What is archetype healing?

  • 2018

Let's find out below what archetype healing is and how it can be beneficial for your health . If you are interested, do not hesitate and move on.

Healing by archetypes

In archetypal healing, the healer analyzes the person's energy status to restore physical, mental and emotional balance, essentially modifying the geometric shape or archetype of the affected organ .

In this way, the patient can achieve harmony and inner peace, increasing his vital energy, reducing depressive states, solving problematic situations and favoring the healing process of his illnesses.

What is an archetype?

We call the ideal model of a work archetype, be it material or intellectual. It is the default figure of a thing such as a table.

The table is made up of a board and legs, but it doesn't have to have exactly the same shape as another table. This could be square, rectangular or diamond shaped.

The same happens with the legs, which could be straight, turned, metallic or wooden, but the archetype of the table will always be the same: a board with legs .

The archetypes of the human being

All human beings are equal and we have the same organs in our bodies . But each human being has its own characteristics and a special energy that distinguishes it from its peers.

Healing through archetypes uses the energy available in each organism, taking into account the particular archetypes of each person.

Through this technique it is possible to detect the malfunction of a certain organ and check which energy is predominant . The treatment will consist of transforming the negative energies that the affected organ has, into other positive ones that will make it work properly.

What is an archetype healing session like?

In healing by archetypes, each person is considered as a unique and particular being . The therapy is not performed by the imposition of hands, as in Reiki, nor practiced with the patient lying on a stretcher or armchair.

In this therapy, the patient sits in front of the healer, so that he can analyze and check the state of his energy level and be able to restore balance.

The healer will restore the desired balance at a physical, mental and emotional level by substantially modifying the geometric shape, the archetype itself, of the affected organ.

When the balance is achieved, emotions that have been repressed are released and traumas that are found in hidden planes are unlocked .

Through healing by archetypes it is possible to find harmony and inner peace. Healthy vital growth is not possible without having achieved a certain balanced level in our archetypes .

Objectives of archetypal healing

  • Promote disease recovery processes.
  • Recharge vital energy.
  • Control depressive states or feelings of loss.
  • Offer guidelines to overcome problematic situations.
  • Teach to understand and stimulate changes at different stages of life.

The greatest exponent of archetypal healing is Colin Bloy, who spent more than 30 years of his life teaching this method, primarily in Australia, Canada and Europe.

Colin Bloy defined healing by archetypes as follows:

Archetypal Healing treats diseases from the transfer of effective, proven archetypes that are introduced into the different energy strata of the patient.

These corrections modify the coding and information of a certain disease or disease, replacing the sick codes with healthy codes.

These new codes, little by little, will be settling and balancing to become stable and permanent to definitely replace sick codes . ”

Seen in Kairaba Space, by Pedro, editor of the White Brotherhood

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