Have the courage to go beyond - By Stuart Wilde

To have the courage to go there, is the act of relaxing and allowing your life to enter a free and spontaneous flow. This entails less structuring, more confidence and faith and taking life as you find it, instead of trying to frame it in a preconceived pattern and getting angry when things don't turn out as you expected.

The ego is by nature resistant to let itself flow. He wants to hold on to his feeling of power and dominate your life and the lives of others. He needs control because he feels insecure. So it may be scary to let you flow, but in my view it is more frightening to stay where you are.

In the world of ego and intellect, you don't have to develop blind trust. You can trust your past experiences and reflect on things and that usually works for you most of the time. But as a spiritual being, trust is vital. In the dynamic and amazing world of the Infinite I, you fly blindly. It has no limits, so it will take you to areas that are not familiar to you and that is precisely what makes the process so fascinating.

The journey of the ego to the spirit involves solving the paradoxes of human existence:

* We have to accept infinity while being inside a mortal body.
* We have to believe in a God that we cannot see.
* We have to learn to love in a dimension where there is so much hate.
* We have to see abundance when people constantly talk about lack.
* We have to discover freedom where control is the state religion.
* We have to develop our self-worth while people criticize and dwarf us.
* We have to see beauty where there is ugliness
* We have to embrace kindness and positive attitudes when we are surrounded by uncertainty.
* We have to feel safe despite our concerns.

The crucial point is trust. You have to have the courage to take an idea, believe it, accept it and, before you have any real proof that the energy is there for you, or that the idea will work. You have to let go of that bad intellectual habit that says that your ego-personality always knows more. By giving infinity within you your acceptance, you give it power to enter your life.

It's almost as if you lost yourself a little to find yourself again at a higher energy level.

If you do not let yourself go a little, your ego-personality will constantly block your inner power and you will lose the benefit of the subtle consciousness and extrasensory perception of those who are invested as a spiritual being.

We have come to reject those inner messages, right? It is part of how the ego plays its games.

The infinite in you is like a celestial wind; It will blow gently in your direction and support you, but only when you calm the mind and control the ego. People ask me, is that intuition? Yes and no. It is more than intuition. Spontaneous intuition is as manifested in its initial states. Later, dialogue with the infinite self comes through complete knowledge, spontaneous information derived from increased sensitivity. Grow as you focus and discipline yourself and when you know and believe that you are infinite.

Once you are able to see the world as what it is, the power of your Infinite Self unites you. It teaches you hour after hour, day after day, constantly showing you the subtle nature of things in a truly magnefficient way. It brings you the people you need to associate with. It shows you how to modify your beliefs and which of them you need to leave behind. It helps you in your well-being and shows you ways to make your lifestyle less burdensome and restrictive. The depth of your perception takes you from one step to the next.

It will be a shame if you don't listen to her. While the ego dominates and squeezes, the inner spirituality withdraws and waits until the mundane logic of life drains you. Therefore, agreeing to listen is important; acting on what you hear is even more so.

It does not matter if, at the beginning, you get things a little mixed, if you are not sure what comes from your infinite self and what comes from the mind. You have to start from some point, that is the importance of taking the first step.

If you do not listen and open yourself, the world you create via your personality and preferences, and the perception you have of the world around you, begins to decrease in energy. You use up the power available to you. The energy of the place where you live, of your circumstances, your work and your relationships, everything starts to fall to a lower energy level because new energy does not flow to sustain it. Gradually you become less secure, entering an area of ​​stagnation that is the outward manifestation of a tired and lifeless mind. Every day there is less energy than before, less excitement, more boredom and irritation. Often this effect will be stifling; You will feel trapped. Life enters a flat encephalogram.

In the stagnation the danger grows; Your security and protection are weakened by the immobility that surrounds you. (...)

The restrictions of a lifeless situation like this can cause anxiety and end up resulting in sickness or negligent behavior. It can lead to hopelessness and early death.

Commit yourself to yourself, in a quiet moment of prayer or contemplation, that you have the courage to be different. You will change and fight the lack of ego energy by embracing a handful of new ideas. Maybe the people around you criticize you for wanting to change, so what? In a situation of stagnation, anything is better than staying where you are.

The next thing is to have the courage to accept and handle the pain and problems that, without a doubt, the ego will put you to try not to take away the power. He will not like what is happening. It will protest with arguments that sound logical, waiting for you to back off. When this happens, follow your decision firmly and put into practice a discipline that the ego does not like. Go swimming in the river at 4 in the morning every day for a week. That will fix it soon!

In conclusion, to the courage to go further, I would add the courage to be vulnerable. As you change and grow, the ego will feel besieged and threatened. If you have little or no resistance, you'll be fine; If you resist and fight, it will hurt a lot. So be brave. Allow yourself to be vulnerable. Leave aside the insistent psychology of the male that most people suffer. Instead, penetrate the intense spiritual beauty of moving and flowing without necessarily knowing which path to take or how you will get there.

Believe, Believe, Believe.

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