Blue Aura, the Color of the Aura that expresses the Truth

  • 2017

If you are Aura Azul, do you know what experiences of Light emanate from your Being ?, From the realities that you must improve, according to the color of the Aura, what are the situations that you must strengthen in your Being ?

Light Qualities of Blue Aura Color

... color of the Blue Aura is reserved for those people who possess a surprising strength of spirit, are reflective Beings, and invite concentration, meditation and intellectual discussion

As Basic Aura Color

The Beings of Aura Azul, are people with extraordinary communicative abilities, tend to achieve high ideals. Sincerity and openness radiates charmingly in their Auras ; they are people who do not like to lie or hide, their motto is: "always the truth goes on", so the truth hurts or hurts another individual.

The Blue Aura, usually shines in diplomats, in people who are fun and are constantly searching for tasks and fulfilling their obligations. They enjoy the realization and materialization of all the projects involved, they are passionate about adventure.

People whose color of the Aura is Blue, know how to listen and obey their intuitions, even if other people say the opposite. They are attractive, convey joy, optimism, and desire to exist and take advantage of life. They attract others like honey.

The color of the Blue Aura is reserved for those people who possess a surprising strength of spirit, are reflective Beings, and invite concentration, meditation and intellectual discussion; They don't like to be pigeonholed or determined in one way, they are often so lively, cheerful and festive that they can be seen by other individuals as "crazy."

As Secondary Aura Color

If your Aura shines in secondary mode by the color of Blue Aura, it means that you are going through stages of your life, in which you are feeling quite well, you have hopes, you continue to forge projects to build, and every day you get to feel more desires to live. You communicate with joy and wisdom, you think that nothing can be hidden, everything good and special has to be transmitted in a calm and proper way.

Some variants of the Blue Aura are Dark Blue, Light Blue, Intense Blue and Bright Blue.

Realities to strengthen the Color of Blue Aura

… The Blue Aura are such communicative beings, and they enjoy dialogue and talk, sometimes they can bore and tire the people who are listening to them

As Basic Aura Color

The Blue Aura, can become very unstable people, their moods fluctuate constantly; They go from being happy, to being sad in a very short time, which can cause them to easily enter a depressive state.

Now, as people of the color of the Blue Aura are such moving people, and are always doing tasks, there is a possibility of tending to suffer from stress. If you are Aura Azul, please, give yourself and your loved ones time, avoid changing your moods.

Since the Blue Aura are such communicative Beings, and enjoy dialogue and conversation, sometimes they can bore and tire the people who are listening to them. Also, on occasion, they may perceive themselves as dispersed and unable to communicate, they try to store everything, in order to explode at a certain moment.

As Secondary Aura Color

The Blue Aura as secondary, indicates that the person is going through a really difficult time, is watching everything gray. Possibly, you are experiencing a stage of tiredness, depression and stress. If you are Aura Azul, you are surely feeling like you don't want to live, you don't want to talk to other people, and stores to stay isolated. The idea is that you try to get out of this situation as soon as possible, please help yourself!

The negative variants of the Blue Aura : Dirty Blue, Grayish Blue and Pale Blue.

How did you feel reading the color of the Aura that corresponds to you?

I hope you are very aware, we will continue publishing topics corresponding to the significance of each color of the Aura.

To complement all your knowledge, I invite you to read the Articles Clean and Protect your Aura from all negative energy, Transcend as a Being of Light!, also, `` The Colors of the Aura and its meaning, do you investigate yours! I will show you with these simple techniques, learn how to see your Aura and that of others.

If your Aura shines in secondary mode by the color of Blue Aura, it means that you are going through stages of your life, in which you are feeling quite well, you have hopes, you continue forging projects for build, and every day you manage to feel more desires to live

Author : William Hern n Estrada P rez, Editor in the Great Family of

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