Kabbalistic Numerology and the Purpose of Life

  • 2017
Numerology is the study of numbers in their holistic dimension, that is, of the meaning that transcends the practical aspects of everyday life and even of the sciences themselves. Physical. The numbers are present in all planes of existence, from the most visible and tangible, to the most ethereal and subtle, and since the human being shares this same nature multidimensional, it is logical that there is a continuous and permanent interaction with numbers at all levels (physical, emotional, psychological and spiritual). There are numerological schools of very diverse origins, such as the Egyptian, the Chaldean, the Chinese, the Indian, the Pythagorean, the Kabbalistic, among others; although these last two are probably, the Pythagorean, with base 9 and the cabalistic one, with base 22, the most known and used to determine certain personality traits and the terms of life of each person. However, it should be borne in mind that, since each of them is part of a different philosophical, social, cultural or religious tradition, it is understandable that the attributions they assign to each number are not always matching. This does not mean that one is more correct or accurate than the other, but that there is simply an interpretive diversity that, when integrated in a constructive way, this can only broaden our horizons and enrich us in a positive way.

On this occasion I will deal with cabalistic numerology, which starts from the relationship established between numbers and the Tree of Life of the Kabbalah, a diagram whose origin is lost in the night of time (there are those who argue that it was a legacy of the Atlantean era) but, later, the mystics of Judaism used to interpret the creation of the universe as described in the Torah.

There are also studies that show that the so-called Sacred Geometry constitutes the way in which energy is organized to generate any form of life, from the most elementary molecules, to the planets and galaxies that flood the universe; being the " Flower of Life " the most important energy pattern, whose center is precisely the figure of the Tree of Life.

Thus we see that cabalistic numerology, both contemplates the ancient wisdom of the Hebrew Kabbalah, in terms of its cosmogonic interpretation of the existence and calculation methods used to determine the numerical values ​​of each letter (especially gematrics), such as the timeless Sacred Geometry, which not only demonstrates that everything is energy vibrating at different speeds, but that each number has an energy frequency that gives it a specific place in the processes of Creation.

The Tree of Life is composed of 10 spheres or sephirot (the 10 dimensions of the Being) and 22 lines (or learning paths) that unite them, which indicates that the number 22 represents the entire cycle, as 22 are the Hebrew alphabet letters and 22 are also the Major Arcana of the Tarot (of Kabbalistic symbology). Thus, any numerical calculation whose result exceeds the number 22, must necessarily be reduced to a number equal to or less than this.

For example, who was born on 11/26/1972 (2 + 6 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 9 + 7 + 2 = 29) obtains as a first relevant fact the age from which he decided (at the soul level) to start his own "way of life", and by reducing it to a number equal to or less than 22 (2 + 9 = 11), he obtains the so-called "destination number", which tells us about the area of ​​life (or one of them) that the person has come to develop through experiential experience.

It should be clarified, however, that a single number is completely insufficient to determine precisely the purpose of a person's life, just as in astrology the fact of being born under the influence of a zodiac sign is a fact that You can only provide us with very generic and impersonal information. And if for astrology it is, in any case, the study of the astral chart that will allow to deepen the planetary confluences that affect the life of that person; For Kabbalistic numerology, it is the study of the Tree of Personal Life, which can provide us with that level of detail, since there are often several families of numbers that significantly affect the life of a person, in addition to many other factors ( karmic lines, hidden lines, masters, crosses, blockages, etc.).

This video explains the essential meaning of each number in relation to the purpose of life, which each one has set out to solve in the present incarnation.

More information at: www.comprendiendoalser.com

AUTHOR: Ricard Barrufet Santolària, editor in the big family of hermandadblanca.org

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