On Earth changes and the Holons, by Hathors and Tom Kenyon

The mechanical vertices of your planet and solar system are accelerating, and as a result, time, as they know it, is changing. At the same time, there are changes and developments on Earth, and also in other sectors, that are affecting your destiny and the choice they will need to make.

These changes are happening at such a rapid speed that it is not possible to make it compatible with the old way. However, we are instituting a system of planetary updates, which will appear regularly on this website. We cannot say how often or in what pattern they will appear. So we suggest you check the page regularly if you are interested in this material. As we conceive for the moment, we plan to target specific developments, as well as internal technologies that can be used to ride the waves.


We gave this information in some workshops, but we feel that now is the time to give it to all who are interested. Holons are specific geometric shapes that in nature are third dimension and affect consciousness in specific ways. By conscience, please understand that we do not simply mean your mind, as you understand it, although all aspects of being, including body intelligence, for example DNA.

Holoms are created in the realm of your mind or imagination, but they compress energy to flow in different ways. Giving disturbance forces increasing on Earth, we want to give them simple instructions for two holons.

The first has to do with stabilizing your internal energy, especially emotions, when you experience irascible situations; also, directly around you or in the biosphere, you will find that events that take place in other areas of the world will have more strongly increased effects than before. This has to do with the perception of interconnectivity. Whether you like it or not, this is becoming clearer: that you are a planetary family. Really, we will go so far as to say that they are a planetary body. Thus, catastrophic events everywhere will affect them more directly, depending on your level of consciousness, sensitivity, and type of constituencies.

We would like to tell you that the best way to ride these waves of changes is not through resistance or isolation, because that creates high levels of fatigue. It is better to let the energies of change move around you and through you, without adding old images and ideas of how it should be. As we mentioned, the first holon is for the purpose of stabilizing your energy. In the second, we want to instruct them to strengthen the immune system.


It is based on a specific platonic solid known as octahedron. It consists of two square-based pyramids connected by the base with a pyramid pointing down and the other up. They are mirrored images identical to each other. This specific three-dimensional geometry occurs naturally in nature, especially in the form of certain crystals, atomic and molecular bonds. It is, by nature, a very stable way. Esoterically speaking, it is the encounter and balance of male and female polarity, heaven and earth.

In order to create this holon, feel or imagine a line that goes from the head, through the center of the body, the perineum and to the feet. The center line is the axis of the octahedron.

Feel or imagine the base of the pyramids at waist level, so that the upper part of the body will be inside the upper pyramid and the lower pyramid surrounding the lower part of your body. No matter how large the pyramid makes, long enough for the body to fit inside it. Nor does it matter how they guide the corners. As you imagine inside the octahedron, feel safety and comfort. Practice holding the geometry of the octahedron in the imagination while renewing feelings of security and comfort. Practice it daily if you want to achieve mastery in this. Create the holon, add the feeling of security and comfort and then intensify it. Do it until you imagine the holon giving the feeling. Then you will find that you can create the holon whenever you wish, and it will give you those feelings of comfort and safety, and by its very nature, the holon will balance the subtle energies within you to reach a state of equilibrium.

In future communications, we will give specific suggestions on how to ride the waves of change. The first holon is best known to us as "a kind of life saver." It is neither the most powerful nor the most elegant way to move through the changes that are coming, but it can be very helpful, especially for those who have not yet learned how to change within the interdimensionality of their beings.


Due to the destruction of your ecosystems, as well as other repercussions of the misuse of technology, bacteria and viruses are mutating at record speed, and new forms are emerging. This holon has a powerful effect on your immune system. It does not mean that it is a substitute for taking care of yourself, but it is an additive, and if you feel sick, this holon can be of great benefit.

Essentially, it is a cylinder that runs around you, just above the head to below the feet. At the top of the cylinder the shape bends forward like a banana, facing forward. In the lower part of the cylinder the shape is directed in the opposite direction from the one above. So if they were to look at it sideways it would look like a banana that has been twisted. Some call it the dolphin holon. Feel this shape around the body, having the impression that it is silver in color, much like a silver globe. It is not necessary to see this color, but you can imagine it. It is especially related to the bactericidal and antiviral properties of colloidal silver. Feel this holon around you, and when the mind wanders, return your attention to the sense of holon. This specific geometry calms the subtle energies within you, and at the same time energizes you in a particular way that strengthens the immune system. We suggest you add this to the "first aid kit", to put it in some way.

We want to leave you at this time with these final thoughts: as chaos increases on your planet, don't be stressed. This is a natural process of changing one dimension into another. Spiritual mastery is the ability to deal with new situations in creative ways. Anything less than that is not beneficial. They must find new ways to deal with your lives and what is happening in the world around them.

The choices they make will determine your destiny. It's that easy. While many around you go through the spiral of confusion and despair, new opportunities open up. It is possible to ride the waves of change in the next unstable periods of chaos with humor, grace and extraordinary growth. The power to do this does not come from outside. It comes from within, but like a miner looking for gold, you have to dig. To find the treasure that will make you rich, in terms of spiritual qualities and an increased chance of surviving these times, it is necessary to look for your part, not outside of you, but within yourself, because you already have what you need. The suggestions we will give in the coming months are simply indications of help for you to solve the riddle that you are, and hopefully, soon, one day, if you are not ready and clamorous with laughter, you will understand the cosmic joke, and with shrieks of pleasure will they will wake up from your inactivity, they will rise from this dream, in a new one, or better yet, they will all rise together.

© 2009 Tom Kenyon. All rights reserved.

You can make copies of this message and distribute them by any means as long as you do not change anything about it, give credit to the author and include this copyright and the Internet address.

The Holon of Balance and The Holon of Healing

See also article published in 2007, which is called:




The Hathors, through Tom Kenyon

February 3, 2007

Translation: Odilia Rivera


Hathors and Tom Kenyon

March, 2005

Translation: Sergio Hache

Edition: Anita Manasse

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