The rebirth of the Earth - Change and Challenge, THE RENAISSANCE OF THE EARTH, by Lawrence & Michael Sartorius

In recent years a growing number of communications and predictions have taken place, through messages channeled in spiritual and / or esoteric circles, about a glorious New Age on Earth towards the beginning of the new Millennium. We are told that this New Golden Age announces a period of great spiritual advances in our civilization, followed by a thousand years of Peace and loving Cooperation. The present time is a time in which we will evaluate our individual evolutionary progress, and for those who are prepared, the "Ascension" to a higher plane, of a higher vibrational frequency, will be within reach.

Those who ascend will be elevated from our current physical and dense "Third Dimension", they will quickly pass through the "Fourth Dimension", to the etheric "Fifth Dimension", by 2012, the beginning of the new Age of Aquarius on Earth. Since the "Fall of Atlantis", 12, 500 years ago, we have found ourselves under a "Veil of Oblivion" that surrounds the Earth as a "School of Hard Learning", in a kind of "quarantine" that takes us away from direct access to others higher planes. Those of us who achieve Ascension will recover the "Total Consciousness", which will allow us to be consciously connected to our "Higher Self" as well as to other higher spiritual worlds.

These upcoming events have also been collected in the Bible as the long-awaited "Second Coming of Christ." There will be a day of the "Last Judgment", where the wheat will be separated from the tares, that is, those that will ascend from those that do not, followed by a period of "Tribulation" for those who remain here, during which there will be great seizures on planet Earth.

In communications with the High Spiritual Planes, we are also told that the end of the current Age of Pisces, which has lasted 2, 000 years since the birth of Jesus Christ, coincides with the end of a Cosmic Cycle of 206 million years., along with other shorter Galactic Cycle endings. This completion of the Great Cosmic Cycle represents the end of a period of "expiration" of the Creator, as the creative force of the Cosmos and the beginning of "inspiration", in which the Creator conducts all his creation, along with all the accumulated wisdom, back to the source. After all this is completely assimilated by the Creator, a new Cosmic Cycle will begin at a higher level.

At this precise moment of time, we are within the "null zone", among these great changes of evolutionary currents.

This period of completion of a Great Cosmic Cycle is a time of final testing of the evolutionary process itself and a time of Ascension for all the inhabited worlds of the Universe. In truth, and although they remain unknown to the inhabitants of the Earth, there are countless planets inhabited throughout the millions of solar systems within our Galaxy and other Galaxies. They too, at this time, will experience the End of a Cycle, the "Day of Judgment" and the Ascension to higher vibratory planes. This coincides with a period where all the Stars / Solar Systems of our Milky Way will have traveled a large orbit around the Great Central Sun. Specifically, in the Pleiades sector (which includes our own Solar System, orbiting the Great Central Sun Alción), a 26, 000-year Zodiac Cycle is ending, or what is the same, a "Zodiac Year." The twelve constellations of the Zodiac will thus have completed a cycle of celestial movement.

During the last years of this century the predictions of the end of our world as we know it, and the beginning of a glorious New Age, have increased enormously.

These predictions come from different sources, including books published by small esoteric publishers, and more recently, a growing wave of channeling of the Spiritual Plans available on the Internet.

Of course, the prophets, and their prophecies of condemnation and darkness, and of the imminent End of the World, have emerged and disappeared throughout the History of Humanity, and many people, in the past, have rejected the predictions of events concerning the End of the World, none of which have been fulfilled. Recently, however, there has been such an avalanche of predictions about Earth Changes, along with a growing knowledge of the world of Angels, aliens, UFOs, wheat field circles and other paranormal phenomena, which makes it extremely difficult to ignore the "New Age" phenomenon. However, even in the case that one does not accept this growing avalanche of “New Age” thinking we should consider that it is always positive to keep an open mind to all kinds of possibilities, whatever they may be. One can never be completely sure of what can happen around the corner!

Predictions of upcoming geological Earth Changes have been rejected by scientists for years as "non-scientific." However, in fact, there is much scientific evidence of geological seizures that have occurred in the past on our planet. And when a geological pattern is repeated throughout history, the "scientific" presumption would be that it will continue to repeat itself in the future, not cease to occur without any specific explanation or reason. Geological evidence clearly indicates that physical disorders of enormous magnitude have in the past imposed great alterations to the planet's geography, submerging entire continental masses under the sea, and elevating others that would become high mountain ranges that we know today. This fact has been evidenced by the shells and skeletons of marine animals that have been found in the highest mountains of the Himalayas and the Andes. Geological evidence also confirms that the great plains of the United States, from Mexico to Alaska, were in the past under the sea; the same as the current east coast of America, where once the ocean fractured the coast of the Appalachian Mountains.

There is much evidence that these sudden changes were in fact produced by a change in the Earth's Poles, which took new positions, which gave rise to the current equatorial regions. There are recorded examples of dramatic changes in the climate that occurred in the distant past, such as the discovery of tropical coral reefs in the city of Spitzbergen, located in what is now known as the Arctic Polar Circle. . Carbon sediments found in the Antarctic indicate that the area was once covered with forests. In 1799 the frozen bodies of mammoths discovered in the tundra of Siberia, showed in their stomachs herbs and leaves belonging to tropical regions, located thousands of kilometers to the south.

Many of the predictions about the next Terrestrial Changes suggest that an inclination will take place on the Earth's axes, which will precipitate the predicted violent changes. This will alter the existing centrifugal balance of the earth's crust and cause major changes in the surface of the continents and oceans, which will cause some continents to sink under the sea and others they rise from the depths of the oceans, including the sunken continents of Lemuria and Atlantis. All accompanied by huge waves, floods and unprecedented storms, with winds over 900 km / h devastating everything in its path.

The end of a Great Cosmic Cycle marks a time where all life must undergo some final tests and an evaluation of its own evolutionary progress. It is also a time where all karmic debts contracted with other people must be balanced or forgiven. It is a time where many old and repressed emotional states within our deepest interiors must be brought to the surface, resolved and transmuted in time for the Changes . Using public terminology, this is a time of the D a of the Last Judgment . For those people unable to ascend for not having been able to pass their evolutionary tests, or for not being prepared to reach higher levels, people who still show a non-kind, aggressive and destructive nature, this time can mean restarting a whole three-dimensional evolutionary cycle, which would involve moving to another solar system that still contains a three-dimensional planet, even a planet still less evolved than Earth.

At this time, the Earth must join the Ascension process together with all the inhabited neighboring planets of our Solar System, since they will also pass from the Fourth to the Fifth Dimension. The Humanity of the Earth has lagged far behind in its evolutionary progress towards Ascension over the past millennia. We have been anchored for a long time on Earth due to the large number of souls, in many cases destructive, who have incarnated to work their aggressiveness and to learn certain more or less hard lessons. Terrestrial Humanity has been delayed in its Ascension process due to several "Dark Forces" that have managed to maintain insidious control over the entire Planet. However, at this time, they and their dark plans to maintain such control over all of us are now being overwhelmed by events of greater relevance within this Cycle Final. This is a time where the Forces of Light will finally prevail, by direct Divine intervention, over the Forces of Darkness.

However, despite the enormous difficulties that we have created ourselves on Earth, a large part of Humanity has made significant progress in its evolutionary process in the past decades. Many people, at the present time, have already begun their Ascension process, raising their vibrational frequencies towards the Fourth Dimension, although they may not be mentally and physically aware of these subtle changes in their daily lives. The planetary body of our Mother Earth has also risen to the border with the Fourth Dimension. As a result of all this, some of us have noticed that we feel a little more “enlightened” in our interior, that the colors of nature and the environment around us seem much more vivid, and that we express much more positive attitudes and loving towards life and towards the people who are with us. We can also note that we want to exercise more outdoors and that we do not feel as much eating foods high in fat and blood as in the past.

After the main Earth Changes, our Solar System is destined to move from the present Pleiadian galactic orbit to a new area that is part of the Sirius Star System. In fact, the Earth will be “promoted” from its current Planetary state to become a radiant inhabited Sun, one of the three Suns in circumvolution of the Sirian Star System. That part of the terrestrial population that manages to ascend to the Fifth Dimension will become part of a world that will be like a showcase for others, a loving and cooperative world, an example for the rest of the Galaxy of a correct life, won by through hard and bitter lessons. We will have forged a new and high social order through our long experience of intense conflicts and difficulties. A good measure of our progress is that we will be an exceptional case in the History of the Universe because a three-dimensional society is about to rise two levels of vibrational frequency in a single jump!

The Planetary Being of the Earth, also known as Mother Earth, or Gaia, is already prepared to undertake its own Ascension into the Fifth Dimension. She agreed in the past to be, for millions of years and in the form of a loving sacrifice, a Special Galactic School of Basic and Difficult Lessons, not only for young souls who began their long evolutionary process, but also for souls renegades, without charity and destructive that came from all over the Universe.

She is ready, after a long and painful three-dimensional existence, to move to a higher level, where the inhabitants of its turbulent surface will express in the future great advances such as peaceful and loving civilization. Humanity will show in the future the way, as an example for the rest of the Universe, of a transformation towards a new deeper level of respect for the planetary environment and other forms of life also in evolution.

(5th edition - 1999)

by Lawrence & Michael Sartorius
Translation: Marisol Mora


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More Information 954-636-5961 (USA) EQUINOCCIO CELEBRATION In South Florida “DRUM CIRCLE” PLANETARY SYNCHRONIZATION FOR THE HARMONIZATION OF MOTHER EARTH We will join the vibration of thousands of Drums that will sound worldwide ... vibrate ... call ... If you want to participate with another instrument, you can bring it .... Remember that if you have no instrument, your heart is!
Facilitators: Maria Cristina and Reyna Meditation of the E quinoccio autumn / spring "Flame of Love" Day: Saturday, March 21 Time 5:00 PM in Weston, Florida MORE INFORMATION 954-636-5961 VISIT GAIA LUZ AND CONNECT! SEMILLASDELUZ NETWORK © copyright Edition Light Seeds 2009 All Rights Reserved

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