A stone on the road

  • 2013

A stone on the road

"Reality is a persistent illusion" Albert Einstein

We walked in silence, fascinated by what we saw. The walls, the ceiling, the floor ... Everything was a game of strange shapes that the heart of the earth had been chiseling in secret, for one day to be discovered by curious eyes and thus be recognized as a wonderful work of art, made by the most inspired artist I know: nature ...

The strange beauty of the place woke up in all those who were there, a mixture of excitement and adventure, a certain sacredness and fear. Those of us who knew each other, touched each other lightly with any small excuse and so, without even thinking about it, we felt clothed and recognized in a reality more familiar than that the environment of the heart of the earth offered us.

Whenever we face the new, we feel some fear. The mind does not like not having everything controlled, right?

Who was leading us, we were pointing out a particularly beautiful corner, a particularly difficult step, an especially narrow step. And behind him followed, literally stepping on his heels, the five senses of all of us, recording any signal, in a pre-alert state: eyes wide, barely blinking; open ears and reacting to the slightest unexpected noise as if it were thunder; the touch looking everywhere for something recognizable to hold on to; smell tracing fresh oxygen in an air saturated with moisture from other centuries; the taste perplexing a certain taste of sulphurous saltpeter And the woe in the throat of all hearts.

In these we were, when we were told that we arrived at the most beautiful and dangerous area of ​​the entire route. We are urged not to approach. Prudence sharpened. We grouped in front of an immense pit in which no background was glimpsed. A person, somewhat clueless, or attracted by the abyss - that I do not know - made a point of approaching the edge. Another shouted warning him of the danger. And all looking down, in a woe again. The show was so beautiful, so much. The lights barely illuminated the most striking reliefs strategically. It seemed that if we fell through the chasm we would reach the very center of the earth.

And then something happened that I will never forget.

Someone picked up a stone with the intention of throwing it into a vacuum to guess through the sound the depth of the marvelous precipice.

The man raised his arm, ready to release the stone. We all hold our breath. The silence grew thicker than ever. The tense scalp in order to get the ears to open beyond their limits. Even the woe of the heart fell silent. Everything to be able to hear well the end of the journey of the stone to the very center of the earth.

And then, the stone fell. And on the second, the abyss vanished. He disappeared completely. And with the disappearance of the chasm, the fear of falling, the beauty of the abyss, the need for no one to be harmed, the excitement of the adventure, the vertigo disappeared ... the breath containment disappeared, the eyes wide, the tension of every cell of our body and our mind. All our expectations of the depth of the pit, our images of the center of the earth disappeared. With the disappearance of the abyss, everything related to it disappeared: the memories of what we had just lived, what we were living at that time, and what we had imagined we would live when the stone was thrown. The stone fell and the whole experience fell.

Because there was no such abyss. It had been an optical illusion. There were only three fingers of still water, which clearly reflected the ceiling of the cave. And when the stone fell, waves had formed in the water and the idea we had in mind, the abyss we had given for something absolutely real, no longer existed. And the mind had nothing to hold on to. She was perplexed and silent.

And then, I understood. As if the stone had fallen on my mind (this is how the secret look works ...)

I understood

that my mind takes for real what I think is real, without knowing it ...

that everything I live is the result of that belief ...

and that it is necessary, urgently, that I begin to drop stones in my beliefs to truly prove their reality ...

because if I don't do it, my whole life will be a game of illusionism: my fears, my expectations, my desires, my thoughts, my principles, my analyzes, my interpretations, my relationships ...

Bless the stone that I found in my way!

Happy now!

Source: http: //lamiradasecreta.com/

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