Biodecoding of Schizophrenia: The symptoms and causes that cause this mental disorder, and the importance of bringing it to the conscious

  • 2019
Table of Contents hide 1 Biodecoding of Schizophrenia, Symptoms and Causes 2 Schizophrenia 3 Schizophrenia according to Conventional Medicine 4 Biodecoding and the search for the cause 5 Biodecoding of schizophrenia 6 Conflicts of schizophrenia according to biodecoding

Today we will talk about the biodecoding of schizophrenia . We invite you to prepare and enjoy this exciting theme, I assure you that you will love it!

Biodecoding of Schizophrenia, Symptoms and Causes

... in the biodecoding of schizophrenia we see the condition as a guide, something that guides us, instead of something that should be feared.

In today's world, we have left behind the notion that diseases are merely circumstantial.

Today we know that behind every medical condition lies hidden histories and psychological and emotional traumas that manifest physically . And such is also the case with schizophrenia.

Given the lack of answers that Western medicine gives us to this condition, it is necessary to look for alternatives that are broader. And that they can give us a different point of view. More oriented to find the root of the problems, instead of covering the symptoms with drugs.

Schizophrenia, as with any neurological condition, often scares and intrigues us. However, biodecoding is taken from diseases to guide us to resolve pending issues of the past . And these matters can be their own or inherited.

Thus, in the biodecoding of schizophrenia we see the condition as a guide, something that guides us, rather than something that should be feared.

Stay with us while we delve into what is known about this disease, and we value the point of view of schizophrenia in biodecoding .


Schizophrenia is one of the main mental disorders, the most obvious characteristic of which is the alteration of the internal experience of the person, and their perception and relationship to their surroundings.

This leads them to present anomalies in almost all spheres of personality . Including, clearly, thinking, emotions, motor skills, impulses and perception.

Undoubtedly, people who suffer from it present what is known as psychosis, which consists of momentary losses of contact with reality. And this is why it is very important to delve into schizophrenia according to biodecoding .

In general, the symptoms of this disease are usually categorized as positive or productive if they involve the appearance of some unconventional behavior, such as hallucinations or delusions; or negative, if they imply a lack, such as lack of emotionality or difficulty to be stimulated.

Fifty percent of cases usually present what is known as ego disorders .

Schizophrenia according to Conventional Medicine

“It is clear that the people who suffer from it present what is known as psychosis, which consists of momentary losses of contact with reality. And that is why it is very important to delve into schizophrenia according to biodecoding. ”

Despite his years of study in the field, conventional medicine has not found an answer to the disease of schizophrenia . Explain the causes based on assumptions, improbable theories and statistics.

Apparently, one of the main factors that cause schizophrenia is genetic predisposition. In addition, the environment also plays an important role in the development of the disease. He also mentions that it may be due to complications and abnormalities at the time of delivery.

But unlike the biodecoding of schizophrenia, conventional medicine finds it impossible to find the root of that condition.

This is where biodecoding goes much further to find causes that explain this condition. And many times, these roots are not related to the person who suffers from it.

Biodecoding and the search for the cause

We are currently witnessing a universe that is incredibly interconnected .

Every event that occurs in the world has an inevitable effect in all spheres of it.

We ourselves are the result of an innumerable set of factors, and our experience varies around how each of these factors manifests in us.

And in the same way, we carry in us a story that is transmitted from generation to generation, and we replicate it and contribute to it throughout our lives.

The information that is part of who we are and what we live in is manifested in different states of consciousness, and the biodecoding of schizophrenia can lead us to understand the causes of this disease that lie in our biological unconscious.

For this, he fixes his attention on what happens from birth to the present moment, and also on the transgenerational, those events that have happened in our ancestors and how that can affect our reality.

Thus, the disease will be nothing more than a manifestation of an imbalance between the conscious and unconscious levels .

Precisely, looking for that balance, we can begin to heal.

Biodecoding of schizophrenia

... the biodecoding of schizophrenia recognizes that this condition usually awakens in people with a very strong intellectual capacity.

Mainly, according to biodecoding in schizophrenia, there is an escape. A search to hide my authentic identity from others.

Many times, the person suffering from this disease has been born and raised in a very rigid family that leads him to have conflicts with who he really is.

I no longer know who I am, it is a common sensation among these people. The total rejection of the I AM and the idea that it has no solution, leads the person to escape as a method of survival.

In general, the biodecoding of schizophrenia recognizes that this condition tends to wake up in people with a very strong intellectual capacity.

This produces a sense of urgency by not being able to understand what leads to difficulty accepting. And also, it can lead to an exaggerated development of your psychic abilities .

He who has recorded a wound in his childhood, has a high tendency to end up deforming reality when, as an adult, an event awakens that wound again.

At the transgenerational level, schizophrenia according to biodecoding can represent the suffering that our ancestors could not express.

Family shame, poorly crafted duels, etc. they are nameless ghosts that affect the offspring that ignore them.

Thus, these contents are encysted in the family, in the form of a concept that Nicholas Abraham and Mary Torok have proposed: the crypt .

In that way, the children and grandchildren of people who carry crypts will begin to develop learning problems, difficulties in thinking, delusions, phobias and even addictive behaviors.

Conflicts of schizophrenia according to biodecoding

In schizophrenia, conflicts have to do with the Fourth Stage of Biology, in the formation of the Embryonic Layer of the Ectoderm .

These conflicts are manifested in the form of a spatial disorder, in which the interpretation that is made of the world and space outside of natural references.

There is also a parceled experience of reality, in which the schizophrenic can be transported from one plot to the other without necessarily having a relationship between them.

It can also be a manifestation of the conflict caused by a resistance to something that you find disgusting, but that does not cause you any pain. Or also, wanting to stop a separation that feels imminent and inevitable.

Similarly, schizophrenia can refer to a fear of abandonment .

It is also related to the fear of aggression or devaluation on the part of the father, often aggravated by the presence of a submissive mother.

Schizophrenia, as a mental disorder, is a demonstration of hidden emotions . These emotions can be translated as taboo by the person suffering from it.

But nothing can hide under the shadow forever. These emotions and stories will find a way to come to light .

In the process of bringing those things to the conscious is that the cause is shed . And from that moment, the path to healing begins, use the Biodecoding of Schizophrenia as an antidote!

Author : Lucas, Editor and Translator of the Great Family of

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