Meeting the others in the space of the heart, by AA Gabriel

  • 2010

Message 216 of Archangel GABRIEL channeled by Asriah on 08/09/2010

Meeting the others in the space of the heart.

The vibration on planet Earth has been rising, becoming subtle. Now there is greater ease to vibrate from the heart and meet others in that space.

It is a space of peace, of acceptance, of recognition of who is one and whose is the other. It is a space of joy of mutual understanding from love.

It is a space where you can create your world, the other yours, share them and grow together in harmony and deep enjoyment.

To the extent that they are releasing their old ways of living and communicating, they will be able to find this "new" possibility. You can really "recognize" it because you have already traveled it infinitely as multidimensional beings that you are.

Their lives will change forever and for the better when they connect with this possibility.

Once they have experienced it, they will no longer be able to return to external It is your usual experience in The third dimension. They cannot because their internal need will be to settle in that wonderful space.

Your hearts are eager to open.

It is important for you to release each of your fears. Fears are what today prevent this encounter with life from the depths of their hearts.

The vibratory field of the planet is facilitating them now that they can take this step in their growth, this step in their evolution. You decide when you will give it.

We are with you always in every situation, honoring your choices.

He hugs you in Love One


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