, ask you to remember your biological grandparents, also those older people who made a difference in your life, which marked you. Because this concept of grandparents goes beyond the biological family, although that is the first one she takes into account, it is the first to be healed, she says. It is also about the spiritual family that Gaia talks about. And what more unconditional love than that of grandparents?

Synchronously I discovered that the word Gaia comes partially from the Greek, that the G comes from Gea, the earth, but that the rest comes from Aia which is the name that they gave ancestor to the grandmother earth in a very old language, the Proto-Indo-European, whose Origin dates back to the Neolithic.

Aia is a loving grandmother, whose comfort is a balm to survive these changing times. Aia is a comprehensive and protective grandmother so she is with all her creation.

So today it is Aia who speaks for you to be of light, feel the energy, open your heart, breathe with the rhythm of Grandmother Earth.

Abjini Arráiz

AIA the Grandmother Earth

My beloved grandson, my beloved granddaughter, very happy to have the opportunity to send you a wave of unconditional love in these words, a wave of comfort if you need to be comforted, my tender hug if you need containment, my firm support if you need where to support you, My protection if you feel fear, I am always watching over you.

My origin is very old goes back to the times when the elements were waking up, the water, the fire, the air, I contained them as I do today but in that remote time everything began to form to materialize. My mission has always been to protect that life is not extinguished, that it lasts and just in those times was to allow the alchemy necessary for life to arise.

You are the final product of that alchemy, my grandson, my granddaughter. How can you think that I will forget you? Actually you have always had my protection. At the beginning when they were populating the earth, this link was maintained, you recognized me, honored me, we communicated in the celebrations of the cycles, in the stone circles. The ancestors, the old men and wise old women, the Great goddess were honored. It was part of a great pattern where female energy was recognized and respected for its ability to nurture, wait, fertility.

Much to past and humbly I have seen how new values ​​replaced that link with me with the need of the father, to create, to reproduce the creation that has been what has dominated for many centuries so far. That emergence of the masculine was also necessary within the terrestrial experience, but now it is closing a cycle. Do not believe that the cycles of Gaia my daughter are short, she takes the time to modify, to purify, following the rhythms of her own becoming.

This long closing cycle causes my energy to be felt by many of you and that reunion rejoices me.

I am the heart of Gaia, I am like the deep roots of a great tree that hugs the ground, my wisdom is also found in the veins, in the crystals of the earth, part of that knowledge was crystallized there. For those all the memories of the Earth are recorded in the stones, in the crystals. Many have recognized their importance, they know that crystals can be detonators of cellular memory. For a long time I was the Grandmother Earth I was in a kind of ibernation waiting for my grandchildren to wake up, the time has come to communicate. I am very wise thanks to my experience and I have the memory of the most hidden feminine secrets, since for a long time I was in charge of teaching the secrets of the feminine body. The woman's body is the ultimate emanation of Ishtar, the Cosmic Feminine Energy, from which I also come, the closest thing to that energy is the quantum field of pure potentiality, it is stillness, it is to majestically allow life-

As a grandmother I tell you that the woman's body is something sacred, that there are direct portals in her anatomy to reach the divine union, this fact has been hidden a lot, the change of time to artificial cycles was made with the intention that Women lost connection with the cycles, with the numerology of 13, who forgot their true purpose. This has worked like this for centuries and is now coming to an end. This disconnection has brought disease to your bodies, to the wombs, to the breasts, to the ovaries, in spite of what it seems all this is well, it has served a lot of learning.

My granddaughters ask you to listen to your body, to breathe in your belly, to honor your lunar cycles, your blood, to connect with the abdomen, with the portal of your vagina, with the sites of the body where you feel pleasure. Explore alone, as a couple, without judgments, religions have served to hide the creative power that emanates from there.

My male grandchildren also have portals in their sacred physical body as hidden as those of women, ask their partners for help, be they women or loved ones of the same sex, remember that variety and diversity is the characteristic of this dimension, not there is nothing wrong with enjoying the body, you came to experience, to feel to be in the physical body, the option may be to be in ecstasy, in permanent union.

To return to this union with the body, portal, divinity, it is necessary to open up to a subtle, unhurried, enveloping sensibility. That same sensitivity is what is going to help them change the rhythm of what they are living. Many events are announced for the next times, I just remind you that there is no better place than where they are, that if they feel the need to move is fine, that if they feel the desire to stay too No, it's fine, I'm with you to support and care for you, like when you were learning to walk and in those first steps wobbly the grandmother's loving hand or grandfather held you. Why changes will bring a rebirth to Earth, to Gaia.

There is nothing to believe you just have to feel, set aside a time to feel, even a few minutes a day, in that time to feel, close your eyes and let your other self take care of everything while you breathe deeply and they contact the heart. Remember that your hearts are linked to mine and although many have forgotten about this, the time has come to reestablish the bond with me with AIA, the earthly grandmother. Rest assured that if you call me there, it will be to hug you.

My beloved grandchildren, I await your call. A lot of ancestral love I send you.

AIA, Grandma Earth.

Abjini Arr iz

+ 582-4142373866

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