AA Uriel You are weaving a spider web, channeled by Hester Aira

  • 2012

AA Uriel - June 7, 2012 - “You are weaving a spider web”, channeled by Hester Aira

Today Uriel has said:

“[…] All energy is being recalibrated after these cosmic adjustments. "Tranquility" and "trust" are the key words for the calibration to settle and let the energy flow run its course. At the end of June you enter fully on the highway that takes you directly to portal 12.12.12, so this month is crucial. You must reach the support in total calm and you will arrive light luggage. The split between 3D and 4D is irreversible and after the last events the differences will be pronounced. At the end of June, once on that highway, take the straight towards 5D. The differences will be insurmountable.

All those who choose the New Consciousness must smile and keep walking without looking back. Look only forward. We are many who are waiting for you beyond the threshold. We are amazed at the turn things are taking. Female Energy is growing exponentially and is anchoring. There is little left to reach the point of harmony, less than you could ever conceive, less than what many on Earth want. That is why you must walk forward without looking back, smiling, grateful, bright, because you carry in you the Rainbow Rays with which you have been blessed.

You are thousands of pillars of stable light moving forward. Now you felt like points of Light scattered across the planet.

Advance happy and carefree. When the point of harmony is being reached, you will be so many that you will not need to look at your sides to know that you are many, that you are surrounded by brothers and sisters, and will go You are intertwining your hands first, and then you will be holding arms, forming concentric circles, which in turn will form a thicker and thicker fabric. When on the horizon you begin to see columns of interwoven brothers, the process will be reaching its peak. You are weaving a spider web, my beloved ones, in reverse process, from outside to inside. And when the spider web is complete, the Source will shine again in resplendent brightness and the final Transformation, the entrance of the New Violet Energy, will finally take place. At that moment, when the Source regains its brightness, everyone will recover your original colors. Everyone will remember and everyone will be reconnected and settled in the New Consciousness. We thank you. Without all of you this process would be impossible.

The planet Earth needs your la of ara a to recover the primitive essence of its Being. I am Uriel.


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