Message of the Archangel Raphael: Beginning the final purification phase

  • 2017
Table of contents hide 1 You can leave behind all the negative that you do not want to see, but you must let it surface 2 During the month of July, many of you crossed through a tunnel generated by two eclipses; one solar and one lunar 3 Said in a simpler way, it can be seen as a pregnancy, where the unknown is the gestation time, and soon a new reality will be given birth. 4 It is necessary that they have in mind, that to enter and know a new world, it is necessary to completely destroy the old and all the negative that inhabits it.

Being outside the tunnel that was created as a result of the succession of 2 eclipses, you will be immersed in a new energy, not only of freshness but also of subtlety, which will seem little known to you. Although and due to the intensity of this energy, if your process of purification, cleaning and / or catharsis, is directed towards the detachment and abandonment of the negative aspects of your life, a change of consciousness should be generated in each of you .

They should be aware that at the beginning of the final purification phase, it is possible that the residual negative aspects generate a blow of force that somehow affects many beings that are in their spiritual expansion . Therefore, it is necessary that they move away not only from their lies and false illusions, but also from their manipulations and their lack of commitment, in addition to their abusive practices, in order to recognize and accept that they do not have sufficient wisdom or They possess knowledge that is not real.

They can leave behind all the negatives they don't want to see, but they must let it surface

For most of you, according to the degree of resistance you have to the change, last July brought you shock after shock, within a very short period of time. In the same way, this has been the reason why many of you have felt a bit fragile and somewhat vulnerable, having the feeling of having been separated into two parts.

From that time until now, they have felt broken and devastated, going through hard months that have affected their physical, emotional, psychological and spiritual state . However, the “constructive” side of the events that have taken place in this period, is that each one of them generated in you the need to bring to the surface some “personal” aspects, which were kept hidden inside, in such a way that they went out to an expansion, which has completely taken them out of their comfort zone taking them to a new territory, where they can experience that new energy that we were talking about at the beginning.

Obviously, all those beings that unexpectedly find themselves being strongly pushed by having spread in such a way in different directions, will find themselves struggling to focus on something small, which seems trivial and even insignificant to them, since the phase of Liberation from its evolutionary process presents certain difficulties, especially when carrying out some mental tasks .

During the month of July, many of you crossed through a tunnel generated by two eclipses; one solar and one lunar

From that moment, the energy managed to reach such intensity that even now, several months later, it continues to have an effect on many, causing them discomfort just by moving and making them very unstable, even reaching the point where they do not have the capacity to predict what could happen after making important decisions. Several of you have experienced a period of creative momentum which is composed of moments of great dynamism and great achievements, which are followed by great fatigue periods, while others are simply in the fatigue phase and have not achieved n recover from that deep feeling of exhaustion .

However, it is possible to improve and leave exhaustion behind, since at the same time that this sensation exists, they are also attracted to access new realities, which is due to the expansion force that is inside. In these circumstances, they do not have the capacity or desire to focus on performing their daily tasks or to meet their basic needs, since they only want to find a quiet place where they can lie down and sleep, they just want to dive inside Of its depths. However, due to the 2nd eclipse; the lunar eclipse, have received currents of the new energy, that which is so fresh and so subtle that it will allow them to return to their dynamic mode without even realizing it, which will lead them to the action n.

Said in a simpler way, it can be seen as a pregnancy, where the unknown is the gestation time, and soon a new reality will be given birth.

Although it is true that you can be much better informed about what is happening in the world, the truth is that to a large extent, many of you have not advanced enough in your evolutionary process to understand it, however, we will continue to inform you as much as possible, so they have to remain alert and not let their guard down at any time, since it is the only way they can overcome everything that happens in the outside world, especially considering the duality that the Most of you present, which can block to some extent your ability to understand the events that occur when it is time to reach your release.

It is necessary that they have in mind, that to enter and know a new world, it is necessary to completely destroy the old and all the negative that inhabits it.

In a short time, they will have the ability to recognize when the last solar eclipse and the last lunar eclipse occur, so they will know that it is time to focus and take charge of their own destiny. It is not possible to always live in waiting, justifying after fear, doubt and feelings of guilt, as this only prevents them from reaching their spiritual liberation . Only in you is the power to face the negative and bring to the surface all the good that you have, in order to allow yourself to fly towards liberation and be reborn like a Phoenix .

Now is the time to accept the end of any karmic link between generations and be willing to leave everything bad behind to be able to access a higher plane of consciousness where they can not only immerse themselves in a celestial world, but also have the possibility of leaving behind all the negative that comes with the agonizing duality of the world where they currently live. None of you should afford to wait and go in reverse in your evolutionary process ; they have to have the hope and the desire that they finally wake up within a higher reality, making their way to it.

Take into account that, today, most of you usually make decisions based on what best suits each one, which can lead to your separation from loved ones and further break your relationships. That is why we invite you to make the important decisions of your life, letting yourself be carried away by your heart and above all, respecting the decisions that others make, since each of you has its own purpose in this world, which is part of of the great plan of the Absolute, but to fulfill it they must do it in different ways and move at their own pace.

TRANSLATION: Lurdes Sarmiento


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