Archangel Michael. Channeling of Henrique Rosa. Part II

  • 2019
Table of contents hide 1 The Earth is turning a new page, a new chapter in its evolutionary trajectory, and everything that is contrary to this new course will come to the surface, will have to be transformed, transmuted and diluted. 2 Human minds are anesthetized and consciences closed and locked. 3 Many think that the best spiritual action is charity, but charity anesthetizes the mind and this was never part of the Path of Light. 4 Today, the greatest suffering is of those conscious human beings who see others suffer and feel unable to do something to help them, this is very sad and distressing. 5 What is it that Earth and the Aquarian Era are bringing? 6 But intelligence today is at the service of violence, of destruction.

Channeled Message

In Portuguese the Original.

Read first: “Archangel Michael. Channeling of Henrique Rosa. Part I."

The Earth is turning a new page, a new chapter in its evolutionary trajectory, and everything that is contrary to this new course will come to the surface, it will have to be transformed, transmuted and diluted.

And the old prophecy is going to come true, there will be no stone on stone.

When Jesus said this, he was not referring to temples made of stones, but to the ideas of stone, to the heavy energies created by men, to fanaticisms and radicalisms, to inconsistencies, to destruction, to violence of all kinds., to hatreds, revenges, to injustices at all levels of life.

Any spirit or soul that is on the Path of Light will always be ready to help you, the big problem is that the human being does not accept this help from the Beings of Light.

As far as the Angelic line is concerned, many are only interested in our help for material things, and not spiritual ones as they should be. You can even say yes, but you really don't want to.

You want a savior, a deliverer, someone to save your skin, nothing more than that, because in this way we don't need to do anything.

Human minds are anesthetized and consciences closed and locked.

As I said, human minds produce slow and heavy energies.

Why don't you do anything to change this? Why do you continue with your back to evolution? Why do you continue to be well-off and, in addition, imprisoned in pain and suffering?

There are thousands of beings in other plans that can help you ; beings who have already gone through innumerable incarnations and today are close to you and this humanity to help all who want. But you do n't look for these .

And when you look for them, it is to ask them to arrange employment, money, an economic promotion, a marriage, etc. The matter is more tragic than you imagine. These beings are seen incoherently because they are available to help them expand your consciousness, your mind, your feelings, so that they lead you to an inner work to tune into the divine principles that are in your souls and spirits .

They want to help your souls direct your lives and there you can walk with your own feet, fulfilling the tasks and missions necessary to your evolution and that of your fellow men.

Many think that the best spiritual action is charity, but charity anesthetizes the mind and this was never part of the Path of Light.

It is an illusion created by this humanity . The best charity you can do is work so that your brothers become masters of themselves, and walk with their own feet .

We would like to ease the burden that weighs on the shoulders of human beings! We want you to make no mistake, to not suffer more!

But we can't do anything about this. We hope you start questioning finally what is life? We hope you question religions, governments, political, economic, educational and social systems.

The Earth crosses an area of ​​space that is receiving very revolutionary and transformative energies that we call igneous . They will put each human being before their own mirror to see their true internal situation.

Many came to the conclusion that they need to do something to change the condition they are in and will achieve better results if they work in union with others, in a group cell, where Souls can lead the process and not personalities.

Today, the greatest suffering is of those conscious human beings who see others suffer and feel unable to do something to help them, this is very sad and distressing.

To the extent that the Earth rose to an octave above, a part of humanity went with it, another part is working, transforming to be able to accompany it, and another part, unfortunately, is being directed by the fierce animal that is still agitated inside of her.

This is the part of humanity whose elements have neither feelings nor reason, only thirst for death.

Student - You said that a small minority, but organized, united, manages to destroy everything, and most do nothing. How to change this?

Miguel - It is necessary action in unity with the soul, and not just stay in the intentions, or giving excuses such as: "I have no time today, I can not today." As long as the priorities are in relation to your material lives and not to your souls there will be no group union. While the soul is relegated to a second, third or fourth place, there will be no group action. They may be together physically, but not moving the aquarian group action, which occurs at the various subtler levels of the mind, consciousness and soul .

The personality can only participate if it is in unity with the soul. A large number of personalities gathered do not move the Aquarian action if there is no union of consciences, minds and souls.

The Aquarian forces act to expand and elevate individual energies towards a higher unity, in which all souls are active plots in favor of humanity.

Student - You spoke that the Earth is going through an area of ​​space where igneous energies are more intense and will put man before man. Is the Earth aligning more with those energies of the Great Mother? Is that…?

Miguel - Exactly!

Student - Is the Earth changing?

Miguel- The Earth is energetically vertically, its two hemispheres are entering into harmony and balance, which will affect the cerebral hemispheres in humans. The imbalances are generating death and violence because the dark side of the human being is coming to the surface with more force to cause him to fight for the internal balance. This is what is happening in humanity.

Student - So, it means that the more the human being works in his internal balance, the more he attracts those energies of verticalization towards the Earth itself?

Miguel - Exactly!

Student - The more you feed your imbalances, the greater the action of your animal side in favor of destruction?

Miguel - As he balances and harmonizes internally, his animal side is losing strength and the soul is expanding. Today, the animal side is still predominant in the human being, he is fierce!

What is it that Earth and the Aquarian Era are bringing?

The strengthening of the soul!

In order for the soul to manage life, animal actions and emotions need to disappear. The Earth is ascending to an octave above, it is walking towards the expansion of spiritual life in humanity.

The percentage of human beings that are ascending next to the Earth is still very small, since the great majority is descending evolutionarily, which generates more violence.

Student - Can we see that increase in suffering as a purification of humanity?

Miguel - Suffering generates a purification when the human being asks: Why am I suffering? Why was I wrong? Where I was wrong? How did i fail?

Pain and suffering can be purifiers if they can be means for internal transformation . If a person becomes ill and self-manages, their search leads to sublimation, a higher mental state and a greater consciousness, so that a rectification of their postures in life, which is intelligent.

But intelligence today is at the service of violence, of destruction.

When there is an expansion of consciousness there is inhibition of violence and destruction. Intelligence developed without conscience, but intelligence without conscience is blind, deaf and mute, can become very violent.

Student - When it has been said that we are here gathered as personalities and that group work is a work of souls, is it correct to think that a mental work of trying to connect individually to other souls of other plans is a group work?

Miguel - Whoever does this is thinking only of himself . This is not a group work. Aquarian group work occurs in the union of souls in the physical plane and this causes a unity with beings of the planes: astral, mental, buddhic, atmic, and even the spirit plane , that is, in all planes there will be beings aligned and synchronized. This is a group action. If the simple fact that a person stayed at home praying, meditating, working with angels or teachers, or aliens made the world fill with Light, all the meditations and prayers of all religions would have had a great effect and would have The world peace and peace love, and not violence and pain.

To have a group unit, a minimum of two people is necessary . And the greater the physical base, the greater the spiritual base; If two people are gathered in the physical plane there will be four beings tuned to them in the astral plane and eight in the mental plane. But if eight people meet in the physical plane there will be sixteen in the astral plane and thirty-two in the mental plane because it is an arithmetic and geometric progression, simultaneously.

¹ Matthew 18:20 - “Because where two or three are gathered in my name, I am there in their midst”

Spiritual Channel: Henrique Rosa

PORTUGUESE-SPANISH TRANSLATION: Patricia Gambetta, editor in the great family of

SOURCE: Journal of Esoteric Sciences. A Universal Knower gives Feel. Henrique Rosa and Lourdes Rosa.

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