What is holistic medicine?

  • 2018

Holistic medicine is a method whose objective goes beyond traditional physical healing, because it is complemented by the healing of the soul, mind and spirit . Do you think if we know a little better the many advantages of this technique? Pay attention.This type of medicine is responsible for restoring balance by applying traditional and complementary therapies that are combined in such a way, to bring the patient to an optimal state of health. Healing through holistic medicine is carried out naturally, in order to achieve a harmony that frees the individual from any condition caused by physical, emotional, spiritual, mental imbalances, among others that affect their peace and health.

Principles governing holistic medicine

The fundamental pillar of holistic medicine is love as energy that has an unmatched healing power. The power of this universal energy is used in order to achieve the healing of the mind, body and spirit. In this way, with all the traditional and complementary therapies that integrate this type of medicine based on holism, it seeks to establish optimal health and balance, making the mind and body function harmoniously . All this medicine is carried out through a guide, which can be called a doctor or mentor . Another peculiarity that differentiates this type of medicine that bases its precepts on holism, is the ability to foster the power of each person to heal themselves, based on the principle that every human being has a great power to Healing In holistic medicine, each individual is visualized as a whole, without prioritizing the physical or mental healing, but rather holistically treats the search for the balance of the whole. . Unlike some therapies that contradict traditional medicine, holistic medicine relies on this medicine to understand how it works, using when necessary any traditional treatment in a complementary way.

Therapies used in holistic medicine

Alternative therapies used in holistic medicine fulfill the objective of healing the body, mind and spirit in an integral manner, modifying when necessary any harmful habit that affects the health of the patients, such as: stop smoking, adopt a healthy diet, integrate sports activities, and many more. Other more alternative methods, such as meditation, acupuncture, yoga, homeopathy, among other therapies that meet the goal of treatment are also used wisely. Technique of medicine based on holistic therapy, and that are harmonious with the principles that underlie it. Generally, holistic medicine has a duty to visualize the individual as a whole, as well as seek to establish the balance of the human being and its essence from the natural point of view. Many times the sufferings of people are not limited to the physical environment, but have roots in emotions or thoughts, which cause health imbalances. The benefits of holistic medicine have their origins in ancient cultures that date back even to the early philosophical times . However, it was not until 1929 when it was given the name of holistic, for its principles and objectives. Nowadays more and more people trust and resort to this alternative therapy that takes advantage of all the advantages of traditional medicine, alternative therapies and the human being's own power to achieve a complete and complete cure. Seen on Vix, by Pedro, editor of the Great White Brotherhood

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