Meditation for body hydration without drinking and using respiratory rate

  • 2010

This is a tool that uses Creative Visualization, mental programming and connection with our inner Being for the hydration of the body. This is a useful tool only for those who are pre-coded to get fed only by prana free of physical food and liquids.

Sit down or lie comfortably, focus on yourself and begin meditation with love breathing. Inhale deeply while visualizing violet light particles that flood your body. Inhaling think from the heart: I am love . As I exhale and sing from the heart I love myself. Remember that this is the key that opens the cosmic door that automatically puts you in touch with all love and with divine nutrition.

Give the body over and over again: I love you, I love you, I love you TTING PREVIOUSLY PREVIOUSLY UPDATE THE CELL RECEPTIVITY LEVELS TO TAKE UP AND RECEIVE MEND s love and more cosmic particles and its ability to maintain them also expands.

Then let your feet touch the ground and visualize that your feet rest in a cool and beautiful place, imagine a clear bubbling of crystal water highly energized with chi, which is bright with golden violet tones. Imagine that it is a magical pool offered to you by Mother Earth.

Then move your attention to the crown chakra and imagine that all the thousand petals of the lotus flower found in this chakra open and then a thousand rays of light violet radiates from each paint, in all directions, while magnetizing it with all its cosmic particles of pure chi energy that you need to live.

Imagine these rays flowing through the immensity of the universal blue ocean filled with pure and nutritious chi. Imagine your feet inside.

• Next, you must establish a breathing rate where each inhalation is connected with each exhalation, in a deep, fine and connected way.

• As you take a deep breath, imagine that you are now connected through your feet with the water. All the moisturizing fluid that your body needs, will come from this ocean. Imagine going up through your feet, through your ankles, through your legs, through your bones, through your muscular structure and your blood and lymphatic system, your torso and even your head.

• Imagine that with your mind you follow this breath, and distribute it throughout your body, flooding your entire system with fresh water and energizing liquid chi that comes from the center of the heart of mother earth.

• As you exhale, imagine that as you breathe out gently with your breath, the universal water finds its way through the lotus of your crown chakra and you are now sending this universal liquid through your system along this new path.

• Imagine that this violet moisturizing liquid flows through your brain providing those light blue cosmic and magical particles so beneficial to you.

• Imagine sending them to the throat, to the lungs, to the heart. Providing that element of nutritional healing of the universal ocean.

• Imagine that the liquid then smoothly travels through the intestines, through its sexual organs, and then down the legs and feet and send these universal streams of liquid light back to the pool or to the ocean.

• Imagine that while you inhale and exhale, literally, the washing of your entire system occurs, the water element is introduced from the ground of the pool or into the ocean through the feet while you inhale, and then when exhaling you start watering your system with cosmic particle flows that come from the universal ocean of chi and now flow through its crown chakra down into its system like an indoor shower.

• Repeat maintaining this breathing rate and at the same time continue visualizing. You must imagine getting together with the waters of the cosmos, with the waters of the pool, with the waters of the sea and the ocean. Be water.

• Imagine that as these liquid currents flow through your body with your inhalation and your exhalation your body recharges, it rehydrates exactly as you need it.

• Repeat the operation until you intuitively feel that your body has had enough - but do at least 5 minutes.

• The success of using all the tools in this chapter depends on you and your body-mind connection. You should listen to the voice of your body, as it will tell you what it always needs, just as it will tell you when it has had enough.




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