The Incarnation in Mary

  • 2017
Table of contents hide 1 Incarnation 2 Mother of God and the Church 3 Wife of the Holy and Intercessory Spirit 4 True devotion

Basilica of the Annunciation, in Nazareth, 2017.

The Word became flesh, in Mary. And he lived among us.

A holy land received God, opened himself to the Eternal and Infinite and nourished him until he presented him as a sweet and tender baby.


The Incarnation of the beloved Son of God is an immense mystery that has the Virgin Mary as its main ally. God the Father gave Christ to the world through the Blessed Virgin . He could have done it in various ways, since he is Almighty, but he chose to shelter him in Mary. Many saints and prophets through the centuries would have liked to be worthy of such a great treasure, but only the humble Mary was blessed among all and was filled with grace.

From the moment of the Incarnation in the cave of the Annunciation of Nazareth, God gives himself to men through the Virgin. To fully receive God the Son we have to be firmly devoted to the Mother who gives it to us. Devotion to Jesus Christ is even fuller when it is in Mary. To more fully worship the Son, our heart must be faithfully surrendered to the Holy One among the Saints, who presents us to God as a child and delivers him to us on the Cross and forever.

Grotto of the Annunciation.
It is inside the Basilica of the Annunciation, in Nazareth.

Mother of God and the Church

"God the Father communicated to Mary her fruitfulness, as soon as a pure creature was able to receive her so that she could beget her Son and all the members of her Mystical Body" (Grignion de Montfort, 2015, p.24). No one is a mother of the head without being a mother of all other parts of the body. Christ is the head of the Church. The Church is the Mystical Body of Christ. The Virgin Mary is Mother of God and is Mother of the Church, Mother of those predestined to be in Christ.

Earthly paradise

The Blessed Virgin is the earthly paradise of God the Son. In this paradise, who is eternally, was pleased and let go. In this paradise he fed, sheltered and educated himself.

After the Annunciation of the Archangel Gabriel to Mary, she became " the sanctuary and tabernacle of the Holy Trinity, where God dwells most magnificent and wonderfully" (Grignion de Montfort, 2015, p.18).

Wife of the Holy Spirit and intercessor

"God the Holy Spirit communicated to his faithful Wife, Mary, her ineffable gifts and chose her as a dispenser of all that she possesses " (Grignion de Montfort, 2015, p.28). Mary is our intercessor par excellence before God. Already at the wedding in Cana in Galilee, Jesus granted his Mother what he requested. The Son always pleased the requests of his Beloved Mother. Maria, like every loving mother, is attentive to the needs of her children, her growth and her education. Many times we don't need to tell our Mother of Heaven what happens to us and what we lack. She knows us, looks at us, takes care of us and gives us what is necessary, even if we don't ask for it, when she considers it necessary. At the wedding in Cana they did not ask Maria to take charge of the lack of wine. She herself sympathized with the need of others.

True devotion

So many other wonders could we say of our Mother and Mother, always Virgin of God. But for today we can limit ourselves to reading three times these blowjob words of the "Treaty of true devotion" by Luis María Grignion de Montfort . A treaty by which this ordained priest in the year 1700 honors the Son in the Mother and helps us to understand that “true devotion to the Mother of God is Christ-centered, moreover, is deeply rooted in the trinitarian mystery of God, and in the mysteries of the Incarnation and the Redemption (John Paul II In: Grignion de Montfort, 2015, p.12).

We do what God did: choose Mary as Mother. We love what God loves: the Virgin . We rely on the mantle of the Woman who covered God. Knowing that she guides us to her Son, she shows us her Son, she teaches us, better than anyone, to be faithful followers of her beloved Son.


Grignion de Montfort, Luis María. Treaty of true devotion. - 1st ed. 8th reimp. Buenos Aires: Claretiana, 2015

Editor: Cecilia Wechsler, member of the Great White Brotherhood

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