Lindsay Ball and The Crystal Team: Elections, decisions, and opportunities

  • 2015

Elections, decisions, and opportunities - an illuminating message from the 'Mission for Peace' (The Crystal Team) as part of the Mission for Peace on Earth in general.

“Welcome dear friends to another message offered as support for all people in their collective and individual trajectories towards enlightenment and unity; We share with you that all are individuals with their own trajectory to follow, their own experiences to enjoy and their own truth, path and purpose to identify.

And it is important to recognize this since each person is complete and complete in the eyes of God as he is and where he is in his career and what each one has chosen to experience, and therefore, judgments do not help everyone involved. because this affects the energy and intention for all of them. Actions may vary at some point on a scale for the highest and highest good of each person at that time and a scale of the highest and highest good of all.

So an action or decision might seem to be the best for one person, but not for the best energy of the collective of all.

Therefore, every action and decision can be viewed in different ways and is not necessarily correct or wrong. Seeing and considering each action according to your own needs and then seeing it for the collective good could change the decision you make for yourself. However, it may be necessary for a person to have some experience for their greatest good even if it does not appear to be for the good of all. However, that experience helps that person understand the bigger picture and their role in it; that is why it has been necessary to go through the experience in order to contribute to the greater good of all in the greater panorama; and this refers to having confidence that each person knows inwardly what is best for her, and although this experience could bring her pain and suffering it will also bring her joy, clarity, happiness and enlightenment in the end.

There may be occasions in your own life when an action is considered necessary or is one that one has faced involuntarily, but with determination, confidence and being open to listen to the inner voice and everything turned out well in the end, and seeing in In retrospect you can see that the experience was necessary to take you to the point where you are today in your career having greater faith, openness, clarity, peace, honesty and connection with the All That Is.

And this was the original reason why we were given this opportunity to experience life in a physical body, to experience the challenges, the opportunities to grow as part of our total life experience, and to strengthen our connection with the Source, God, the Great Provider - whatever name you give it - and within that, there are some decisions, challenges, etc., which are often difficult but can create a greater understanding and a greater connection with our true path. and purpose, bringing us greater satisfaction and joy. So judging is not always for the greatest and highest good of all; to support them in their trajectories along these challenges, giving them the confidence to make their own decisions having faith that their Superior Yos together with the Company of Angels and the Company of Heaven will provide them with all the guidance they need.

This will keep their energies in a higher state of existence as they tune into the purpose of these experiences, and providing faith, support and love is the greatest gift to themselves as well.

As we raise our energies to 5D, we become lighter, less dense and less inclined to fall to the lower energies of 3D that are heavier and denser and with which it is more difficult to work.

Higher energies allow us to have greater support from the Company of Angels and the Company of Heaven to work with us, making it easier for us to see the matter as a part of our trajectory, and therefore, to see our path with love, faith, acceptance, gratitude and clarity.

We can become more harmonized with our own inner knowledge, linking again with our wisdom from previous ages where life was more peaceful and harmonious, joyful and creative. And this is the trajectory of the bigger picture, the return to that state of love and unity as an individual and as part of the whole group, so to get to this point we all need to experience our own affairs, opportunities, challenges, etc., that will allow us to advance to this existence of 5D and thus continue with our trajectory towards integrity and unity within the heart and mind of God. And in this way peace will descend to Earth for all people because in the highest energies there will be no dense negative energies; all malcreations will be cleared; all ancestral malcreations will be cleared; The vision of peace will be at the forefront of all hearts and minds, and the greatest and highest good of all will be the main motivator in all things.

So all the choices, decisions and challenges or opportunities can lead us further to 5D personally and help all of humanity move forward to this new way of being where peace exists in the hearts and minds of all people, healing thus to all creatures and Mother Earth so that beauty, harmony, love and peace are a daily joy of all and the connection with the Company of Angels and the Company of Heaven is greater and a fusion happens towards a greater unity within from the heart and mind of God. So be it. Amen.

My dear ones, Amen, and thank you all for being willing to embark on this path to lovingly support others in their trajectories. Namaste. ”

Blessings of love and peace


Lindsay Ball - Crystal Master of La Atlándida
Mission for Peace:

Lindsay Ball and The Crystal Team: Elections, decisions, and opportunities

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