Benefits of Quartz Bowls, and the influence they have on our body, mind and spirit

  • 2018
Table of contents hide 1 What are quartz bowls 2 Benefits of quartz bowls 3 1. Benefits at the cellular level 4 2. Benefits at the brain level 5 3. Other benefits at physical health 6 4. Benefits at the spiritual level

"If you want to understand the universe, think of energy, frequency and vibration."

- Nicholas Tesla

Today we know that the Universe is composed of vibration. Everything that makes up the cosmos around us vibrates at a certain frequency, and the frequencies expand, spread and propagate through space and time. We, like everything else, are also composed of vibrating elements. Also the thoughts.

Each frequency is affected by the others, in a universe where everything interacts constantly . And that is what causes us to be intimately affected by some thoughts, by music and by the disciplines that involve movement.

With the advance of time, we have been looking to develop tools that have the capacity to cause a positive impact on our own vibration, and among them, musical instruments have always been elements with which we interact intimately.

One of the vibrations that is most used today as a form of therapy is that of quartz. Numerous are the benefits of quartz bowls for man. They cover from our physical body to our mind and our spirit. The ability to harmonize body functions highlights it among the different tools we have to achieve the highest states of consciousness. And they take us to a state where the feeling of inner peace, joy and gratitude abounds.

That is why in this article we are going to talk about these artisanal instruments, and the effects they can cause on health.

What are quartz bowls

Before talking about the benefits of quartz bowls, let's first define them.

Also known as Biosonic Bowls or Crystal Bowls, they are handmade vessels made from cleaner quartz ore, which rubs ninety-nine percent purity. This mineral is placed in an oven to achieve smelting and is given the structure and size, which will determine the musical note assigned to it.

Legend has it that in the ancient Atlantean civilization, part of their knowledge was printed in the construction of these powerful bowls. And that the priests offered meetings where they used the bowls to generate arcs of light that would harmonize the planet. Thus, they perpetuated the harmonic vibration of the world, and favored that people around the planet achieve a greater connection with their higher consciousness thanks to the benefits of quartz bowls.

Another stream says that these instruments were built from the ancient tradition of the sound of metal bowls for meditation in many countries of the East. However, not all sounds affect our system in the same way. Tibetan bowls are wonderful, but their sound does not penetrate our body in the same way as quartz, because a very small portion of our physical composition is metal. According to Paul Utz, one of the two founders of Crystal Tones, the benefits of quartz bowls are because we are seventy-five percent water, and our bones have a crystalline structure that creates an attraction between sound and the body.

Benefits of quartz bowls

Well, let's name some of the very numerous benefits of the quartz bowls that are currently recognized.

1. Benefits at the cellular level

Quartz vibrations have the power to be transmitted within our body and activate cellular memory . In that way, many patterns that are misaligned within us, whether emotional, spiritual, physical or mental, align and correct to return to a harmonic functioning . In addition, impulses are released that favor that the protein that DNA needs to replicate and generate energy is more easily accessible. That can manifest itself as a process of rejuvenation of the person.

In addition, another benefit of quartz bowls is that cells that have been stimulated infect new vibratory patterns to other cells. In this way, a chain reaction occurs that causes a general state of greater harmony and health . There are even records of cancer victims who were treated for remission with quartz bowls.

2. Benefits at the brain level

As for the benefits of quartz bowls in our brain, it is known that it favors the stimulation of brain waves that enable deep meditation, that is, Alpha waves. These states of deep meditation allow the cerebral hemispheres to balance and synchronize their vibration frequencies. In addition, it stimulates the secretion of endorphin, which is a hormone that allows a more efficient self-healing process . It also activates neurotransmitters and some areas of the brain that usually we are not all used to occupy. As a result, our intellectual and spiritual abilities increase their potential, which in turn causes an awakening in creativity .

Needless to say, the states of meditation induced by these instruments also result in a decrease in the general levels of stress and tension.

3. Other physical health benefits

In addition to the benefits of the quartz bowls mentioned above, the resonance of these vibrations generally causes a number of other benefits that impact our physical health.

To begin with, the cerebrospinal fluid (often identified with Kundalini energy) is stimulated and that results in an increase in our energy . In addition, the organs being soft tissue react easily to vibrations. Thus, the bowls print them movement, reactivating them in their entirety and allowing them to carry out their function with renewed energy.

Blood also enjoys the benefits of quartz bowls. In fact, the fluidity of the blood begins to occur more harmoniously, so that the oxygen density in our system is also increased. This in turn helps both the heart rate and blood pressure to normalize.

4. Benefits at the spiritual level

While the benefits of the quartz bowls that we have been mentioning seem to influence the different aspects of our body separately, there is actually a principle that unites them. And it is the following: the vibrations of the bowls help to align the different chakras of our body, which results in all bodily functions synchronizing and unfolding with harmony. In addition, they favor the search for higher states of consciousness, and the feeling of gratitude and forgiveness. It helps to clean the aura of all those energies that are not positive, and in turn eliminate the energies that are stagnant in the environment. People who have been able to experience the vibrations of these instruments agree that it transmits a state of deep tranquility and inner peace .

The benefits of quartz bowls have been known for centuries by the Yogic tradition. Theirs is that we have inherited these powerful instruments as a way to enhance our quests for well-being and awareness. Its power extends far beyond simple musicality, since vibration transcends matter and spreads throughout us.

AUTHOR: Lucas, editor of the great family of



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