The best mystics in history according to Alan Moore

  • 2017

Throughout the history of mankind, many thinkers have taken the level of reasoning beyond what our eyes are capable of seeing. Therefore, we ask you today, do you want to know who are considered the best musicians? Well, take note, because we give you the answer. These are the best musicians in history according to Alan Moore .

Who is Alan Moore?

For those who don't know Alan Moore, he is considered the great wizard of modern popular culture .

For many, he is a vivid comic writer, with a talent that comes out of his own life from each vignette. For others, he is a magician of chaos, a reference character whose art and opinions have surpassed his own art.

Well, these are the best mystics in history according to Alan Moore, a character to keep in mind.

Meet the best mystics in history

Alejandro de Abonutico (105-170)

It is a Greek caster who comes from the Black Sea and is considered a kind of black horse of magic.

At the time he was considered a false prophet. According to Moore, Abonutico was a Pythagorean who practiced the animation of the statues . That is, a technique that consisted of meditation. This meditation was done contemplating a statue or image of a deity until it passed the essence of the deity to the object. This, finally, led to a state of mystical communion.

In addition, everything indicates that Alejandro was an innovator in the world of magic . He incorporated ventriloquism and stage skills. Thus he managed to make his own initiatory mysteries.

Dr. John Dee (1527-1609)

It seems that this mystic is the one who served Shakespeare as an inspiration for his Prosperous and Marlowe for his Faust . According to Moore, Dee "was the most creative and influential practitioner of magic that has ever existed." The truth is that Dee was the astrologer of Queen Elizabeth I, and it was she who coined the term "British Empire."

In addition, this magician is the author of the navigation book that used the maritime power of Great Britain and was instrumental in the plan to colonize America.

Dee would have worked with Edward Kelly in a communication with angels . Hence, it seems, came the revelation of the English language. In this revelation they would also have been given keys to control the spirits.

William Blake (1757-1827)

For Moore, Blake is "the cosmic creator." The truth is that William Blake was a visionary and was able to realize that industrialization introduced a mechanical mentality that would end the imagination. For Blake, the imagination was something divine.

Blake was characterized by having powerful mystical visions and by encrypting in his poems a fractal vision of the universe.

Aleister Crowley (1875-1947)

He is the creator of the Tarot of Thoth . He was a great occultist, but the truth is that this facet was clouded by his satanic farce. A show through which he showed that he was the most evil man in the world. His desire to get attention made his career look cloudy.

Austin Osman Spare (1886-1956)

Osman Spare was a contemporary of Crowley. For Moore, Austin Spare is Blake's only successor . His work stands out for its magical operations. In addition, he was a great painter and even developed techniques that allowed him to develop creativity through the unconscious.

Without a doubt, the opinion of Alan Moore is very much to take into account today and always. If vision of the past, present and future, all full of mysticism and magic, should be present at all times when discussing these issues.

Seen in Pijamasurf, by Pedro, editor of the Great White Brotherhood

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