The hour of love has just begun

  • 2017

Within his plan, love sometimes turns out to be a synonym of desire, affection and rests on other people, existing at other times when it is synonymous of delivering and receiving at the same time . When both components are in perfect harmony, the relationship manages to become a stable and happy relationship .

The love that is generated within your world is usually reinforced in order to integrate in each of you, a spiritual component that over time becomes much stronger, and that is the exchange of energies, which is fundamental between those people who really love each other and do not talk only about the beings that are in direct contact, since it is completely possible that this phenomenon takes place between beings that love each other and are distanced.

The beings who are alone, in fact they are not, since they are always accompanied spiritually

Those beings who have experienced the loss of their partner, manage to feel their presence but on a very different level and many times, they are not really aware that what they feel is the spiritual presence of the loved one they lost.

Sometimes the love sent to them and from the other level the people who lost, is enough to make them continue living without attachments within this world. Other times, many of you choose to refuse to accept the idea of soul survival and choose to close in the love you feel for the people you lost; others instead choose to live and experience a new relationship. However, in any case, love never dies . Within the plane of the other life in which we find ourselves, we have the possibility to appreciate daily, as many spiritual beings that are no longer in your world, act with and for love, sending only happy thoughts to each of you before of waking up, in order to make them feel perfectly prepared in the morning.

These beings are really anxious with the idea of ​​being able to help them in any way possible. And this is a considerable action, think about it, since constantly, several of these beings feel a vague guilt, because it feels as if they had abandoned you to move to the other level. They feel very happy there and being as happy as they are now, there is always the desire to share that happiness with the people that matter most to you and when it is not possible to do so, that feeling of guilt is born.

Our healers are responsible for explaining to these beings that it is not so, and that they have not really abandoned them, since they are simply going through the progressive process that composes life.

Think that those loved ones who have left are alive and not only that, but they are very well. Now they have an amazing energy and a great facility to learn and understand everything that surrounds them. Now they have the opportunity to communicate with everything that surrounds them, to fully understand what they have to say. Isn't it something magical ? And each of you also has the possibility of doing so, since your ability to do so will increase over time due to the new energies that your loved ones send you from another life.

The starry sky they are under will no longer be the same color! Be happy and rejoice! Remember that new times are already very close and come at great speed.

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