The New Humanity Channeling of 11.09.1990.

  • 2018
Table of contents hide 1 Periodically, the evolution of the planet goes through a renewal, where new species emerge more evolved and others disappear, following their paths through the roads of infinity. 2 Life is eternal and for the present minds their universal evolutionary processes are still complex. 3 There is also an evolution at the atomic level and another at the cellular level, and that even today are not well known to the men of science, but many scientists are on the right track to understand these processes of the microuniverse. 4 The current era is of selection, and as a significant part of humanity already shows signs of greater spiritual elevation, it is causing a greater acceleration of subtle energies, attracting more and more towards the planet's sphere. 5 As we can see now, a new humanity is emerging in the heart of the old humanity, and many do not realize this. 6 The New Humanity will be directed more by feeling and intuition, through the heart chakra (center of force) that it has already developed. 7 The New Humanity will have a completely different way of thinking and acting. 8 The more they donate, the more they will receive, and the more they receive, the more they will donate. 9 During these transformations, still remains in the mankind of the expression of individuality.

Channeled Message from the Masters of Light.

In Portuguese the Original.

Evolution is an endless spiral and several humanities have passed through Earth, that is, several groups of spirits that, coming and going, follow their cosmic directions. Some remain on the earth for many ages, others do not, it depends on their individual evolutionary schemes and on the characteristics that each spirit presents and, for the most evolved, on their own choice.

Periodically, the evolution of the planet goes through a renewal, where new species emerge more evolved and others disappear, following their paths through the roads of infinity.

Who thinks that the spirit is a privilege of the Earth does not know what universal evolution is .

Because of the fact that human science is fixed in the limited patterns of the third dimension and in the human form, it means absolutely nothing, since the universe is composed of multiple dimensions and each of them has its own vibratory plans with their divisions of consciousness and bodies with varied forms and not forms.

Life is eternal and for the present minds their universal evolutionary processes are still complex.

The solar system, as a whole, moves through space, and in each moment receives both energies and influences from other systems, just as the solar system itself influences other systems, since everything in the universe is part of a cosmic unit and, as such, everything is in universal harmony and balance .

The energies that the Earth is receiving are of different types than the ones it received two thousand years ago .

From here to two thousand years, these energies will be different from today, because the solar system, to which the Earth belongs, moves, follows its own hidden path, No unknown to most esotericists today .

These cosmic energies have been accelerating the atomic particles that are part of all bodies and of all matter.

There is also an evolution at the atomic level and another at the cellular level, and they are not yet well known by men of science, but many scientists are in the good way to understand these processes of the microuniverse.

That is why, increasingly, both the planet and human bodies are moving towards balance and harmony within the great cosmic harmony. The electrical energies contained in the bodies, not having so many barriers, can circulate more quickly, leading the human race to expand their understanding, their intelligence, their mind, hence also causing an expansion of sensitivity and consciousness, attracting the incarnation on Earth souls within higher evolutionary patterns; That's why older spirits .

And at the same time, those spirits that are still vibrating at lower evolutionary levels begin to not get physical bodies within their vibrational patterns, since the energies they need have to be slower; then the selection is natural and the Earth does not allow more than the back spirits to reincarnate.

The current era is of selection, and as a significant part of humanity already shows signs of greater spiritual elevation, it is causing a greater acceleration of subtle energies, attracting more and more towards the planet's sphere.

The Earth has been attracting groups of spirits with very high spiritual energy potential, as Master Nada revealed in 1988 :

“The following groups of souls are being born in the world, who are having many difficulties in adapting in the physical world and the present materialistic and selfish civilization, and who has currently taken account of all the continents of the planet's surface: a. souls selected to implant the internal structures of the New Age, such as new scientific methods, new techniques, etc .; b. souls of the evolution of the Earth, which were located on other more advanced planets and now return to the evolution of the Earth; therefore, very evolved souls; C. souls of other planetary systems more evolved than ours and that, come to help; d. old souls of the evolution of the Earth, very evolved, with great potential and who were waiting for the arrival of the Aquarian Era to reincarnate in more evolved bodies; and. enlightened souls, on mission on Earth. These five groups are the most important and these souls are scattered throughout the physical world, but the greatest concentration is in Brazil, Russia / USSR and North America. There is a need to create special education schemes, parallel to the current one, to provide these children and young people with an emotional and mental structure that lives up to the potential they bring stored in their souls. ”

As we can see now, a new humanity is emerging in the heart of the old humanity, and many do not realize this.

The children and youth of today are completely different from those of fifty years ago . Youth today seeks something that the adult world does not yet know how to understand. Traditional education systems failed completely. They have already had their positive era, now they can no longer understand children and young people. Just look at the increase in crime in the world, the scary increase in toxins, to see that something is going wrong, something that is in the basic structure of humanity, one of its pillars: the education of children and young people .

In the future, personality will be created in the image and likeness of the soul, just as it was created in the image and likeness of the spirit and this, in the image and likeness of the Great Divine Creator .

Today, personalities are shaped according to the criteria of the family and education of the country where they were born.

The New Humanity will be directed more by feeling and intuition, through the heart chakra (center of force) that it has already developed.

It will accelerate the development of your psychic mind, whose central point is a new chakra that we call coordinator², located in the root of the cerebellum, in the carotid plexus, with a white-crystal color as chromatic expression and the 4th. ray of harmony as a generator. He will act more with his superior, abstract mind, more localized in the right cerebral hemisphere.

The 4th ray governs artists and the hidden world of nature, that is, the spirits of nature, ³ the beings of nature and the Devic or Angelic Kingdom.

If you look at today's youth, passionate about music and nature, you will understand how the Hidden Hierarchy is working to develop new characteristics in the new race, helping its internal development and bringing for humanity the manifestation of a new important chakra, which will also coordinate all higher astral actions.

Gradually the umbilical chakra, in the solar plexus, is losing its main functions, because it captures the lower astral part a lot and will, one day, be sealed.

The human race had many other chakras acting in the past (in the times of Atlantis), and that today are also sealed, that is, they are no longer active.

The New Humanity will have a completely different way of thinking and acting.

It will not be based on patterns pre-established by any human being, but on their inner reality, on what they feel they should or should not do .

They will be human beings where the division of "I's" will no longer exist; Therefore, the higher self will be unified with the lower self, becoming a single I, this incarnating definitively in the world of form the principles of soul and spirit .

These new human beings will be completely and consciously connected to their souls; hence no longer the personalities that will act in the sense of dividing, becoming self-centered and individualistic, but will act in a unitary way, always aiming at the well-being of a growing group because, religated to their upper plots, they will have the Awareness that the more their brothers and partners serve others, the more they will benefit and the faster they will evolve, knowing that true universal love is a continuous gift, so that they are permanently receiving.

The more they donate, the more they will receive, and the more they receive, the more they will donate.

If the Law of Return is not moved by loving action, they will enter into destructive, passive and selfish reactions. The Aquarian Era is bringing a great transformation and new ways of living and seeing life.

I write the astrologer Llewellyn George in his work A to Z Horoscope Maker and Delineator :

The Aquarian is one who possesses the quality of discrimination; acting calmly, patiently, without noticing; It manifests its humanitarianism in a friendly, generous, charitable way Being lonely, you can be very detached from the feelings related to individuals, because, in fact, you are more concerned with humanity as a whole. The other people do not care much, with the exception of some, which include their family and closest friends. The Aquarian without spiritual development feels, in general, a very superficial affection for the group; This attitude must be modified for more sincere feelings, at the moment when the soul is released from its prison in the matter and can express its own characteristic of group conscience. Trust and loyalty are traits of his personality; but when man is on the Way, those qualities must be replaced by the service dedicated to the good of the group.

And the writer Clare A. Weiss, in the work The Self-realization through Astrology a says:

Universality is a theme that is repeated in Aquarius, a sign that emphasizes the spirit as the water of universal life. The awareness of the importance of the “group” in the experience of life joins it. As awareness grows, the perception also grows that individual relationships are secondary in relation to those of the group. Three key notes of this sign are easily understood in theory, but difficult to demonstrate in practical life, because the tasks involved are arduous: the disciple must change the service to the little one in service to humanity; 2º he must change the superficial selfish activity in a selfless effort, in order to help the Hierarchy in the implementation of the Plan; 3º must make the transition from a limited experience to the ego for a “sensitive humanitarian awareness” (Esoteric Astrology).

During these transformations, still remains in man chinks of the expression of individuality.

When he feels the flowering of the spirit, he becomes more aware that it is no longer an isolated unit of humanity, but a definite part of the All. And, although it retains its identity, it sees it from a different perspective, saving it as relative against the greater evolutionary pattern of usefulness for life . ”

This can be applied both from the point of view of the human being and of humanity itself as a whole, since the influences of Aquarians are both individual and collective, they are acting in everyone and everything.

Today, at this time, we can say that there are two humanities, the old and the new living together. One of the functions of the workers who are on Earth is to prepare all those who are part of the New Humanity, giving them solid mental and spiritual bases, helping them to expand understanding and awareness, so that they know who they are and what they have what to do.

The vast majority of today's youth, and part of the New Humanity, are very lost, without knowing where to go and what to do. The negative influence of the old humanity is still very great, not letting new ideas be implanted in the world of forms and on Earth.

The Masters of the Hidden Hierarchy are also very active in this regard, and They are making the separation of the new and the old humanity . In the future, this separation will be increasingly marked and those belonging to the New Humanity are already looking for “shelters” next to the Great Mother Nature.

The feminine energies will be very active in the Aquarian Era, they will be very revolutionary, transformative, transmutative and balancing within men and women .

Master Zanon (Also known as Master Jupiter) 11.09.1990.

Spiritual Channel: Henrique Rosa.

¹ As of the date of this communication, the USSR had not yet been divided.

² See “Portal for Etemity” - Enrique Rosa.

³ Gnomes, silfos, ondinas, salamanders, etc.

PORTUGUESE-SPANISH TRANSLATION: Patricia Gambetta, editor in the great family of

SOURCE: Book “O Hidden Government of the World. O Trabalho da Hierarquia Oculta ”, Editorial Portal. Second edition. Author Henrique Rosa.

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