Neural Therapy or the Comprehensive Vision of Treating the Human Being From Dentistry. January 2009, dc

  • 2010

Integral medicine is a trend in all branches within the world of health today. In dentistry, a way of understanding and treating the human being has also been developed from a holistic point of view, understanding that the teeth have a real connection and involvement with the rest of the organs. From quantum medicine we understand it that is why we open a consultation in Alicante where dentistry, neural therapies and quantum medicine are combined. In short, we seek to treat the human being in an integral way and from its origins in order to recover health in a natural, integral and gradual way.

What is Neural Therapy?

Neural Therapy is one of the medical practices that express a way of understanding life and health different from that of medical or orthodox medicine.

From Neural Therapy, the human being is understood as a complex and thermodynamically open system, capable of self-eco-organization and therefore of self-healing. A system that is in direct relationship with all other constituents of Life and with its totality. Life is all that we have artificially fragmented; Society, Nature, Universe are one thing.

The Neural Therapy consists in making applications with procaine at low concentrations in specific points of the body, which neurally (among others) drives each being (mind, body and spirit at the same time) to find their own order, that is, To heal himself.

Procaine acts as an unspecific impulse for each body, and its place of application depends on the life history of the patient. Its non-specific nature allows a respectful dialogue with the body, to the extent that the same body is remembering past insults and seeking new orders.

Respecting the uniqueness of each one, Neural Therapy is not related to diseases or diagnoses, but to unique and capable human beings, who are in a transcendental step of their vital learning process. And recognizing the wisdom of life present in each person, enables the reinvention of beings more aware and responsible for their existence and that of the Universe; of happier and freer beings.

Therefore, Neural Therapy allows those who meet, to accompany each other lovingly and respectfully, in a solidary attempt to feel and understand life together.

Neurofocal Dentistry is the expression of Neural Therapy in the dental field. It has been defined as the art, science and experience of understanding the relationship between teeth (or their jagged spaces) with other parts of the body and with their entirety, to facilitate the processes of self-eco-organization through appropriate treatments .

The events found in the oral cavity, as well as in the whole organism, are not only due to local factors (bacterial, trauma, etc.), but also to general, emotional and environmental health situations; since we cannot separate our body from our emotions and the environment in which we live. Jorge Humberto Petta

Neurofocal Dentistry emerges as part of the historical disciplinary fragmentation of medical science. Therefore, its existence has more historical than conceptual reasons. The body is a whole, and any division is arbitrary.

Neural Therapy is a thought and a practice of a social medical, sanitary, answering and propositive type at the same time, alternative and holistic in its conception, non-hegemonic, empirical and intuitive, dialectical, and dialogic, revolutionary, humanist, singular and unrepeatable in its practice, which returns to the human being his potentials and capacities of self - healing and self-eco-organization and allows him a more harmonious relationship with his social community and the universe. Julio César Payán

History of Neural Therapy

Research on the Nervous System and the use of local anesthetics, which contribute an important part of the scientific basis of Neural Therapy.

• Iván Petrovich Pavlov (1884), a Russian physiologist, demonstrated the regulatory activity of the Nervous System. He raised the idea of ​​the unification of all the processes of the organism under the guiding action of the Nervous System. He studied conditioned reflexes and stated that all stimuli had a functional, non-anatomical cortical representation, with areas of central excitation and peripheral inhibition.

• AD Speransky, a Russian research physician, who wrote Bases for a new Theory of Medicine (1936). It established the participation of the Nervous System in the genesis of different pathological processes, as well as its integrating role. He questioned the division of the Nervous System, in central, peripheral and vegetative. He showed that every pathological and infectious process can be produced or transformed by the same organism. Bacteria and viruses could play a role of indicators, catalysts or producers of irritations. He questioned the cellular and chemical reductionism of the pathology.

• Others: Bikow, Spiess, Wedensky, Leriche, Wischnewsky, Head, Schleich, Ramón y Cajal, Alfonso Albanese, Ricardo Finochietto and others.

• Ferdinand and Walter Huneke, German doctors, who developed the research and systematization of Neural Therapy:
o In 1925, his sister's headache suddenly disappears with the accidental application of a drug that had procaine.
o In 1928, they published their experiences under the heading Unknown distance reactions of local anesthetics. They called their technique curative anesthesia.
o In 1940 Ferdinand Huneke observes an immediate cure and defines it as a phenomenon in seconds, introducing the concept of interfering field. Van Roques gave the name of Neural Therapy according to Huneke.
o In 1948, Huneke mentions the need to search the new science (Quantum Physics) for the explanation of Neural Therapy.

• Ernest Adler, a German doctor and dentist, demonstrated the pathological interferences in the neurovegetative system caused by dentures and tonsils, which are supposed to prevent the normal functioning of the organism. In 1958 he gave the name to the Neurofocal Dentistry, and is considered the father of this.

Peter Dosch, German physician and principal student of the Huneke, continues to disseminate and develop Neural Therapy. He wrote the Teaching Book of Neural Therapy according to Huneke (procanic therapy) (1963) in which he explains the operation of this therapy from the regulatory effect of procane on the vegetative, it presents its pathological indications and its techniques.

Germán Duque, a Colombian doctor, trained in Germany, who worked in Cali, learned with Peter Dosch Neural Therapy in the 1970s, and brought it to Colombia. He was a tireless promoter of new paths for medicine. He translated several books of Neural Therapy into Spanish and began the diffusion of this therapy to a large number of health workers from different countries.

Duke worked from the seventies until 1983 in a place near the city of Popay n (Cauca. Colombia), called Los Robles: Amalgam of searches, of dreams, of encounters, of struggles, hopes and joys caused by the recovery of astonishment at the daily miracle of seeing life reborn with all its potential.

Julio C sar Pay n, doctor and surgeon, gynecologist and former professor of the Faculty of Health Sciences of the University of Cauca, arrived in Los Robles in the a Seventy, to learn and participate in this work, becoming a pioneer of this history and training of neural therapists.

At that time the training in Neural Therapy and alternative thinking of health personnel from all of Latin America and Spain began, a mission that continues until now.

In each country, Neural Therapy followed its history, with the rhythms and colors of each place and each neural therapist. There are important associations and works, for example, in Mexico, in Ecuador, in Spain, in Argentina, and of course in Germany.

The history in Colombia, scene of births and rebirths of Neural Therapy, has continued as follows:
Julio C sar Pay n with his vision and enthusiasm was a promoter of the path followed by Neural Therapy, which was enriched and articulated to proposals for political and social work:

Since 1983, he started working at Popay n, the Foundation for Popular Communication

FUNCOP Cauca, a non-governmental organization that is created as a space for reflection and action for the construction of renovating and revolutionary paradigms from the political, political perspectives January, rural and health work, assuming Neural Therapy as part of their proposals. Together with FUNCOP, the La Nueva Esperanza Health Center began operating in 1985, as a community initiative of a group of women. It is the first Health Center in Latin America where Neural Therapy is performed, linked to a job in public health.

In 1983, the CIMA, Research Center for Alternative Medicines Research was founded, which has been dedicated, together with FUNCOP Cauca, to training in Neural Therapy and thought alternative (Complex Systemic), of health-related personnel in countries of Latin America and Spain.

In the Colloquies on Alternative Medicines and Society, carried out in Popay n, from 1987 to 1996, a scientific and epistemological thinking of what represents the alternative and therefore represents Neural Therapy Allowing the emergence of proposals for the new cultural paradigm, and consolidating and clarifying scientific knowledge that supports the general action of Neural Therapy.

Along with social and political work, the theory of Neural Therapy was enriched by the physics of particles, bio-cybernetics, biology. To molecular, the mathematics of complexity, fractal geometry, neurobiology, as well as with gender, feminist and ecological proposals mainly, and again and again with the wisdom of our ancestors in their indigenous worldviews.

• The Neural Therapy, along with the other alternative practices, has been recognized by the Colombian Government since 1992. Since 2001, the Faculty of Medicine of the National University of Colombia incorporated the teaching of Neural Therapy as an extension course, and since the 2007, as a master's degree, being the first of its kind in the world with this venture. Teachers from different disciplines participate in these academic spaces, thanks to this, a dialogue of knowledge and ignorance between the orthodox and heterodox views has been opened.

How is Neural Therapy done?

• Start with a biographical conversation, in which:
• You listen, relate, feel, feel ...
• The history of the malaise present with all its relationships, as well as the whole history that is remembered, is taken into account, without taking into account any separation (between the physical, the mental, the emotional ...), without excluding anything, and in general, without predetermined models and with the least possible prejudices ...
• You trust the perception and the word of the other, and the intuition of oneself ...
• Then the needles with Procaine are applied to specific sites of the Nervous System, according to the story told
• Feels, feels, applies ...
• Expected…
• In the second meeting ...
• They listen together to what the body, which is wisdom, has said, through reactions, new sensations, memories, dreams, mood, and modifications and permanence of discomforts ...
• Attention is given to the relationship between what was felt and what happened after the first consultation, and past insults…
• Thus the points of the following application are decided
• Expected…
• And so the meeting continues (or ends, which is another way to continue ...), in this dialogue with the wise and mysterious Life that is expressed in the body and in this accompanying us ...

• Procaine is used (0.5 - 1% in isotonic physiological solution)
• Applies intradermally or in ganglia or nerve plexuses
• With needles of variable dimensions and sizes depending on the place of application

The answers and changes that are happening with Neural Therapy cannot be explained fully from the mechanistic or orthodox medical rationality. The advances of the new science support its work and allow it to be better explained, although there are not yet complete explanations.
• There is a traditional explanation of Neural Therapy, that of Segmental Therapy and Interferential Therapy, which, although part of its history, is not supported in practice and moves away from its conception.
• There are other possible explanations:
o The advances of Quantum Physics, Thermodynamics, Biocybernetics, Neurobiology, allow us to understand part of what happens when doing Neural Therapy, and from the scientific point of view to verify that it is possible to happen.
o The understanding of the change of Paradigms in which our society is located and the approach to the Biocentric Paradigm, allows us to try different and proper ways of understanding Neural Therapy.
o The experience of Neural Therapy dispenses with any explanation. The mystery is respectfully accepted and the miracle is humbly thanked.


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