The Tarot of Consciousness: The Tao of the Fool

  • 2015

Tarot and Traditional Chinese Medicine

Associating Tarot and Traditional Chinese Medicine is simpler than it seems, considering that, each card is a form of manifestation of Energy.

When the Energy of the Arcane is harmonized, it tells us of a Universe full of Peace and Serenity.

In Traditional Chinese Medicine, there is talk of the concepts Empty and Fullness, also of whether an Arcane can be Yin or Yang, although nothing is immovable enough to place it on a passive or active side, according to Nature.

There is also talk of the Five Elements that we will try to draw in each card, as accurately as possible.

We say in MTC that an element is in Empty or Fullness, when it is missing or over Energy and this is what we are going to do with each Arcane we study.

Today we will start with THE CRAZY.

A man with a bundle walks nowhere. Behind an animal rips the shoe, revealing one of its buttocks and part of the thigh.

The little animal demands the attention of the wanderer and he keeps walking without worrying too much about the damage caused to the clothes.

His speech is not very crowded, because he doesn't need many things.

The Letter of Connection with Everything is THE CRAZY. In fact its number (0), tells us about the Primal Energy, the Void, the Wuji.

When the Fool is harmonized, when Taijitu vibrates in Harmony, the connection with Mother Earth and Father Heaven is Total.

Connected with the body, connected with instinct.

Without attachments, without fears and with the confidence of a child who goes on an adventure.

Freedom and Connection, that is THE CRAZY that we have inside and that we have imprisoned.

Author: Isabel V zquez


The Tarot of Consciousness: The Tao of the Fool

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