The most common archetypes of the hidden world

  • 2017

Along the difficult path that leads to spiritual development, the Truth seeker encounters certain symbols or archetypes whose hidden meaning transcends beliefs and cultures from all parts of the world. These archetypes appear insistently in our dreams, visions and visualizations, but they also surround us in real life without us looking at them. They may have a very different meaning to what their appearance suggests, and while most archetypes are the same for everyone, there will always be one that has a special meaning for each reader.

Dream interpretation guides usually contain lists of archetypes, but today I have consulted several sources to create an extensive list that brings together the most common archetypes of the hidden world . I hope it helps you to recognize them, both in the dream and in the vigil and that it is useful for you to achieve a better understanding of your inner world.

List of Archetypes.


Bees: Industry, team effort.

Abyss: Danger, foggy thinking, immobility.

Agitated water: Whirlpool.

Water pumped: Little get after much effort.

Calm water: Birth, change, that which is hidden.

Eagle: Personal power, the Higher Self

Flying eagle: Success, Higher Self, security

Needles: Slander and talk

Lark: Good fortune, goal achievement

Altar: Holy, sacred, fear

Anchor: Something that keeps you stopped

Ring: F idelity, belonging, fullness, unity

Ring, badge: Fraternity, leadership

Broken Ring: Infidelity, Change, Divorce

Spider: Creative potential, ability to overcome the enemy

Tree: The universe

May Tree: Union, sex, marriage, festivities

Fir: The goddess, eternity

Rainbow: Bridge between worlds, promises fulfilled

Bow and arrow: Great potential

Rice: Sustainability, fertility, joy

Blue: Spirituality

Balance: Matters of balance, justice, retribution

Whale: Fight

Ship in port: Dreams to come true

Sailing ship: Success, dream world, psyche

Ship stranded: Danger, stagnation, disaster

Full barrel: Prosperity

Empty Barrel: Poverty

Staff: Phallus, masculine power

Acorn: Great potential

Fork: Pending decisions, choice

White: Purity, innocence, Higher Self, astral

Ball stop: Cycles

Ball rolling: Lack of direction

Forest: The hidden, invisible potential, elementary

Vulture: Illness, destruction, fear, violent change

Buquet: Achievement, honor, success

Dry Buquet: Disruption

Horse eating: Satisfaction, home life

Running horse: Success, prosperity

Standing horse: Disaster, disease

Chains: repressed emotions, fear, immobility

Cauldron full: Maternity, abundance, fullness

Empty cauldron: The womb, rebirth, goddesses

Bed: Lack of initiative, need to reconsider

Quiet bells: Unpredictable future, fallen or vulnerable defenses

Bells ringing: Satisfaction of desires, protection

Covering layer: Death, severe transformation

Single layer: Hide

Jail: Prevent action, immobility, suppression

Road: Showing the way, movement

Strange house: I long for, disconnection, suspicion

Family home: Family, belonging, stability, shelter

Cemetery: Soledad, transition, the rest

Ashes: Protection, transformation, renovation

Pork: Female Divinity

Lock: Fear, stunning, exile

Basket: Fullness, union, sexuality, marriage

Sky: The Macrocosm

Deer: Escaping the problems

Deer jumping: Overcoming obstacles

Belt: Confusion, restriction, self-control, high rank

Swan: Deep Change

Hive: Abundance or temple affairs

Commerce: Peace, coexistence

Comet: Mysteries Revealed

Tie : Slavery

Cordillera : Important Obstacles

Crown : Knowledge, sovereignty, intelligence

Cruz : Protection, the center

Knife : Distrust

Horn : Harvest in abundance, union of opposites

Horns : Power, sovereignty

Crow : An Oracle

Cave entrance: Maternity, travel, secrets

Inner Cave: The Matrix

Shawl: Acceptance, security

Fireplace: Magic, travel, soul, spiritual world

Fireplace / smoke: Happy life and home, abundance

Desert: Sterility, frustrated hopes, long journey

Canopy: Home, family, marriage, marriage

Crossroads : Protection, safety, the microcosm

Ladder: The path provided is difficult, threatening success

Stairs: Paths to the unknown

Broom: New principles, fullness, the pure

Shield: Protection, safety, caution, mother

Sword: Phallus, war, protection

Sea Lighthouse: Gu a

Cricket: The sun, God, call to action

Cat: Mystery, magic, fear, night

Open Barn: Poverty

Closed Barn: Prosperity

Garland: Eternity, the Wheel of the Year

Worms: Energy going in the wrong direction, silly sorrows

Double ax: Duality, feminine principle, two sides to emerge

Simple ax: Speed, judgment

Horseshoe: Immense good fortune, protection

Ice: Commitment, rigidity, hate, disease

Oven: Fertility, success, abundance

Wye: Fertility, joy at work, activity

Sickle: Change, harvest, death

Egg: Life

Cage: Restriction, seizure, suppression

Jewels: Wealth, vanity, honors

Lizard: Invisibility Power

Lake: Hidden Worlds

Lamp: The spirit, enlightenment, help the one who seeks

Lacing: Hiding under a false face, frivolity, vanity

Owl: Wisdom, night, mystery, disease

León cast: Indolencia, those who wait

Lion roaring: Royalty, strength

Lioness: Protection, ability to solve problems creatively

Open book: Knowledge, information

Closed book: Untapped potential

Flashlight: Illumination, hope, answers

Wolf: Intrepidity, loyalty

Wolves pack: Family

Moon, mystery: The goddess, femininity

Key: Impediments, immobility due to fear, answers

Mother: Security, unconditional love, fruition

Whole Apple: Hidden Desire

Split Apple: I Fragmentation

Mariposa: Renovation, good health, distant news

Brown: Something related to animals

Mask: The hidden, the deities, ancestors

Full table: Knowledge, success, leadership

Empty table: Destruction, loss waiting

Mountain: Personal Challenge

Crutch: Fear, immobility

Black: The hidden, the womb, night, loss

Nest: Home, security, wealth

Snow: Winter, death, purity, sleep

Child: Potential, innocence

Crying child: Anguish, insecurity

Robust child: Lack of control

White clouds: Spirituality, life in the hereafter, peace

Dark clouds: Storms, fear, restlessness, threat

Knot: Immobility, difficulty, unfruitful ideas

Ear: Omniscience, be on guard

Keyhole: Revelation, a path without means, upstarts

Waves: Matters of internal worlds, travel, freedom

Sheep: Abundance of the material

Bird eating: Preparation and planning

Bird on land: Potential for success

Bird in flight: Success, the higher self

Dead bird: frustrated hopes

Shovel: Jobs that fail

Palace: Wealth, sovereignty, be excluded

Rising Pigeon: Connection with the Higher Self

Dove in descent: Peace, certainty, connected with the deity

Dove flying: Loss

Cake: Successful harvest

Pastor: Firmness, security, protection, love

Howling Dog: Warning

Dog in pack: Fortress, tight rows

Dog only: Loyalty, companionship, protection

Pyramid: Stability, ancient wisdom

Silver: The moon, the goddess, hidden mystery

Well : The birth canal, transition

Bridge : Transition

Bridge / water ; Spiritual transition

Open door: Energy flow, low defenses, new worlds

Closed door: Energy blocked, secrets, frustration

Lightning: Discord, sudden change, new ideas

River flowing: Success and achievement, travel

Frozen River: Fear, immobility, lost potential

Dry river: Loss, stagnation

Oak: Strength and longevity

Red: Anger, greed, power, war

Pink: Peace, loves

Wheel: Cycles, eternity, reincarnation

Blood: Life, motherhood, power, energy, greed, anger

Snake: Eternity, rebirth, change

Sun: Novelty, God, summer, energy

Weaver: A magic worker, sorcerer

Cobweb: Intrigue, traps, creativity

Tornado: Shifting Change

Triangle: Stability, manifestation, divinity

Trident: Manifestation, success, union, the sea

Throne: Sovereignty, controversy

Open Tomb: Death and Change, Moving Forward

Closed Tomb: Life and life cycles, happiness

Tunnel: The birth canal

Magpie: Robbery

Wand: Creativity, magic, the phallus

Veil: Hidden with fear, deceit

Open window: Loss, insecurity, vulnerability

Closed window: Security, protection

Viper: Betrayal

Wind: A message, what is in motion

Wine: Friendship, close human ties

Violeta: The higher self, peace, psychic power

Volcano: Violence, masculine power

Numbers as Archetypes

The numbers function as archetypes that can have different meanings within different cultures. For example, for the Celts and the Nordic peoples, 3 was a sacred number, but for the Chinese it was bad luck.

The following list attempts to decipher such cultural complexity a bit, to serve as a guide for the reader when working with the hidden meaning of the numbers.

0. Beginnings and / or endings

1. The number of the I in the West, but a symbol of loneliness and isolation in some areas of the East, where it is the norm to live a life with the support of an extended family, and get involved in a daily team work.

2. The number of the union, polarity or duality. Also the number of balance and potential. A lucky number in ancient Greece.

3 . The sacred number of the Celtic and Nordic peoples, but considered infamous in certain parts of the East. It is also a sacred number for Hindus.

4. The number of the elements. Considered almost universally as a number of balance and fullness. It is also the main sacred number of Native Americans and the Shinto religion (native religion of Japan).

5. The mysticism of the Middle East and medieval numerology teaches that this is a number of bad luck.

6. A number of equilibrium for ancient Rome. A number of fullness for Native Americans.

7. The Seven of Luck is almost universally known, and is particularly strong in Christian mysticism.

8. For the Chinese, this is the most sacred number of all and represents life.

9. A number of totality and sacredness for the Celts, because it is three times three. It is also the number normally associated with the moon.

10 . A number associated with the planet Earth and with the earthly plane in the C bala.

13 . The traditional number of people in a coven or magic circle. Also the number of full moons in a solar year

33. Another sacred number for the Celts.

40 Unfortunate for Jewish mysticism

50 A number of fullness and abundance in Jewish mysticism. A number that means time to help others rejoice.

666 . The number of evil and destruction for many Christians.

777 A sacred number in High Magic, one that often represents the fullness or manifestation and achievement of all things.

888 The number of perfection in chicna numerology.

2000 The approximate number of years of an astrological age.

MORE INFORMATION in: “How to practice Automatic Writing” by Edain McCoy.

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