Do you see wrong? Improve your eyes with the 'Bates Method'

  • 2015

It was invented by an American ophthalmologist a century ago. And it has been 100 years proving its validity. The 'Bates Method' saves you glasses and headaches because, based on three principles and with simple exercises, it teaches you to see better than you think you could see without the help of some lenses. The sharpness of your world will increase ; You just have to decide to practice it.

Here we give you the first classes. Do you sign up for the 'Bates vision'?

Hopefully you can reread this in the future ... but without glasses . Focus your gaze.

Here we go

"When patients have learned to use their eyes and mind in a relaxed way, vision improves and refractive errors tend to correct themselves . " The phrase is from Aldous Huxley, the author of the well-known "A happy world" and, also, from another less known book that reflects his vision of the vision: "The art of seeing", a text he wrote in 1942 to tell one of the most powerful experiences of your life. And tell how your life changed by overcoming that experience.

To Huxley, a keratitis attack left him half blind at age 16 . With opacity in the cornea, added to hyperopia and astigmatism. He saw very little ... but enough to intuit his healing: put himself in the hands of a visual 'reeducator' and, shortly, be able to read “without glasses and, what was better, without effort or fatigue”, as he himself says in his book

Miracle? No, 'Bates Method'. Discovered by an American ophthalmologist, William H. Bates, at the beginning of the 20th century . Huxley wrote his "The art of seeing" as a tribute and thanks. Today, visual educators like Sol Maganda teach it daily; It is a work of recognition of visual practice that improved your eyes.

Sol had to travel to Colombia to know this 'method' and stop using lenses on a regular basis. Now, in his courses and workshops, he delves into the practices of 'Bates' with the objective, as he assures, of helping “bring this learning into your life. This is education, it is awareness . It is a change of habits . ”

What do we have to change to see? We tell you


Do you suffer from anxiety, stress? Is your life a come and go without much pause? You may have noticed this: when that stress shows in the acute phase, you look worse, more blurry, with less sharpness . Your visual field, like your life itself, contracts, contracts, narrows. Just as you breathe worse, you have an altered pulse, your skin becomes more opaque ... your eyes lose vision. Logical, right? "Bates said that almost all vision problems are due to emotional tensions, " says Sol Mangada.

In 90% of cases, the visual problem is related to a serious emotional situation . Faced with a prolonged state of tension over time, the organs end up changing the shape and vision is altered . Myopia is sometimes a consequence of that tension, of that oppression.

The workshops of these 'visual educators' emphasize, precisely because of this, calm, stillness, balance, laughter, play . And, of course, the awareness brought into view, set in the eye.

If you practice yoga, you will perfectly understand the principles that mark the 'Bates Method' and determine this new way of seeing as the world sees an eagle or a hawk. Do you think they fly over us with stress?

The American ophthalmologist wielded three principles of action:

1.- CENTRALIZATION : Or we could call it, concentration. Concentration when looking. Imagine being introduced to someone; if you look at her face in parts, for details, you will remember her much better than if you intend to capture her all at once; you will remember it, in this case, as in a foggy, diffuse, blurred. Focus on looking when you look .

**** ( EXERCISE: As simple as looking at a single point of an object. Set your attention there. The Bates method holds that looking at an entire image creates tension. And alters the vision )

2.- MOVEMENT : The eyes are always moving; Even, as you know, when you sleep. Moving them is a sign of life ; A stationary eye, on the other hand, is a dead eye. The exercises of the visual education workshops make you activate your eyes to energize, refresh and rejuvenate your eyes. Thus, with trained eyes with their corresponding gym session, you will see much more, more sharply.

**** ( EXERCISE: Look for a specific color to look during the day. Look for it. Focus it regardless of the shape. The colors are as moving as your eyes: they are changing every day )

3.- RELAXATION : We have said it before: the tension makes the sharpness difficult. A state of anxiety cuts your vision. A relaxed view is a penetrating and effective view . “Rigidity - says Sol Mangada - never leads to good terms. Everything rigid, when you are strong, is broken. ” Being flexible, even in the way you look, is a guarantee of success.

**** ( EXERCISE: Close your eyes and cover them with the palm of your hand; it should be placed with your fingers crossed over your forehead. Hands should not press the eyeball. No light should come in - you shouldn't see if you open your eyes - stay that way for about 5 or 10 minutes, imagine, during this time, a relaxing scene )

Visual workshop practices focus on these principles of action, insisting, in particular, on "the importance of blinking and breathing . " There are many actions to improve vision (some you just read); Here, now, we show you a video with one of the most significant exercises (the professional who directs it is Maurizio Cagnoli). Everyone, without exception, fulfills a premise: they will make you feel good .

Your new peace can start with your look:

Do you see wrong? Improve your eyes with the 'Bates Method'

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