To control, to surrender to control; by Jennifer Hoffman

  • 2010

The trip back to our power promises many blessings that become real to us when we learn the balance of control and delivery. To our human understanding, these are opposites that have little in common. However, they are at the same wavelength and depending on where our energy vibrations are, we will experience them in different ways. The relationship between surrendering and controlling is strategic, vibrational, intentional and energetic and all this happens simultaneously. But, more importantly, without control we cannot learn about delivery and without delivery, we can never be in control.

We use many different strategies to be in control, including manipulation, pleading, allegation, force and negotiation. Our ultimate goal is to know that we can make our life look like we think it should, according to the goals we want to accomplish. If we want success, we will do whatever it takes to feel successful. If we want love, we will do anything to prove that we are lovely. But what we want and what we end up with is very different and our goals are often short term because they are based on our fear of not having what we want if we don't get it now, instead of relying on our knowledge that the process always works when we give it the time, energy, effort and confidence it needs.

At a vibrational level we are at the level of control that resonates with the level of vibration with which we resonate. This is the Law of Attraction in action and we live with it every day. When we change our vibration, we can bring other things to reality. The process of changing our vibration is based on surrender, recognizing that we are doing the best we can and allowing the spirit to enter our reality with new and different options. When we give up we stop fighting and recognize the healing we need to do to achieve new levels of growth and understanding.

It is always our intention to be in control, to manifest our reality in effortless and powerful ways but when that intention is based solely on control, we are simply reflecting our fear of having no power. With an intention based on fear for control, we are afraid that if we let go of the control we think we have, we will have to face the truth that we are not worthy of what we want. And the pain of that realization is so great that we will do anything to avoid it. However, while we are in this state of being, impotence is what we are creating, so we are creating examples of our great fears instead of how powerful we can be when we change our intention to control to surrender.

As humans we associate power with control, and those who are more powerful on a material level, who have more money, connections and successes, seem to have more control over their lives. At least, we think that because they have the material means to control their reality, they don't have the same problems as those who have less. But that is only an opinion because there is no relationship between money and control over the spiritual plane. There is, however, a very strong relationship between energy and money, since they are the same thing. Money is the manifestation of energy in the material plane. When our energy is aligned with what we want to create, we become powerful manifestators of our dreams. If we are not manifesting what we want, we have an energy problem, which is revealed through what is manifesting in our lives. With surrender, we can align our energy with our dreams and learn to release the blockages of the flow of energy in our lives.

When do we create the locks in our control? While we bring problems of power and control of past life, they are amplified with our first trauma experience. This trauma occurred at some point in our life, but especially in our childhood. The first traumatic experience of our childhood created the belief that we were not in control and from that point, we lived through the belief that we were not in control of our lives and that we had to fight to maintain control at each level. Do they have the memory of any traumatic childhood experience where they felt out of control, afraid of dying physically, mentally or emotionally or hurting them to the point that they didn't think they could recover? That's where they are looking to control their life and where their beliefs about control are centered. Everyone has a memory of this kind and to regain control we must surrender this belief, make passes with that experience and learn to calm the inner child so that we can surrender without the fear that our past will be repeated in every situation. Without this level of healing work, every life experience will repeat our fears of control.

Surrender means recognizing that we cannot do this alone, we never intended to walk our human journey alone. That is why we have teams of angels and guides who are here to help us. That is why we have the promise of ascension as the goal of our trip. And that is why the spirit awaits our invitation to expand our reality in ways we cannot imagine so that we can know what it means to have the life of our dreams. There will be times when we will not feel in control, when the ego's desires are set aside so that something more appropriate can be created. Surrendering requires that we learn to control the ego and understand its fears and then work through them so that they can be balanced with the intention of the spirit for our life, which is to create heaven on earth.

Through surrender we release the polarity of fear that the ego carries and we bring the energies of heaven, creating heaven on earth for us and for all mankind. Each of us can create his own heaven on earth which extends to all mankind and that opens the doors of ascension for all of the earth and our journey will be complete.

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(© 2009 by Jennifer Hoffman and Enlightening Life OmniMedia, Inc. All rights reserved.

It can circulate freely in its entirety provided the credits and the source are mentioned).

Translation: Xitlalli Contreras - - Site in English:

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