Blind trust according to fairies

  • 2015

Fairies teach us that trusting blindly can lead to disappointment or disappointment especially when we don't know how to discern. Trust must always be placed in a situation with a dose of reality. Relying on a chimera can end up confusing us.

Not knowing how to recognize the truth or the lie until it is too late is a price we must pay to learn the lesson. Let us accept the lesson calmly, let us be grateful for having learned one more thing, for being wiser today than yesterday, although at the beginning that causes us disappointment or restlessness and let go or let go of what must go. Let's do it in peace. It is a way of feeling lighter with our mental luggage and taking the necessary time forward to ponder or consider something before making a similar decision lightly. Impatience or haste often leads to mistakes, also going around things too much before making a decision. The time we must take to resolve a situation must be as necessary, neither too little nor too much.

Sometimes, when someone takes something away from us, it teaches us to give up on that and over time, we realize that it was not as relevant as we gave it. Sometimes material things are not so valuable. Each with his conscience, because we all end up receiving what we have given, that law is immutable.

Not committing to what was promised or what we have insured can attract situations in which it is harmed. These situations should not be resolved with the complaint or the victimhood but with the acceptance which does not exempt from facing the circumstances, if the solution is within reach.

Things can be done simply, easily, flowing with the now. Trying to complicate everything brings major complications or wanting to do things too well, striving as a way to force a situation in our favor or being too perfectionist means that we end up being wrong. But beauty is that we can learn to improve. Learning to balance ourselves, knowing ourselves and not letting ourselves be controlled by harmful emotions will constitute tools that will help us powerfully.

AUTHOR TEXT AND IMAGE: Mar a Jes s Verd Sacases


Technical illustration: Soft cake

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