The New Christ Light

  • 2017
Table of contents hide 1 The wonderful Christ Energy is beyond words. Only the soul and pure feeling can experience and experience this loving energy, similar to the light of the sun that is constantly being given, without ever asking for anything in return, but Love. 2 The new Christ Energy is Trine. She will awaken in all hearts, minds and souls that, with sincerity and honesty, give themselves to the Light. And as He affirmed: “Ask and it will be given to you, seek and you will find, knock and open, because whoever asks receives, and who seeks finds, and whoever strikes will be opened. 3 Never a Great Avatar manifests twice in the same way. And the Great Avatar Buddha-Maitreya (the Christ), is bringing the principles of the great spiritual transformation that humanity and the Earth, as a whole, are needing to receive. 4 The emergence of the New Christ Light is bringing a Great Revolution of Consciousness.

Channeled Messages of the Masters of Light

In Portuguese the original.

There is much talk about Christ, but, unfortunately, very few understand all the spiritual philosophy that He transmitted through his disciple Jesus of Nazareth (at the time), a faithful spiritual instrument of his Master, the Father, the Christ. They tried to print on the souls, minds, consciences and feelings " the Christ Message of Love and the Kingdom of God within the human being", but he could not understand his teachings.

The wonderful Christ Energy is beyond words. Only the soul and the pure feeling can experience and experience this loving energy, similar to the sunlight that is constantly being given, without ever asking for anything in return, but Love.

The work of Lord Christ-Maitreya, the New Buddha for the Aquarian era, was always centralized in the awakening of the Light of the heart . Thanks to his work, humanity today has the very developed heart chakra and it is in this chakra (center of strength) that the soul, through its feeling, has more possibilities of leading human existence and transforming personality.

Many are waiting for a new Messiah in "flesh and blood . " Certainly there will come a time when He will arise in the form of the New Maitreya Buddha (the Christ), but until then, human beings have to sublimate their hearts, their minds and their lives. As Alice Bailey says in her work "The Reappearance of the Christ" : "When the hearts of men are active, at this moment all the emotional activity of the solar plexus will end. This is a real affirmation, because the hearts that respond to the call of Christ are the ones who invoke it today. The agonizing emotional cycle, through which mankind passed during the last hundred years, and the emotional tension in which men live today, also play their part, in order to help humanity to enter the realm of thought Sure. This will mark a turning point of great importance in the history of mankind and will be one of the results of the future scientific work that Christ (if it can be called) will do with the hearts of men, relating them to the heart of God ".

The energy center in the human being, which has the name of umbilical chakra, in the region of the solar plexus (it controlled part of the emotional and psychic activities, that is why the astral level) is going out of circulation. A new energy center (chakra) has long been developed in man. This chakra was called the coordinator, as it will coordinate the new psychic energies that are reaching the mind and brain of humanity, both from the heart and coronary chakra, in the region of the pineal gland.

This new chakra is in the region of the fourth ventricle, in the brain, in the root of the cerebellum, having as a foothold, in the physical plane, the choroid plexus. In this coordinating chakra, the new psychic mind is being developed, which will be guided by the spiritual mind located in the yo yo and superior and controlled by the soul.

It is of great importance for the work of the Lord Christ-Maitreya, since he is also sending the energies of the Holy Spirit, as he said in St. John 14 : 26 : But that Comforter, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things, and will remind you of all that I said. I will first awaken the upper centers of force (chakras) (from the heart to the coronary chakra), then the lower ones, and connect humanity to the Spirit of Truth, the Comforter, the Holy Spirit, and thus will be able to liberate, save and illuminate spiritually to all those who, of body, mind and soul, surrender to the New Solar Creative Light, to be transformed into New Workers of the Greater Light.

The new Critical Energy is Trina. She will awaken in all hearts, minds and souls that, with sincerity and honesty, give themselves to the Light. And as he affirmed: 'Ask and it will be given to you, seek and you will find, beat and open, because whoever asks receives, and who seeks finds, and whoever strikes will be will open.

He tends to use the key he gave, which is to ask, search and hit. Search with the heart, not with the personality. It is the pure feeling that you have to look for, it is the soul that has to ask and its consciousness that it has to find. For these and with these The Critical Word speak through the mouths of its Workers, in service in the terrestrial world. He will be with you forever, in every heart, in every mind and in every soul. And they all spoke the same language, as it was said: And all were filled with the Holy Spirit, and began to speak in other languages, according to the Holy Spirit granted them to speak.

Many false christs have already emerged and many others will arise to deceive those who do not hear the voice of the silence of their higher self, who refuse to hear the voice of the soul, which speaks through the heart. Only those who lead their human lives through the heart, of pure feeling, and who consummate their relief with their higher self, that is, to religion their inner spiritual channel, that part of the heart, goes to the brain-mind, passes through the soul and come to the Spirit, the Divine Spark, the God in you, only they will hear the New Voice of the Solar Christ, and will respond to your inner call. Through them, the Christ Verb will arise through the energies of the Holy Spirit that, joining the Inner Trinity in the human being, will console all those who still walk in the darkness of their personalities, of their existences, to all those who have "hunger for spirit and" those who seek and do not find, ask and do not receive, want to knock on the doors of the "Temple of the Spirit of Truth" and do not know where that portal is located, "portal for eternity" of himself, for the discovery of his micro-universe, to become realized and enlightened beings, spiritually free.

A Great Avatar never manifests twice in the same way. And the Great Avatar Buddha-Maitreya (the Christ), is bringing the principles of the great spiritual transformation that humanity and the Earth, as a whole, are needing to receive.

Regardless of the individual and collective missions, those who, in physical body and in the most subtle levels of evolution, work with the Hidden Hierarchy, are with a great activity preparing the advent of Lord Christ-Maitreya and the new Christic forces that They are increasingly manifesting on Earth.

A large group of workers, also embodied for this purpose, is developing the minimum spiritual conditions in humanity so that, as quickly as possible, each one awakes the Inner Christ, as Alice Bailey said in the work already cited: “The greatest service that one, man, can lend to his fellow man is to free himself from the control that this (human) plane exerts, directing its energies, through the power of the Inner Christ .

One of the most difficult works of this "group of workers" is to remove the crystallized ideas that are in human minds, originating from dying religions that refer to the interpretations of words and not to essence and experience, or to awakening of the strength of the Inner Christ in each human being, concentrated in the heart chakra and in the soul of all.

The Inner Christ is a state of being of the soul, it is a special level of higher consciousness, through which you can enter into communion with the Great Luminous Unit and manifest this unity, both internally and externally.

The emergence of the New Christ Light is bringing a Great Revolution of Consciousness.

A large part of humanity is apathetic to the things of the spirit and the soul. Most religions, beliefs, sects and mystical-spiritualist institutions are not contributing to the expansion of Christ consciousness within each one. The confusion it causes does not allow for a real expansion of understanding, feeling and soul, nor that new mental capacities can arise in the human being to help him in the re-connection between heart-brain-mind-soul.

The disorder that exists, the confusion, which at this end of the cycle is emerging, contributes to many losing faith, but, on the other hand, it is getting others to find their inner path, even through the disappointments that the "old mystical systems ”are causing.

The enormous energy within the human being is emerging in spiritual hearts and mental sanctuaries, like the birth of a new dawn, of a new day. This Internal Light is emerging within all those who sincerely seek it . Many already feel something but still fail to identify what it is, they have an enormous thirst for spiritual teachings, but they do not know where the true spiritual source is - and we say that this source is within you and does not depend on any religion or institution. In those who really seek the New Christ Light, the Inner Christ is awakening internally. Many feel and desperately seek spiritual and esoteric matters, they seek sublimation, a correct spiritual development, but they fail to find who teaches them to thresh the true path that leads them to the inner and outer source of Divine Wisdom. Everything you need, for liberation and spiritual enlightenment, is within you. Just listen to the inner voice of the soul, which speaks to you through pure feelings and intuitions, (both in the heart chakra) and the voice of silence that also speaks to you inside the mental sanctuary, in the region of the pineal gland, the coronary chakra. These are the voices that you have to seek to hear and feel, the voice without sound that comes from the soul and from the Masters of Light.

Through the awakening of the Inner Light of the Soul and its manifestation in the service of humanity, the Inner Christ can arise and be externalized, and thus all will be liberated beings, saved and illuminated by the Divine Light of the Great Creator Father.

Jupiter Master

PORTUGUESE-SPANISH TRANSLATION: Patricia Gambetta, editor in the great family of

SOURCE: Message from the book “The Hidden Government of the World”, Author Henrique Rosa,

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