The tempting skills of the Ego

  • 2019

They feed the EGO but undress the SOUL

The ego feeds on the neglect of the human being, so take advantage of any loopholes to lead the material life of the person; in fact, on multiple occasions, the ego finds its best ally in oneself.

How to settle between the ego, that is, the character that acts and interacts, and the real being?

The existence of the ego is lodged in the mind, which is finite and only lasts as long as the physical life; therefore, the ego melts when it disappears.

The person, under the envelope of their three bodies: the physical, the mental and the spiritual, interacts with them. But the true reality only resides in the spiritual body connected with the soul and is, in turn, with the spirit, which drinks from the Universal Creative Source.

You can doubt this approach and continue to feed your ego; But you should appreciate the results obtained: Are you fully happy? Are you in peace and harmony with your surroundings? Have you found what you so long for while you have fed the ego?

What are the abilities that the ego uses to cloud your real being?


“What is almost never fulfilled”

Mental projection: "Is that now ...", "And if it happens ...", "Surely ..."

The ego has the great ability to make you predict what is never fulfilled. How many times are we worried about a subject and we go around and around in the head and, when it is time for that persistent idea to be fulfilled and the sentence falls on you, it turns out that it happens much less than lucubrated or even happens quite the opposite?

The ego uses mental states to create false hopes about facts that are never fulfilled. Instead, the soul uses the pure states of consciousness in which everything is in its right place and time. The soul will always respect your free decision, the ego will subtly impose it on you.

The lucubrant mind

The ego's ability to keep us disconnected from our true selves is strong and uses mental processes to trap us in a vicious circle that only breaks when the body becomes saturated.

The mental prediction that is almost never fulfilled:

The result of a mental process, produced from the ego, is never fulfilled in its terms; on the other hand, mental reflection, the result of the connection with the deep interior, is always materialized.

It is easy to fall into the networks of the ingenious ego, but it is more gratifying to get carried away by the infallible intuition that completely relieves complex mental processes. What a rest it is when you stop going around and around the inexhaustible mind fueled by the elusive ego!

The intuitive prediction that always comes true:

The expression of the soul, as a result of clear intuition, is always fulfilled, never disappoints, although, sometimes, it can be understood as a damage, but that aspect is the result of rebellion. The ego when it sees that it loses its prominence.


Justify the unjustifiable

Mental projection: S, it is true, but, I already know, but, Well, but

The stubbornness in being, achieving or realizing something that we lack, is the result of an ethical process that, to keep us distracted, activates mental processes so that we can hold on, with excuses and justifications, to something that neither It is neither will be.

The exculpatory mind

The cornered ego is defended by the exculpatory mind, which allows to justify their own actions and failures. But, if one finally reflects, the soul will poke its head through intuitive wisdom; it is possible, then, that the ego responds with greater forcefulness and the exculpatory mind justifies the unjustifiable, through its ingenious explanations, and thus can consolidate that belief given by the ego. This fact, repeated over time, becomes a more difficult habit to eradicate, hence, instantly, when the ego takes us to its ground and we do not get the As a result, we justify ourselves to this adversity in a diverse way.


"Avoid the inescapable"

Mental projection: "This is not going with me ...", "This is from ...", "This is for ..."

The ego knows the humble human soul very well and knows that it will always respect your will. Thus, the ego, eager to catch you in the density of matter, always tries to postpone everything that can help you to raise awareness and for this use your favorite tools: emotions and senses.

The elusive mind

The ego uses all resources to mislead your attention, prevent you from uncovering its intricate games and achieve mastery of your being through the soul. Thus, when you take actions to obtain true satisfaction (coming, then, from the soul), the ego quickly projects an evasion in your mind so that you stop doing it, and it does so by transmitting you the best lure that exists: "You will be incapable"; the danger is that one can end up believing it.


“Understand only what matters”

Mental projection: "Tell me what I want to hear ...", "Ya, but is that ...", "I already know what ..."

All subtle food that nourishes the soul, will be disguised by the ego so that you lose interest in it and remain focused on dense foods that fatten your abilities.

The mind passes

Hiding to avoid facing the obvious or acting in the name of "you have to" be positive "(typical phrase that has its opposite:" you are negative ") is typical of the selfish mind that moves you away from your immense creative power. Instead, being realistic is the term to define the balance between both extreme positions and is the engine that will activate your creative mind.

Given any fact, one of the two extreme positions is usually produced: "you see it negatively or you see it positively . " This effect is produced by the force with which duality governs here on Earth, it is a rule that governs any act that occurs.

Each of these dual positions will affect you, since being negative or pessimistic will lead you to underestimate the facts; while being positive or optimistic will lead you to ignore and hide the parts that may affect you. The midpoint in duality is provided by the neutral analysis, the "realistic being, " the fruit of the balanced mind. This will make you see through intuition and inspiration, the latent part that you should avoid, as well as the most practical and real part of each action, situation, fact or person. This way you will get an impartial and neutral analysis, without placing yourself in grief or euphoria.


"Take your lacks from others or throw them at them"

Mental projection: "What has been believed ...", "Me ...", "You'll see when ...", "Poor ..."

Weaknesses and weaknesses are launched by the ego towards others. If this strategy fails him, the ego acts by hunting the lacks of others towards oneself and involves you in them to the point that you consider them yours.

Heavy mind

Suppressing feelings, caused by a fact that affects us, is an egoic position, so they will be waiting to find the occasion to throw the accumulated unconscious resentment to the person involved or another. When that happens there is a deceptive relief, a relief that is the result of the satisfaction that the ego produces having succeeded. But that mental heaviness immerses the soul even further in the depths of its refuge, far from the material density that the ego has caused.

Humility from the soul bears fruit in the form of tolerance and respect for other beings, with the utmost understanding towards the moment of consciousness that each person is living. This is the key to obtaining almost perfect relationships: respect for everyone and everything. On the other hand, the heavy mind throws all kinds of criticisms, advice, expletives and the miseries itself, which only one and only one has created, while the ego constantly whispers What is They will have believed, do this to me.

In the event that the ego fails in its strategy, it will serve you in the opposite way: I will sell you the false service to the rest of you to stay with their lacks and miseries and make them your own, as if from you they would come ( Append on him, poor little one ); which is, in short, another egoic occasion that takes advantage of extreme duality. Something very different is the pure state of compassion coming from the soul, which is implied and accompanied without interfering in the process of others, since it is part of the experience of the other, generated by l, so only he can really solve it. This is, in short, respect for free decision, free will, essential for any type of balanced relationship.

The ego induces you to believe in false modesty, which is to rely on abstract concepts such as: It is for your sake, to help you, to clarify, stop . However, the soul does not need any indication, unless it comes from another soul.

Shielding yourself in others, and blaming them for their own emotional explosions, is simply a selfish lack of wanting to do the work necessary to keep evolving. The ego, to save its position, always blames others for bad luck to prevent you from doing the work that touches you.

Imposing or launching egoic miseries, into the soul of another being, or using it to achieve one's own ends, is an act of the heavy mind that activates the perishable ego.


Ability to change the established

Mental projection: It has always been done like this!, Why touch it…? ”, “ Everybody ... ”

The lack of interest in undertaking changes and comfort are the preferred emotional states of the ego to incapacitate you before any approach that makes you wake up.

Fear paralyzes the slightest change of what you are doing, even if it hurts you. Fear is driven by the ego in its clear and blunt form or covered up by the excuses to impose its dominion in front of your true being.

Comfortable mind

The ego, to consolidate the inability to change, uses the mind with material consciousness, and projects it to consider that you need all kinds of objects, situations and people. The persistent insistence on focusing the mind towards these states creates attachment to what you consider necessary, when they really are superfluous needs, since once you leave the body and the physical mind, all of this dissolves without further ado.

Another misleading formula that the ego uses is the desire for happiness, but if we reflect on that supposed total well-being, obtained through objects, desires or situations, we will see that it is always perishable and that, when it ends, its opposite comes, the Unhappiness, dissatisfaction and keep looking. On the other hand, the happiness that emanates from the connection with the real being is lasting, constant and inexhaustible and lacks opposites, it simply is, without euphoria or ups and downs; exactly, what we really wanted to achieve since we landed on the subject.

Finally, once the ego strengthens the mental comfort of leaving everything as it is, and despite feeling dissatisfied, it causes the creation of a habit-attachment, which is firmly rooted in the mind and installed in cellular information. With this, the ego has culminated the process of dominion over your physical and mental acts and thus provokes a mental state of comfort that claims the impossibility of any change, even if the situation in which you find yourself is harming you.

Thus, and given the diminished reaction capacity of which we have already spoken, there is the situation of: "I am baffled, what happens to me? Why am I feeling bad?" Or similar thoughts. The soul humbly and respectfully emits the precious message: "React, it is an illusion!" And it is in your hand to set you free. If you open the door, you will give permission to enter the countless situations that will mark the path of consciousness, you just have to ask and be aware of what happens to you. When you find it and start your awareness process, you will have to do your part, through your willpower that everything can and, with it, you will achieve any goal or change that you set, you will recover your natural ability to change and forget the submission selfish

When the soul is constantly under pressure from the confinement of these egoic states and the total carelessness to change, it produces an extreme situation and the huge generated ego ball explodes by itself; at that moment the soul appears timidly through the window of intuitive consciousness, whispering with inspiration all that you need to free yourself and it will only depend on you to accept and apply it.


“Always the first: me, me and then me”

Mental projection: "I already ...", "Me ...", "Is that me ...", "But I ...", "When I ...", "I do ...", "I ...!"

While the soul remains in the stillness of humility, the ego constantly exposes its opinion and imposes it. In the field it is said: "The burrito always goes ahead and the master behind or mounted on it", so when you uncover the veils of the ego, which cloud the expression of the soul, it is mounted on the donkey of the ego and directs your passage through Matter with full awareness. This way of experimenting will never let you down; instead, the ego burrito will give you perishable pleasure or happiness, since it is only part of the material illusion. Your reality is the joyful soul.

Intellectual mind

The ego uses its helpers, emotions and senses, to cause you distraction and entertainment, while he makes his own at ease, donkey!

The ego and its assistants are only tools to interact in the matter and they will be useful if you learn to use them properly. If you go behind the burrito you will only have punctual satisfactions, but when they finish they turn into the opposite, spectacular disappointments and you will say: “Life is one… It has disappointed me!” Use the wise mind, with the intuition that comes from the soul, and you can say "How beautiful life is, thank you!"

Intellectuality will give you a lot of material knowledge, but wisdom will provide you with the keys to your full and happy life.


“The ego is like the high and impenetrable wall of a prison that stands around the true nature of man: the soul. Humility is the only force capable of demolishing such a wall. ”

Paramahansa Yogananda

If you feed the ego, it will fully develop and you will accept with submission that its tempting abilities guide your walk through life. If you nourish the soul, riding on the burrito of the ego and taking the reins, it will be expressed and you will enjoy a healthy experimentation in your life.

Author: Josep María Montserrat - Cellular Nutritionist

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