The Re-Calibration of the "You Should" - Kryon by Lee Carroll - 26.1.12

  • 2012


Live Channeling of Kryon by Lee Carroll

Patagonia (southern tip of South America)

January 26, 2012

To help the reader, this channeling has been reviewed [by Lee and Kryon] to provide greater understanding. Many times, Kryon messages channeled live contain an energy that is transmitted emotionally and is not present on the printed page.

So enjoy this improved message presented in Patagonia, at the Kundalini Cruise Ship in Kryon.


Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of the Magnetic Service.

Have you started feeling it yet? There is a difference in their perception, which makes it easier for them to come with me to a quantum place. The ship [Cruise] isolates them from the earth enough to suspend the reality of their daily lives. By the time they finish this cruise, they will have created bonds with the family with an energy of joy. Some solutions will be at hand, will have a few revelations, and at this time there is the potential for three healings. Some will receive peace, replacing anxiety. There will also be some clarity in some plans for the future, all because today they sat here with me.

His willingness to do so creates a state that is a different paradigm, a different way of being, a concession for clearer thinking. The more often they do it, the more often they will feel the change. So I want you to enjoy this moment and relax in it, knowing that it is actually safe and appropriate and true. Dear ones, open your heart on this day. They have done many very felt things today [during the seminar], so now let's do some spiritual logic exercises.

This will not be a long channeling, but I will transfer some information to you. I am going to call this the recalibration of the "shoulds": things that they feel they should do or should not do according to who is in charge. "In charge of what?" They might ask. Well, they are who are in charge of the "you should", and you know who they are. They are tradition, spiritual authority, history and learning from the past. The information I give is specific to each should, but not necessarily what they were taught. Things are changing, and with the recalibration of energy on the planet, the puzzle in which they have worked for a long time as Lightworkers is also beginning to change. There are only a few questions to cover today about the ones you should, but they will be questions that are easily answered, but are often asked. They cover a lot of different types of topics.


Let's start with a spiritual one: God is the creator of the world, right? Indeed, He is. Indeed, she is. So, shouldn't the creator be worshiped? Because all humanity has seen this fact and, therefore, has worshiped the idea of ​​God in many ways from the very beginning. In the esoteric movement of the New Age, there is no cult. In reality, there are no large altars or buildings. There is no place to kneel and thank God for nothing. So some might face them and point them with their finger and say, "You are not worshiping as you should." What is the answer to this? And what would they tell them?

I have given you the metaphor before: Do you think you are part of the creator? The teachers who walked the planet have told them that they are. One of the most recent, the Christ, identified himself and said: "I am the Son of God", and then looked up and said: "And you too." So this is the great "I am" that is within of you, but this is difficult to see or understand, since Humans seek greatness in divinity. They seek in heaven what they would expect God to be, but they do not see that attribute within themselves.

Then we redefine the "I am." Let's decide what the terminology Son of God means. It means that they are related to the creator. It means that the creator could very well be a member of the family. It means that you have the information and understanding inside that you are, in fact, a member of the family. They have peace of mind, absence of drama and security when they think about what is inside.

So what is within the Human does not necessarily feel like the greatness of the Creator, but as the family of the creator. So I ask, how do they treat their biological family? Who have they worshiped lately? Mother? Father? Sister? Brother? And they are likely to say: No, we don't worship each other. We respect each other. We look forward to being with certain relatives. Sisters and brothers. There is no drama, but rather, there is often the expectation of fun, enjoyment and joy. We care about each other. We love each other. A Ysa, dear ones, is the answer to this duty!

Instead of worship, there is appreciation, recognition, ceremony of thanks and love. That is very different from the cult of knees, do not you see it? Why not emulate the words of the Master? If you are a Son of God, then do not worship God. Rather, it is part of the family. Appreciate what's inside. Sit close to the creator when you sit in the chair and do not raise what should not be raised, but love what should be loved.

Community life for greater strength

Here you have another: Some of you have been told that it makes more sense for the Lightworkers to group together, because logically, that will create more light. It will make more sense, because the Lightworkers would be like-minded and would join as a group and live together as a group. Then they could better build as a group that city that has been called the light on the hill.

In addition, by grouping together they will create better communication, teaching and protection against the oldest energies on Earth and those things that stand in the way of A true Lightworker. Is there anything wrong with this? Now I am going to tell you that those who tell you this are in an old and linear paradigm. They are looking for things that they feel are going to build a better life, but they have lost sight of what a Lightworker really does.

You are learning to be self-sufficient creators of life. They could go to the desert, and contain everything that is. That is the essence of the statement: I am who I am. The statement is not: I am who I am, as long as they are what they are. Do they see it? You are self-sufficient lights! When was the last time you saw a lot of lighthouses on a single rock? They don't need each other! When was the last time you saw a headlight convention?

Well, that's silly, you could say. The lighthouses are anchored in the rocks. They can't go and visit each other. Right, but they could certainly send light to each other, isn't it? After all, the Lighthouse of Light is equipped for that. Perhaps the Lightworkers could even quantumly intertwine with each other, and then distance would not matter? [quantum entanglement was mentioned in the seminar] So maybe it's time for you to change the paradigm of how you imagine your place on the planet. Do they need protection? Is your light in danger?

When they leave this place, and the ship on which they are docked for the last time on their cruise, they will all disperse. They are going to go all over the world. Some of you will go reluctantly, with tears in your eyes and say, “I liked this. I would like to stay doing this. ”But I can tell you that you are looking at an old paradigm to even have pain! Once they have touched the heart of another, it is for life if they want it to be so. They can connect and stay connected if they wish. Their meeting here could create a network of light when they return to those places where they anchor themselves in their own rock and, by themselves, create light in a dark place where they can live. Do you understand?

There is no should to live together as a group. If they did something like that, they would leave the rest of the planet in the dark! It is incredibly selfish and only benefits the group. Those who do just want to feel good together, and that doesn't help the planet. That is the second should.

Spiritual Food - What Food Is For You?

Let's change the subject. “Kryon, what should I eat as a Lightworker? I have heard many ideas. There are those who eat meat and those who do not, there are those who depart from all things processed and those who do not. There are even those who eat nothing at all and only breathe air! What should I do to honor God and my body with the food I eat? ”

Immediately there will be those who point to many spiritual writings and say, "This is what you should do." Others, less spiritual, could give them pure chemistry for cleanliness and diet and health. And others will stay with the tradition of their family heritage or reflect on the integrity of eating an animal. So where is the truth in this? It seems to have an apparent logic and makes sense to many.

Dear ones, what is the goal? Is it being healthy and at the same time honoring God? Most would say: "Yes." Alright, it's time for some spiritual logic. Question: Where did we establish that God was? Answer: The creator is within you. So how do you honor that divine plan that is within you? The answer is to stay alive as long as they can! It is to hold your light on the planet as long as possible. So how can I give a nutritional "should" to all of you who are so unique and different? Moreover, how could anyone give a generic instruction on a "correct diet" for a wide range of different types of human bodies? However, they do.

This is the answer: Within each of you there is something called innate. Innato is "the intelligence of the body." Innate is the energy of body consciousness that they use to do "muscle testing" [kinesiology]. Innato knows what you do not know and is happening at the same cellular level of your own body. Innate is the awareness of his own DNA. It is the absolute source of your own "body awareness."

Innato knows something called akashic inheritance. This is the knowledge of who they used to be in past lives. All your nutritional needs to stay alive longer and healthier are based on a cellular structure that knows what you want and need, and "needs" what you used to need, dear ones.

It doesn't matter who they are or where they live. If you have come to this planet since a past life in India, you will want to eat like someone from India - even if you are in Montana! If they have spent lives in Asia and today they are in Brooklyn, they might still want to eat like Asians. His chemistry "remembers" and cries out for what he feels will satisfy efficient digestion and his health.

Your akashic heritage is much stronger than you recognize. The energies of past lives are NOT in the past! They are a quantum energy of their spiritual configuration that is current and this time they carry with them as part of their "complete being." They affect them!

If asked, the body will tell you that. Your cellular structure will cry out for those things to which you are accustomed, and will make your body relax and feel comfortable with the chemistry to which it is accustomed. If you are new to this culture and spent your last five lives in another culture, don't be surprised if you crave the diet of the previous culture. The vegetarian diet will be something that serves him / her, because they are in contact with their Akasha. They are eating what their cellular structure is determined to eat, not what someone told them to eat to become more spiritual.

Pay attention to the intelligence of your body, because it will tell you a lot about who you have been. There is no should more than one: Stay alive and in good health. Listen to your cellular structure and tell them what they should eat. Does this not seem like spiritual logic? Do not try to convert another to your "right way" of eating. Honor the Akashic system and realize that your innate knows much better than you what will work for you. My partner is currently trying the “Free Glutton” * diet. [Kryon's humor]

* N of the T: pun between “glutton” (glutton) and “gluten” (gluten). "Gluten free diet" is a gluten free diet.

Should I use doctors and drugs to heal myself or use spiritual methods?

“Dear Kryon, I have heard that one must remain natural and not use the science on the planet to heal. That going to the doctor does not honor God. After all, don't you say we can heal with our minds? So why should we go to a doctor if we can do it ourselves? Not only that, my doctor is not enlightened, so he has no idea what my innate or my spiritual body needs. What should I do?"

First of all, Being Human, why do you want to type so many things? You still want a yes or no answer for complex situations due to your three-dimensional linear perspective on almost everything. Learn to think outside the 3D box! Look at the title of this section [above]. Ask which of the two you should use. You already assume that you cannot use both because it seems like a dichotomy.

Let's use some spiritual logic: This is a hypothetical answer: "Don't go to the doctor, since you can heal everything with your mind." Then now I'm going to ask you: How many of you in this room can do that right now? How many readers can do that efficiently right now? You are all old souls, but are you really ready to do that? Do you know how to do it? Do they really get good results with that? Can you eliminate the disease and chemical imbalance with the mind right now?

I am going to give you a truth, whether you choose to see it or not. You are not ready for that! They are not yet ready to take on the task of total healing using their spiritual tools. The Lemurians could do it because the Pleiadians taught them how! It is one of God's promises, that the day will come when your DNA will work with that efficiency and you will be able to get away from the chemistry of drugs and the medical industry forever, because you will have the energy of the creator running at 100 percent, something that They saw in the great masters who walked the Earth.

This will be possible within the ascended Earth that you are longing for, dear ones. Have you seen the news lately? Look out the window. Is that where they are now? We are telling you that the energy is going in that direction, but they are not there yet.

Let those who feel they can heal themselves begin the process of learning how. Many will appreciate the fact that they now have some of the gifts for this. Let the process begin, but do not believe for a moment that you have reached a place where every health problem can be healed with its own power. You are students of a great process that will eventually be yours if you wish to begin the quantum process of speaking to your cells. Some will be good for this and some will just be planting the seeds for it.

Now, I would like to tell you how the Spirit works and the potentials of what will happen in the coming years. We are going to give the doctors of the planet new inventions and a new science. These will be great discoveries about the human body and its quantum attributes.

Look what has already happened, because part of this science has already been given to you, and in reality you are already using it. Imagine a science that allows to transplant the heart because the one they have is failing. Of course! It is an operation that is done many times a month on this planet. That information came from the creator, did you realize that? He did not fall off the shelf of some dark energy library to be used in evil ways.

So, if you need a new heart, Lightworker, should you go to the doctor or create one with your mind? Until you feel confident that you can replace your heart with a new one for yourself, you might consider using the information given by God that is in the surgeon's hands. Because that will save your life and create a situation where you can stay and continue sending your light to Earth! Do you see what we are saying?

They can also alter what medicine [drugs] is and start a process that is spectacular in its design, but not very three-dimensional. I challenge you to start using what I would call the homeopathic principle with important drugs. If some of you are taking important medications to alter the chemistry so that you can live longer and better, you may feel you have no other choice. "Well, this keeps me alive, " they might say. I do not yet have the ability to do this with my conscience, so I take the medications.

In this new energy, there is something else you can try if you are in this category. Do the following safely, with intelligence, common sense. This is the challenge: The principle of homeopathy is that an almost invisible tincture of a substance is ingested and that is seen by its innate. Innate, see what they are trying to do and then adjust the body chemistry in response. Therefore, it could be said that they are sending a balance signal to the body. The actual tincture is not large enough to affect anything chemically, however it works!

The [innate] body sees what they are trying to do and cooperates. In a sense, it could be said that the body is healing itself, since they were able to give you instructions on what to do through the homeopathic substance. So why not do it with a more potent drug? Start reducing the dose and start talking to your cells, and see what happens. If they are not successful, stop the reduction. However, to their own surprise, they could often succeed over time.

Maybe they could reduce the dose to at least a quarter of what they were used to. It is the principle of homeopathy and allows them to maintain the purpose of the drug, but reduce it to a fraction of a common three-dimensional dose. They are still taking it internally, but now they are also signaling, in addition to working chemically. The signal is sent, the body cooperates and the risk of side effects is reduced.

When it comes to the great system of the Spirit, they cannot typecast things in yes or no. But instead they can use spiritual logic and see the things that God has given them on the planet within inventions and processes. Oppose yourself, save your life, and stand up and say: Thank you, God, for this and for being born where these things are possible. Is it a complicated subject, isn't it? Every one of you is so different! You will know what to do, dear ones. Never be distressed by that decision, because your innate will tell you what is right for you if you are willing to listen.

There is no New Age. God does not change. Stay with the tradition.

Let's see the last one. There are those who will tell you that God is the same yesterday, today and forever. They will say that, therefore, you should not be in a New Age movement, because God will never change and the energy of God will always be the same. Therefore, his ideas that energies are changing and God is changing are foolish. Then they will warn you and say: Stay away from the New Age and see more about the traditions and systems of religion and spiritual learning that are established and have a history. with billions of people on Earth.

All this previous argument is based on a misunderstanding, dear ones. This is the statement I wish to make. God is the same yesterday, today and forever. It is beautiful, because God the creator will never change. What is changing, however, is the relationship of the Human Being with an immutable God. What is changing is the ability of the Human Being to transcend beyond an old energy and, with a new energy, meet the creator within. It is the Human Being who is changing, not God.

The same environment that surrounds them is cooperating [Gaia] in order to better understand a God who is the same yesterday, today and forever. The New Age is about Human Beings who recognize that their relationship with the Spirit is changing and is becoming more real in their lives. This means that now Humans can begin to see and feel the creator inside in a new and profound way. New spiritual tools are at hand and self awareness is beginning to grow slowly. Humans are changing! God is the same.

Get away from tradition, since it will only serve to keep you in a prison of your own creation, where you cling to mythology and never see the magnificence of your own soul.

The ONLY Should

They could say that there is an attribute that runs through all you should. They should always allow spiritual discernment in all things. Do not pigeonhole the energies that surround them - something that your linear mind wants to do. Rather, merge these things into a soup of spiritual logic that makes sense for your life. Do not apply your rules to any other Human Being, but find out what works for you and celebrate it by becoming healthier.

Dear ones, I am brother / sister Kryon. I know them. It doesn't matter if you are young or one of the oldest in this group. You are all old souls that will be together for a long time. Remember this The first month of 2012. The beginning of many new things.

And so it is.


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© Lee Carroll

Original English title: “The Recalibration of 'Shoulds'”

Translation: Margarita López

Edition: Susana Peralta

Authorized Lee Carroll site in Spanish

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