How to prevent contagious diseases

  • 2017

SALVATION COURSE. Unit 3: The psychological Learning Object 4: The epidemic

In considering disease and its basic causes, we have particularly dealt with those that concern our Aryan race and modern humanity, which are mostly of astral origin and could be described as of the Atlantean nature. We have also briefly considered the various diseases that originate in the mental plane; these are more strictly Aryan and involve the evils that the disciples are prone to. Infectious diseases and those that are fundamental to the planetary substance have a powerful effect on the oldest races on our planet (which are still among us) and are related to those specimens of the lemuria race that are rapidly disappearing; The black race is especially predisposed to infectious epidemics.

We have studied, somewhat extensively, the centers and their relationship with the dense physical body. We have observed the areas conditioned by these centers and the mediator work of the internal secretion glands. We saw that the main causes that predispose to the physical difficulties originated in the physical organism, are the underestimulation or superstimulation of the centers. We also have, as you will remember, three diseases inherent in the substance itself, and consequently create basic predispositions in the human body: cancer, syphilis and tuberculosis.

I try to indicate the origins of some diseases, draw attention to the primary importance of the glandular system, and relate to Western wisdom, as far as appropriate and intelligent, some of the oriental theories regarding centers.


  • Determine the causes in cases of type IV diseases.
  • Establish differences between endemic, epidemic and pandemic.
  • Define promotion and prevention actions against contagious diseases.


When life or energy flows without hindrance and, through the right direction, reaches its precipitation (the related gland), then the form responds and the poor health disappears.

INITIAL ACTIVITY: Of epidemics and pandemics.

Don Francis is an American epidemiologist who, at the beginning of 1976, arrives at a town near the River bo bola in Congo and discovers that many of its residents and the doctor who worked With them, they died from a mysterious disease that would later be identified as the virus. That will be his first experience of a deadly epidemic, which together with the image of the deceased who helped him to cremate, will haunt him later. In 1981, Francis realizes an increasing number of unexplained deaths among the population of gay men in Los Angeles, New York and San Francisco, and will soon begin an in-depth investigation. on the possible causes for the Center for Disease Control and Prevention. Working without funds, in limited spaces and with obsolete equipment, he comes into contact with politicians, and members of the medical community, many of whom will be disturbed by their personal involvement with gay activists, among which were some like Bill Kraus who supported him, and others who expressed his rejection of what they considered his interest as an unwanted interference in his lifestyle, especially for his attempts to close the saunas for homosexuals. On the edge of the doubt is a documentary film from 1993.

Luke Cage was born in Georgia and was registered under the name of Carl Lucas. He grew up committing small thefts with his friend Willis Stryker. Lucas then found occasional jobs in different legal jobs, while Stryker became a professional criminal. During his stay in prison, he was undisciplined and rebellious, making various escape attempts, which led to him being transferred to the maximum security prison of Seagate, located on the coast of Georgia and known as "the little Alcatraz." Life at Seagate was hard for Cage, mostly due to two racist guards. A research physiologist, looking for volunteers to use a chemical method to increase the regeneration of body cells, considered Lucas the ideal subject, due to his excellent physical form, he became friends with his story, and promised parole if he agreed to be subject to study in his experiments. Luke Cage is a 2016 television series that shows a New York citizen with superhuman strength and indestructible skin that knows how to fight crime.

  • After watching the movie On the edge of doubt and the series on The powerful answer the following questions. How does a pandemic emerge? Why has the black race been a victim of epidemics? What leads us to become heroes or villains? How can we infect others with our abilities or virtues?

An epidemic is a description in community health that occurs when a disease affects a greater number of individuals than expected in a population during a given time. If the epidemic spread over several large geographical regions of several continents or even around the world, it would be a pandemic . In case of diseases that affect an area maintained over time, it would be endemic .

ACTIVITY ONE: The power centers

The condition of the centers produces basically all the difficulties, allowing the entrance to infections and germs that would not otherwise cause difficulties, establishing those situations where the disease inherent in nature can be encouraged and make undesirable tendencies very powerful. . Consequently, we could establish the premise, which the medical profession will later accept, that diseases are self-generated and not the result of infection, infection or accidents; they are caused by failure, limitation, deficiency or excessive efficiency, and by the super or underdevelopment of the endocrine system.

It must be remembered that the life of the centers is based, in the initial stage, on the inherent life of the organism itself, with the emanating life focused on the basic center. This is a point that esotericists often forget. Through this basic center acts the life of matter, life or energy of the Holy Spirit, the third aspect. Through his life each atom of the body is fed. This process of animation of the substance of the physical form begins in the prenatal stage; after birth this type of force is helped and paralleled by the influx of planetary prana or vital energy, coming from the planetary life itself, through the spleen, an essential binding organ between the life inherent to the matter itself, as it is present in the microcosm, and the life inherent in the planet.

As evolution continues, this inherent force is gradually added to an influx of “qualified” energy that expresses the consciousness aspect of divinity and indicates to the esoterists the state of perception of man and also the type of lightning to which Your soul belongs. This influx comes from the second divine aspect, soul or inner Christ. Here it could be affirmed, with respect to the two centers of the head, that:

1. The ajna center or the personality center, focused between the eyebrows and conditioning the pituitary gland, is related to the life of the integrated triple organism. Through this organism, the conscience must necessarily express itself and the physical, emotional and mental vehicles demonstrate their stage of evolution.

2. The coronary center conditions the pineal gland and is related to the life of the soul and - after the third graduation - with the life of the spirit; He imparts to the centers the three main types of energy of the spiritual being, of which the three forces of personality are physical reflexes or counterparts.

When the nervous system is then totally controlled by the spiritual man, and the blood stream is purified and becomes an appropriate channel, free of impediments to the circulation of what the energy glands discharge: hormones.

  • Establish energy relationships between the centers and their respective glands.

ACTIVITY TWO: The glands

The knowledge concerning the endocrine glands or internal secretion is still in an experimental state. Much is known about the glands that are linked to the sacral center and also about the thyroid gland, but so far the medical profession logically does not admit that they are effects of the activity or inactivity of the centers, or the line of least resistance, existing between the sacral and laryngeal centers.

Something is known about the pituitary gland, but its primary importance, in affecting the individual's psychological response, has not yet been adequately captured. Little is known, speaking properly, about the pineal and thymus glands, and this is because the coronary and cardiac centers are not awake in the underdeveloped man or in the common citizen.

The existence of a considerable wealth of knowledge about the sacral center (as a source of physical creation) and the conditioning effects of the thyroid gland, is because both centers are already awake in the common man, and when they function properly and have been established the necessary interaction, then we will have a very sexual individual who is also a creative artist in some line of art. As you well know, this is very frequent. When the ajna center and its exteriorization, the pituitary body, are also active and the three centers - sacred, laryngeal and ajna - begin to relate, to function and to establish a conscious and definite relationship between that and the other centers (which depends of lightning, of objective awareness and training), then we will have the practical mystic, the humanist and the mentalist.

The cerebral epiphysis produces melatonin, a hormone derived from serotonin that affects the modulation of sleep patterns, both circadian and seasonal rhythms.

The pituitary gland and the hypothalamus are connected by the portal system, a complex set of direct influences and feedback fed between the hypothalamus, the pituitary gland and the adrenal gland, which comes from the carotid artery, the main blood supply to the brain.

The thyroid regulates the body's metabolism and regulates the body's sensitivity to other hormones. The thyroid participates in the production of hormones, especially thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3). It can also produce (T3) inverse. These hormones regulate the basal metabolism and affect the growth and degree of functionality of other body systems. Iodine is an essential component for both T3 and T4.

The thymus is a specialized primary lymphoid system of the immune system. Within the thymus gland, T cells or T lymphocytes mature. T cells are essential for the adaptive immune system, whereby the body adapts specifically to external invaders.

The pancreas how the gland resulting from the solar plexus secretes hormones that pass into the blood, such as insulin, glucagon, pancreatic polypeptide and somatostatin.

The spleen is part of the lymphatic system and is the center of activity of the immune system. Its main function is the destruction of old red blood cells, produce some new ones and maintain a blood supply.

The glands produce the sexual ocular gametes, they also play a hormonal function, which is why they are also called sexual glands. In women they are called ovaries and in men testicles. Some hermaphrodites have a unique gonadal structure that produces both gametes, called ovotestis. In the case of men, the hormones involved are gonadatropin, lutropin and partly testosterone; In women the hormones are estrogen and progesterone.

The adrenals located above the kidneys, have the function of regulating stress responses, through the synthesis of corticosteroids (mainly cortisol) and catecholamines (especially adrenaline) .

Note how the lymphatic, endocrine and circulatory systems are closely related. The lymphatic system transports lymph that comes from the blood and contributes primarily to form and activate the immune system: the body's defenses. The endocrine system secretes hormones that are released into the bloodstream and regulate some of the body's functions. It is a signal system similar to that of the nervous system, but in this case, instead of using remote electrical impulses, it works exclusively by means of chemical signals.

The glandular system of internal secretion affects all parts of the physical organism through the bloodstream through hormones, and it could be said with all property, that When the internal secretion glands are perfectly balanced and functioning properly, there will be no diseased areas in the body. Then the blood stream will remain in perfect condition. The key to perfect physical health, possessed by a Master of Wisdom, is due to His full control of the centers and balanced reception and distribution of energy, and to the effect that produces mainly the glandular system of internal secretion. In this way, each area of ​​the body is duly supplied with the necessary forces, thus maintaining itself in perfect condition. The sequence is energy-electricity-chemical.


  • Establish relationships between transport, transactions and transfers in terms of productivity and marketing, in relation to internal management.

ACTIVITY THREE: the internal control

Planning of objectives and goals.

Organization of the strategies to implement.

Determination of resources to learn.

Execution of the plan with whom, when and how.

Feedback on performance.

Planning is something we do before taking action. It is an early decision making. A reactive planning is from the bottom up with a tactical orientation. A proactive planning is a top-down planning with a strategic orientation. Interactive planning is oriented to gain control over the future.

The intelligence and creativity of a good apprentice lies in his ability to efficiently manage a system that he does not fully understand, for this he makes use of his mind as an autonomous learning system. The mind integrates three subsystems to:

  • Tactical and strategic decision making. Role of the will. Planning
  • The identification of real and potential problems. Function of consciousness Metacognition
  • The maintenance and improvement of performance under variable and invariable conditions. Intelligence function Creativity.

Information processing is the function of the cognitive subsystem, auxiliary of the mind. The Will subsystem makes decisions based on information that may be biased and originated in automatic thoughts. The record of these decisions must be kept in a memory, where the real conditions are compared with the ideals and the actual results with the expected ones, information that will be used to give instructions. The defined goals and the actual performance of that decision must be compared. Biases are also used for Consciousness to conduct clinical judgment. The purpose of a diagnosis is to determine what caused the deviations and to prescribe a corrective or exploitation action.



Ensure a healthy life and promote well-being for all at all ages.


End the epidemics of AIDS, tuberculosis, malaria and neglected tropical diseases

Combat hepatitis, waterborne diseases and other communicable diseases


Number of people infected.

Number of diseases eradicated.

Number of people served.

We have a great interlaced directive that controls or not the physical body. The lack of control is due to the failure to establish certain relationships in the body, or the lack of development. These intertwined groups are:

1. The etheric body, which acts primarily through its seven main centers and also through many other centers.

2. The endocrine system, which works primarily through the seven major glandular groups and many other less important glands.

3. The nervous system (the sympathetic and the cerebral-spinal), with its peculiar emphasis placed on the vagus nerve and its effect on the heart and consequently on the bloodstream.

First the energy, second its release, third the electricity, fourth the blood supply.

All these points must be considered and correlated in any health management system. Students should remember that energy tends to go both up and down, within the structure of the centers. As regards the aspirant and the disciple:

1. The upward trend produces Transmutation.

The process involved encompasses many lives of unconscious transmutation in the early stages, and as a result of bitter experiences and conscious effort in the later stages, it becomes increasingly dynamic and effective as the aspirant marks the various stages of the path.

to. From the sacral center to the laryngeal center. Physical creation is transmuted into artistic creation.

b. From the solar plexus center to the heart center. Individual and emotional consciousness is transmuted into group consciousness.

C. From the base of the spine to the coronary center. Material force is transmuted into spiritual energy.

d. From any of the five centers that are in the spine, to the ajna center. Life without coordination is transmuted into personality integration.

and. From the six centers, related to each other, to the highest center of the head. Personality activity is transmuted into spiritual life.

2. The downward trend produces Transformation.

Once the coronary center begins to wake up and the disciple, actively conscious, is dedicated to the task of directing the energies towards the centers, in order to govern the life of his personality, the scientific procedure of energizing the centers has been achieved with a certain orderly rhythm, which in turn is determined by lightning, circumstances and karma; then all corporeal energies are impelled to a correct spiritual activity. This downward trend can be roughly considered in three stages:

to. The stage of energizing creative life, via the laryngeal center.

b. The stage of energizing the relationship conscious life, via the heart center.

C. The stage of energetization of the whole man, via the basic center.

3. The irradiation of the soul to the personality produces Transfiguration.

Once the personality is radiated by the full light of the soul, the three vehicles of the personality are completely transcended, becoming mere forms, through which spiritual love can flow externally into the world of men in the saving task of the creation. The human being reaches the "high definition", after overcoming the analog and digital.

  • Establish relationships between goals and hormonal management indicators.


RULE THREE: The savior must be trained in order to know the internal level of the thoughts and desires of those who seek his help. This way you will be able to know the source where the ailment comes from. You must relate the cause and effect, and know the exact point by which relief should come.

When an apprentice is explained what the development of a surface (cube, cylinder, cone) is, he is told that it is an s formed by a generating line that follows a guiding line. Trainees are invited to stop self-generating diseases and begin to self-manage their healing, which is achieved with good guidelines for the administration of our body, which requires relying on current public policies and ethical principles. While policies are decision rules, the principles are maximum action. External laws act through internal conditions.

I have drawn attention to this because this truth is directly related to the seventh law, we have seen, in connection with all healing processes, that the dense body is considered esoterically a simple automaton; it is only a container of transmitted energies we have seen that the energy body that is in every form or bases each form, is in itself a structure for the transmission of energies that come from some source; This source is mainly the point where life emphasizes life within the form. For the common human being this is usually the astral body, from which the astral or emotional energy emanates, anchoring there, before being transmitted to the energy body. However, in most cases, there will be a greater or lesser mixture of mental energy. Then, the energy of the soul, reinforced (if I can use such a word) by the purified mind, and transmitted through the personality, will condition the energy body and control the Physical vehicle activities.

The causal epidemiological triangle of the diseases is formed by the environment, the agents and the guest. To cause a disease a pathogen must grow and reproduce in the host. A change in any of these three components will alter the existing balance to increase or decrease the frequency of the disease, therefore they can be called causative factors or determinants of the disease. The foundations of modern epidemiology are based on the struggle of sympathy-antipathy opponents, which have their origin in the forces of attraction-repulsion. It is appropriate to draw attention to the difference between Ares and Mercury, action and intelligence. While Mars represents the latent kundalini (basic center) Mercury expresses the kundalini as an intelligent activity (laryngeal center). Harmony, expressed in beauty and creative power, is acquired through struggle, tension and effort. When the lines of force are adjusted and there is a free exchange of energies and an aligned and direct channel between the different aspects of divinity, then we have realization and beauty. Harmony is achieved through the use of fifth ray energy, the knowledge that leads us from analysis to synthesis, from diversity to Unity.

In the fourth ray, harmony through conflict, we can see why humanity, the fourth kingdom of nature, succumbs so quickly and easily to disease. The conflicts that humanity is constantly fighting, both in group and individual form, lead - until they are understood and used as means to succeed and progress - to a constant devitalization. When this occurs, the resistance to the disease disappears, so we practically have all kinds of ill health and bodily ailments. The diffusion of energy produces a constant decrease of this resistance. As a result we have weakness, the rapid and bad reaction to native diseases on the planet itself, and the early acquisition of infectious and contagious diseases. This energy is behind what we call epidemics, and influenza is one of the main manifestations.

One of the interesting factors that students should observe is the doctrine of intermediaries, which is rich and abundantly included in all esoteric teachings and considered of very vital importance. In the esoteric presentation it has been taught (closely linked to Christian doctrines) that the soul is the intermediary between the monad and the personality; the same idea is also found in many other religious presentations, for example, Buddha appears as an intermediary between Shamballa and the Hierarchy, acting in that function once a year; the Hierarchy itself is the intermediary between Shamballa and humanity; the etheric plane (and by that I mean the cosmic, planetary and individual energy vehicle) is the intermediary between the upper planes and the dense physical body. The whole system of esoteric revelation is based on the wonderful doctrine of interdependence, conscious and orderly linking, and transmission of energy from one aspect of the divine manifestation to another; everywhere and throughout, there is circulation, transmission of energy and methods to pass energy from one form to another, always through an appropriate mechanism. It has been accentuated in the Christian teaching about Christ; Christianity is presented as the merciful Son, intermediary between a loving God and an intelligent humanity.

The Christ, for the first time in Planetary history, transmitted the cosmic energy of love directly to the physical plane of our planet and also in a peculiar way to the fourth kingdom of nature, the human. This should indicate that, although the energy of love is the second aspect of divinity, Christ embodied and transmitted to humanity four qualities of this aspect and, consequently to the other kingdoms of nature, the only four that humanity could absorb . Only one of these four aspects begins to express itself, the quality of goodwill. The other three will be revealed later, and one of them is strangely related to the healing quality of love. According to the New Testament, Christ called this quality "virtue" (an inaccurate translation of the original word). It was used by Christ when the healing forces were withdrawn, saying: "virtue has abandoned me."

  • Pose actions to promote the vital-harmony and prevention of the viral-conflict.

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