REC3 - Leo Full Moon Meditation “I am That and That is me”, August 2019

  • 2019

August 15, 2019 (2200 local hours in each country)

Keynote: I am se and se is me

The Full Moon Festival takes place this month in the sign of Leo. Therefore, Leo qualifies the flow of energy from our solar center, the Sun. It conditions the type of energy that we can receive and distribute in meditation.

At the Festival last month, the energy of Cancer influenced the collective consciousness of humanity, stimulating the tendency towards self-consciousness. In Leo, the individual becomes fully self-conscious, self-perceiving and self-serving, until eventually, through experience and growth, the tendency towards group consciousness emerges, replacing self-centeredness. This development is always due to a growing sensitivity to the influence of the soul. The disciple in Leo becomes increasingly aware of the higher being, the soul, gradually entering into that condition of total fusion with the soul, characteristic of the decentralized world servant.

When we know what forces are available and what their effects on human consciousness should be, we can work with intelligence and love to help establish those effects through the accuracy of our orientation in meditation. . Our hidden work with energy creates the cross of equal arms, the symbol of the disciple and the servant in the new age of Aquarius. Vertical penetration into consciousness, as we open our channel of alignment in meditation, must balance with the horizontal transmission of energy according to the theme and objective of our work. This necessary balance also depends on the way we live our daily lives. In other words, subjective work must proceed completely parallel to its objective application.

The energy available during meditation at each Full Moon Festival stimulates the human soul. This particular quality and effect of Leo leads the individual, aware of himself, towards the conscious soul of the group. Only the soul has group consciousness. Only the soul can transform the selfish and separatist attitudes of the mind and heart. Only the soul can know the Plan in all its beauty and only the soul can inspire the human mind with that knowledge.

Leo presents a unique relationship with the sun, at the heart of our planetary system. The planetary and solar system alignment established during this Festival is a heart-soul alignment. The heart of humanity, the heart of the planet: the spiritual Hierarchy and the heart of the sun, create the channel that extends to Sirius, the great "initiation star" of the universe. Sirius has a unique relationship with our planet Earth and, from Sirius, the energy of pure love flows through the solar center and to the planetary heart.

This alignment, established during the Leo Full Moon period, evokes the cosmic principles of Love and Freedom, both flowing into our field of perception through Sirius and Leo.

These two principles are having an increasing impact on human consciousness, affecting all areas of life. In our attempt to work with these energies and to collaborate with the spiritual Hierarchy of the planet, the result should be the growing manifestation in humanity of the principle of Love and the liberation of human life from the bonds of materialism and of how much it tends to imprison the human spirit.

As for the soul, the disciple can respond to the challenge launched to those who seek to serve the Plan during this time of crisis in human history, a challenge that a well-known instructor has put in the following words: “Let all how many seek help, consider carefully what they can do and what contribution they can make. That they weigh, after due reflection, what they can sacrifice and how they can immerse their personalities, usually selfish, in this great impulse, given by the Hierarchy to the new group of servants of the world and to men and women of goodwill from all over the world. world. The barriers that separate person from person and nation from nation can disappear. The Spirit of Peace can become so powerful that the necessary adjustments are made naturally and smoothly. The enlightenment of the minds of humanity and the renewed organization of human efforts towards brotherhood can be stimulated to a new and greater activity.

The keynote of the disciple in Leo, which we can take in our meditative thinking as a seed idea, is: "I am That and That is me . " I am the soul, the relationship between the divine aspect of humanity and the material form, the personality on the physical plane.

Through repeated experience under the influence of Leo, the disciple can certainly say: “I am the soul. As a soul, I serve the purposes of the Plan. As a soul, I am the consciousness of the inner Christ. As a soul, I can touch the solar center, the source of life and love and light. As a soul, I can transmit these powers and touch the soul of others. As a soul, I can elevate, redeem and transform, according to the Plan. ”

In this way, we meditate on the rhythm of the soul of humanity, because the soul is the conscious, sensitive theme of the Divine Plan, the source of consciousness and the goal of all current evolutionary processes.

Everything that is is created by meditation, by desire merging into fleeting thought, and fleeting thought becoming clear thought and, eventually, into abstract and transcendent thought. A prolonged concentration on some form or another eventually becomes a meditation on that which is not part of the nature of the form: its inherent meaning and life; going from there to that contemplation that is the source of inspiration and illumination.

Meditation produces a creative alignment between instinct, intellect and intuition, as well as conscious identification. It relates (in an indissoluble unit) the so-called inferior or concrete mind, the group mind, the hierarchical mind and the universal mind. Meditation leads to a conscious alignment of the disciple's centers and also of the three planetary centers: humanity, the Hierarchy and Shamballa; It is invoking, demanding, fusing, receptive and distributive in nature. For the disciple, meditation is the agent that creates or builds the antakarana and controls “via the soul or the spiritual Triad” the center of the head (the center between the eyebrows) which, in the disciple, is the main agent for the distribution of spiritual energy.

In meditation, we occupy our place in the center of the cross of equal arms, in alignment with the current of energy that is available to us in this Festival. The vertical path of light is our line of spiritual intention: our vital intention. The horizontal path is the extension of our service. The center is the point of tension where the two paths merge and mix and where work progresses. At that point, the disciple can affirm:

I am a point of light within a greater Light.

I am a stream of loving energy

within the stream of divine love.

I am a point of sacrifice fire,

focused within the burning Will of God.

And so I remain.

I am a path by which men can come to fulfillment.

I am a source of strength that allows them to remain.

I am a beam of light that illuminates your path.

And so I remain.

And staying like this, turn.

And I walk the way of men,

And I know the ways of God.

And so I remain.

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The main objective of the REC3 is to facilitate the opening of consciousness and help raise the vibration, both individually and collectively.



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How to meditate and send energy in the REC3?

1) Harmonization of breathing and relaxation : we will breathe deeply a minimum of three times, mentally repeating SO when we inhale and HAM when we exhale.

2) We must open the sacred space of meditation and irradiation meditation for REC3, for this we will light a candle and incense and then recite "The Great Invocation of Master Djwhal Khul".

3) We will invoke the Ascended Masters that we propose below to protect and guide us during meditation and energy service.

4) In order to focus on the energy that we will radiate during the meditation, we recommend visualizing the colors, symbols and energies proposed below. We will offer all the energy to the Masters to send it through the REC3 where necessary.

5) While we are meditating, we will listen to the “Individual Balance Meditation” audio and follow the rhythm in which the mantrams are sung: 10 OHMs + 24 GAYATRI + silences

The Great Invocation, by Master Djwhal Khul

The Great Invocation is a world prayer translated into more than 75 languages ​​and dialects. It is an instrument of power to help the Plan of God on Earth to have full expression. The beauty and strength of this Invocation lies in its simplicity and in that it expresses certain essential truths, which all men accept innate and normally. You can find out more information about the Great Invocation on the next page, click here.

From the point of Light in the Mind of God,
Let light flow to the minds of men;
May the Light descend to Earth.
From the point of Love in the Heart of God,
May love flow to the hearts of men;
May Christ return to Earth.
From the center where the Will of God is known,
May the purpose guide the small wills of men;
The purpose that the Masters know and serve.
From the center we call the race of men,
May the Plan of Love and Light be realized,
And may it seal the door where evil dwells.
May the Light, Love and Power
Restore the Plan on Earth.
From Master Djwhal Khul or Tibetan Master.

Elements to focus energy

INTENTION - ENERGY: Balance, Interiorization, Harmonization

COLORS: Indigo Blue, White, Golden Yellow




RESERVATION LINK: meditation-balance /



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