Rune Teiwaz: Mythological legend and meaning of the ancient Viking runes

  • 2019

Better fight and fall than live without hope.

Volsunga, c.12

The Rune Teiwaz

The use of the Viking runes (from the root ' run- ' of the ancient Gothic, translated as ' secret ' or ' whisper ') mainly comprised writing in the ancient Germanic languages, especially in the islands of Great Britain and the region from Scandinavia, although it eventually expanded to the regions of Eastern and Central Europe during the Middle Ages . According to ancient Scandinavian beliefs, the origin of these runes comes from the gods. It is a gift that Odin gives to men.

These runes were also used for magical purposes . According to beliefs, they have the ability to materialize invocations and spells written on objects. And thanks to the German-Austrian writer Guido von List, and his system of modern divination of armanen runes, the power of the Viking runes has come to us today.

This time, we will talk about the Teiwaz rune

Mythology of the Teiwaz rune

The Teiwaz rune is also known under the names of Tiwaz, Thir and Tyr, and makes reference to the god Tyr, maniac god of war and justice.

According to legend, in Asgard, the land of the gods, also inhabited a giant and demonic wolf named Fenrir . This had been pointed out by an oracle as one of the most terrible and dangerous enemies for the gods. However, they could not kill him because the murder would stain his legacy. In this way, they had to chain him to protect him.

Thus, he is seized and chained twice, but Fenrir was so big and strong that he could easily break the chains that seized him. It is there that the gods turn to the dwarves so that with their magical abilities and powers they build a chain that was unbreakable, and then challenge the fierce wolf to break it as it did with the others. Fenrir, blinded by his pride, agrees to do so, but suspecting the trap puts the condition that someone keeps a hand on his jaws during the process. At that time, the god represented by the Teiwaz rune volunteered.

Fenrir desperately tries to break free, and seeing that the chain was indestructible, a hand bites the hand of the god Tyr .

Thus, the sacrifice and courage of this god for the protection of others are worth the title of the bravest of the gods, and is the patron of the brave warriors.

Meaning of the Teiwaz rune

This rune is then related to courage, willpower, justice and motivation. It presents an intimate connection with successes and goals.

Its meaning is loaded with positivity and importance, although it urges us to act with honesty and justice . The Vikings believed that it helped maintain orientation thanks to the Polar Star, so its meaning is also related to the ability not to get lost in our path, and stay oriented at all times.

When the Teiwaz rune is reversed, it may be related to the need to resist difficult life events, such as overcoming bad news. In general, the evils referred to are not lasting. If you manage to stay oriented in what is really important, you will be able to get ahead and overcome them quickly.

That is why you should not live in a state of constant concern, because everything that hurts us is also an invitation to practice resilience and strength .

AUTHOR: Lucas, editor and translator of the great family of



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