Bases of the Macrobiotic diet: Yin and Yang foods

  • 2018

The Macrobiotic diet is a philosophy of life and in the natural way of feeding to maintain health. The foods of this diet should be biological, clean and natural, grown with organic fertilizers and without the use of pesticides.

In this diet, foods are classified into Yin (passive foods) and Yang (active foods). The goal is to maintain a balance of yin and yang food to obtain physical and mental well-being.

Through a macrobiotic diet we purify our blood, improving the immunity of our body, increasing our vital energy and improving our health.

Bases of the Macrobiotic diet

The Macrobiotic diet is based on the consumption of whole grains (wheat, corn, barley, rice), fresh fruits and vegetables and lean meat, especially white meat and fish. These basic foods can be consumed alone or in combination, according to some diet precepts.

The idea is to obtain a balance between Yin and Yang foods . Some yin foods are potatoes, sugar, garlic, honey, clams and plums. Yang foods are eggs, caviar and pork, among others.

Some foods are best suited to promote yin and yang balance, for example cereals, vegetables and vegetables.

Prohibited foods in the Macrobiotic diet

  • Sugars, cakes, candies and candies.
  • Sugary drinks
  • Drinks with artificial colors or other chemicals.
  • Red meat and animal fats.
  • The dairy.
  • Spicy seasonings and spices.
  • Foods grown with chemical fertilizers or pesticides.
  • The refined salt

Foods allowed in the Macrobiotic diet

  • Drinks : Drinks should be ingested before or after meals, but not while food is consumed. Water is preferably drunk warm and should be consumed slowly, sips. Other recommended drinks are the Bancha ot Kukicha tea.
  • Whole grains: cereals must represent 50% of the food in the diet. You can consume all kinds of cereals and whole grains.
  • Vegetables : the vegetables must represent 25% of the daily food. They must be fresh, organically grown and as pure as possible. It is advisable to consume products from the area and avoid those whose origin is unknown.
  • Legumes : legumes should represent 15% of the daily food intake.
  • Soup : miso or tamari soups can be consumed once or twice a day. Vegetables or seaweed can be added to them.
  • Fruits : in this diet raw fruits are recommended only for healthy people. They can also be eaten cooked, in compote or other macrobiotic dishes.
  • Meats : the meats recommended in this diet are white fish and occasionally chicken or turkey.
  • Eggs : only fertilized eggs are allowed to be consumed, but only one every ten days.

Macrobiotics not only advises what foods to eat, but also gives us a series of guidelines for preparing food and eating it .

Food must be cooked with water or natural oils and the salt used must be sea salt. Cooking containers must be fire resistant, made of mud, stainless steel or enameled. Aluminum pans or spoons should be avoided as much as possible, to remove food during cooking it is advisable to use wooden spoons.

According to Macrobiotic rules, you should only eat when you are hungry and avoid excesses of all kinds. It is also necessary to take time to sit down to eat. The food should be slow, leisurely and it is recommended to chew each bite 30 to 50 times.

Seen in Naturopata Mas Deu, by Pedro, editor of the White Brotherhood

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