Protective Aura

  • 2013

To live life to the fullest it is important to have a positive attitude, since it generates positive facts and makes others be open to us. Negative thoughts and attitudes; as well as the acts that result from them, limit our capacity and cause painful situations.

It is we who create our reality at every moment; The choices we make, whether positive or negative, will have a positive or negative effect, respectively.

Once we understand that we always have the possibility to choose between these two realities at any time, we acquire a great responsibility.

The choice is simple, we opt for the positive!

One of these possibilities is a visualization technique called the protective aura, which we can use and our life will change, since by helping us create positive attitudes, positive things will happen.

This visualization can be done anywhere. We don't need to close our eyes, although at first it can be easier if we do it with our eyes closed. Once we have mastered the basic idea, we can use it whenever we want, at any time.

The protective aura is great when someone tries to argue with us or disturb our tranquility. It is important to help us live "in the present." The use of the protective aura requires our presence in the eternal present, offering peace and security.

Let's think about all the negative thoughts and fears that are currently stalking us and move them away from us for a while. Let's make the decision that at least one minute a day we can get rid of them. This will be our momentary escape. Imagine that we have thrown all this mental burden that we carry away from us.

We leave it in a corner and allow it to get out of our mind.

The moments that come next are wonderful. We take a breath and shout in silence:

Out! But really thinking about it.

We take a deep breath and keep our breath counting to five, then slowly expel the air, releasing the tension that may still remain, and relax. We breathe for the second time imagining that our body is covered by a beautiful layer of golden metal. By breathing this time, we see that this layer is inflated, covering us and surrounding the outer edges of our aura. Gold is the protective color par excellence in the physical realm; its reflexes and its purity prevent all negative external forces from entering the aura.

The negative can only come now from ourselves, from within the golden envelope.

Fill the inside of this golden protective cocoon with the beautiful positive rainbow light. Let us breathe this positive, fresh and calming energy, and relax.

It is our time, here we are safe, protected from the negative forces of the outside.

We feel relief!

However, there is a warning. A negative thought from within can destroy this protective cocoon, and it will be necessary to rebuild it again. This is easily done, just breathe to create a new one and fill it again with positive things.

As we can see, the first time we work with this technique, we will spend a lot of time manufacturing new protective auras.

This technique is ideal for use at work.

We are often under pressure and our atmosphere is filled with negative attitudes. In these cases, let's build a protective aura. Once we reach a serene and positive mood, we will not enter the game of someone who is angry.

All our answers will be positive!

We will be untouchable!

Seeing us smile, they will smile back.

The protective aura is a visualization that generates positive thoughts in us. It is the key for our consciousness to wake up and have its Light in our heart.

Protecting our aura

Our aura is something very fragile, which can be cut or torn, and even penetrated. We must protect our aura and how we protect our physical body; since a strong and healthy aura can be the very essence of our physical and mental health.

Let's protect this rainbow that surrounded us, since in doing so we are protecting our whole being.

The aura serves as a mirror and personal shield; since it reflects and covers us.

When we love someone, the aura acquires a soft glow that radiates love and admiration; It is a mirror of our soul. But if someone is sending hatred and violence, our aura will protect us; It will be a shield.

To protect our aura, it is essential that we learn to love our physical and mental body.

Experiential protection must be part of every moment during the vigil, and must be recorded in our subconscious.

This is one of the most important aspects of aura awareness and we must always keep it in mind and protect our aura .

An aura duly reinforced with love in ourselves and in self-confidence can radiate positive energy and directly influence all those around us.

Loving the person who hurts us is important, as it eliminates all negative influences from the aura.

Let's accept this, and we will be protected; even from the person who can hurt us the most ...


Negative influences

Although we have the best physical and mental health, negative influences can be perceived frequently. It is important to recognize these influences and avoid them.

A negative influence or vibration is like a contagious disease, since it will affect everyone nearby. Some of us have perceived this negativity when smiles are suddenly lost in a group of people. It seems as if the sun had set early and we felt irritated and upset.

To avoid this, let's do a group visualization. Let's see that one layer covers us all, protecting us and feeling its goodness and purity. Let us know that the energy of universal love surrounds us and that our soul heals us.

If we want to try to bring harmony to our neighbors, we must retire to a quiet and quiet place, where we can concentrate and not be interrupted.

Let's visualize a large pink cloud that covers all the people we know; imagine them covered by this energy of love. Let's see that each of them accepts the gift of love and affection, and in turn that each of these people projects a smile on another person.

Let's not forget to include ourselves in this group!

Gratitude is one of the basic precepts of people who have the gift of perceiving their Light,

Give thanks!

Let us decide which path we want to follow: that of harmony or complaining about our existence.

Our aura is the clothing that He gives us in order to increase love.

Let us not destroy it, nor force it to open carelessly; on the contrary, let us cover it tightly, because it envelops us in his Love and in his light.

Protective Aura

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